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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Everything posted by JAndThatsIt

  1. So the henny, the patron, the cuervo, and whatever else I had last night caught up with me at about 1 and I don't know what happened after.

  2. God please let me asleep before tonight gets worse.

  3. «@RealTalkTiff I see you lookin' :-)» with yo lookin ass.

  4. «@TattedQT_83 What ever happened to Mike Jones?» Who? Lol

  5. Saying goodbye to this phone and number.

  6. “@TattedQT_83 Thought u might! #Virgo RT @JPrinze28: @TattedQT_83 Definitely agree!!” Me too!

  7. It ain't nothing to a boss, my goons got goons, house stupid dumb big, my rooms got rooms @YoungJeezy.

  8. This is going to get very interesting. I can't wait to hear the state's case.

  9. No calorie sweeteners taste terrible in coffee.

  10. This guy in my complex has the biggest German shepherd.

  11. How to know that I am interested in you; I wrote a story about you.

  12. I don't have words to describe @kerrywashington beauty.

  13. Everyone has the itis so no cards.

  14. It's all a means to an end.

  15. Thank you Father for sacrificing your son for our sins. Amen.

  16. The penitentiary ain't never scared me. Either I’m goin’ or I ain’t, that’s just how it’s gonna be.

  17. This is what we on today -------> http://t.co/14c7hWEB

  18. Dear Lord, thank you for giving me a strong stomach that absorbs all alcohol (except jager) & doesn't give me a hangover the next day, Amen.

  19. OOMF beat me in pool and left before I could regain pride. I need a rematch. Can I at least get a best two out of three?

  20. I'm #ISO partners (ios, Android, & web developers, 1 salesman) for a website/app that I'm trying get off the ground. Please retweet. Thanks.

  21. Where do the adults hang out on a Thursday?

  22. Tweeting from my brand new $61 #nookcolor. Cant beat that.

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