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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. RT @LangerResearch: 3/4s of Americans, and for the first time in an #abcpost #poll a majority of blacks, say #OJSimpson probably guilty: ht…

  2. I'd be ∗very∗ curious how many of the signatories of this brief favored sampling when it was proposed under Clinton. http://t.co/DLkHDltxQ6

  3. P&T packet submitted. A few years later than it should've been but finally at the right place professionally and (mostly) personally.

  4. RT @TheEconomist: Some fear that the Volkswagen scandal will lead to the death of diesel. So be it http://t.co/BxEet2CMUp http://t.co/tooib…

  5. RT @AnnaKendrick47: Night 3 of calling in for jury duty…thought I was off the hook, but I've got a date with justice…and the bitch wants an…

  6. RT @Heminator: Considering @mcmoynihan's track record exposing plagiarists, this should be good. http://t.co/DC53cXsah3

  7. RT @baseballcrank: The government fining your critics sounds like a completely sane thing to suggest. https://t.co/f6uCKLidOl

  8. RT @Phineas: “I really like Taylor Swift’s ‘1989’, but I wish it weren’t any fun to listen to.” – Ryan Adams, apparently.

  9. RT @stephenkb: 4% of people who backed Corbyn think Osborne would be a better PM. Who are these people? http://t.co/G1LjyOUnek http://t.co/…

  10. Given that Sprint is already squatting on SouthernLINC's spectrum in the region, presumably as part of RRPP they have a deal to allow SLinc to use whatever Sprint spectrum holdings they want and vice versa. Maybe they'll do a formal spectrum swap like CSpire did to further cement the deal.
  11. RT @RedCupRebellion: No, for real, Ole Miss is a good football team. We don't know how to handle that either. http://t.co/lt4sS1vlir http:/…

  12. Hopefully that means RRPP access for us Sprint folk is coming soon; post-Alltel EVDO shutdown, coverage in a lot of rural Georgia has gotten painful.
  13. RT @celebrityhottub: That’s the most frustrating overturn for Alabama since the gay-marriage ban was struck down.

  14. Wouldn't it be easier just to assign the phone a static IP and do QOS priority on its IP?
  15. RT @Worse_Reviewer: that is why he's stocking up...to write it and especially to grade it https://t.co/xH8b6P0lWX

  16. RT @DBlackwellTAMIU: #DrBhist1301 See, I really don't make these crazy things up... https://t.co/aicrF0sLEj

  17. Drinking a Summer Honey Lager by Lazy Dog House Brew at @justtapdhttp://t.co/5GTfLxbvLt

  18. “I haven't been shot in the head nearly enough times to make that sound like a good idea.” - Shepard, talking about https://t.co/VImdQkhJf9

  19. RT @TheEconomist: Mexico's uneven growth: “We used to produce milk. Now we produce Audis” http://t.co/JWFj9vN46S http://t.co/Eqjd4yFKTH

  20. Oy. Why can't Sprint just make things simple and consolidate Open World and International Value Roaming into one plan? Surely they'd not be leaving that much revenue on the table.
  21. RT @dandrezner: If Trump is so great at business, then aren't we harming the country by not letting him continue to do it? https://t.co/DE2…

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