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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. RT @andylevy: not even nate silver could suck the joy out of this

  2. Alas, like Hollywood, Sprint couldn't figure out how to use Judy Greer properly either.
  3. The candor that comes with knowing you're going to lose. https://t.co/X1r3HJelJV

  4. Dana Milbank: a jerk among newspaper reporters. https://t.co/YKM5oJ94Yp

  5. The Creative Commons thanks you. https://t.co/Gw2gTUoqyp

  6. RT @julia_azari: Didn't realize the #DemDebate had a kids table too! Wait, this is the real one?

  7. RT @stuartpstevens: My prediction of the big loser tonight is Bill Clinton. From DOMA to NAFTA to mass incarceration, no one will defend hi…

  8. Do the kids not know about flashcards these days? Is that a lost technology? #freepointsdownthedrain

  9. RT @alanbeattie: @kjhealy @dandrezner Now if he doubled down and plagiarised Corbyn I would absolutely take my hat off to him.

  10. RT @HKellenbergerCL: UL questions Saunders' Ole Miss activities http://t.co/egluavv3JC via @theadvertiser

  11. RT @trnsprttnst: Is it time to talk about re-nationalizing the railroads? http://t.co/i4TdvbO5F8

  12. FWIW ordering from international chat is a breeze if you've never done it. (Alas, they closed the one corporate store in my area.) Just give them the exact info they need: Part: SIMGLW446C SKU: CZ2144LWC UPC: 019962040146 You can then verify that they ordered the correct item for you when you get your order number.
  13. RT @ParlGov: #Sweden Swedish centre right in favour of NATO membership http://t.co/fa4E73lbJd #news

  14. RT @alex_block: USDOT rejects NTSB recommendation to shift WMATA to FRA oversight http://t.co/YQKAe2ig0t http://t.co/KezbIp1SO3

  15. RT @davezatz: Tablet spider will devour you. And you’ll smile. http://t.co/vn0U7guGF1

  16. RT @JohnCluverius: .@lessig 's candidacy and understanding of politics remind me of 2014-era Kanye : a deeply brilliant person who gets los…

  17. RT @katienolan: Today I got to learn the joy & stress of rewriting your show minutes before you film because something moves you. I have th…

  18. RT @KSoltisAnderson: Gallup will not do 2016 primary polling and won't say if they plan general election horse race polling. Huge news. htt…

  19. The problem (from a non-philosophical perspective) as I see it with nationalized wireless infrastructure with carriers running as MNVOs on top of it is that the decisions about what places would get infrastructure would, inevitably, be politicized. And in our system of government, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, which in politics translates into the rich and powerful getting more resources and the poor and marginalized getting fewer. We see this in government-built infrastructure: a national passenger railroad system designed to appease politicians rather than serve customers; government agency upon government agency run from West Virginia because a powerful senator diverted resources to his state as a jobs program for his constituents; highways built to wall off "undesirable" communities from wealthy neighborhoods. "Universal" wireless might well claim to serve everyone, but it'll serve those with political connections much better than those who don't have them. And when the poor and marginalized get screwed by the government, they can't vote with their feet or pocketbooks and choose another government instead. Besides which, we've seen what we get from government-owned wireless in the United States already. And nobody would hold up the likes of iWireless, SI Wireless, or Swiftel as paragons of technological prowess or customer responsiveness.
  20. … and it's political scientists' fault. Oops. Our bad. https://t.co/JHaubYU6GX

  21. I ordered a couple of these from Amazon.com; we'll see how they work in practice.
  22. RT @baseballcrank: NY parochialism, economic illiteracy, & false equivalence of America w/ an awful dictatorship: a NY Times trifecta. http…

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