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Everything posted by JAndThatsIt

  1. I need clarification, for a "friend". Is drinking & driving illegal, or is the getting caught while drinking & driving the illegal part?


    http://t.co/rpFQJadp all the #green I need on St. Patrick's Day.

  3. I see you Bucks.

  4. Ravenel finally doesn't have on a t-shirt. He came to play today.

  5. Before the game starts though.

  6. The auto show, the gun show, the ncaa tourney. #Columbus got a lot going on this weekend.


    http://t.co/DwhWvdjx so this is how we're getting down today at work?

  8. I've had about six cups of coffee today. I must not be that young anymore. I used to be able to stay up all night & go to work the next day.

  9. “@eddiemerlots #ff @jandthatsit thanks for coming to enjoy lobster with us (or whatever you want!). Hope to see you again soon!” You will!

  10. I made you blush. Wow. Big ol kool aid grin.

  11. You can't steal 2nd with your foot on first.

  12. What is it about you that captivates me?

  13. Smile, show interest, and make them feel good. Thank you for the info Mr. Carnegie.

  14. Just so happen to be woken up by the storm. Good thing, because I left my windows down. It was only a couple of inches, so it wasn't soaked.

  15. They were "involved".

  16. This is not the middle of March.

  17. I guess people I work with don't realize that using their outside voice on the phone indoors can be heard by the entire floor.

  18. This smoker's cough that my coworker has is no joke. She sounds like she is coughing up a lung.

  19. I personally would like to see LightSquared get its network up and off the ground. I don't think it will happen anytime soon, if ever, but it is still a great idea and would provide more LTE options for the market as a whole.
  20. Okay, he was gone by the time I got back.

  21. Homeless people turned into walking Wi-Fi hotspots in 'charitable experiment' | http://t.co/muKbXHFA This is how we're getting down now?

  22. Damn at the news about Carlton Weddington.

  23. It's a plausible story, but I don't know if I believe it.

  24. Time to go get this workout started.

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