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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. New Orleans at least was historically a decent Sprint corporate market and should not be confused with the admitted crapfest that is the ex-affiliate markets surrounding it (most notoriously Baton Rouge, which even made/makes US Unwired's Mississippi markets and nTelosland seem good by comparison). That said Sprint can and should do better in Baton Rouge. Any market with a large university (particularly those with students with money to burn, like most of the SEC schools do) has prime customers who haven't established brand preferences yet - but they will remember when they have more money down the road that they had a bad experience and won't go back even when they end up living and working somewhere Sprint's service is far better.
  2. The glittering generalities in @lessig's answers here make Trump seem like a policy wonk. http://t.co/8ff5QJR7GH

  3. Maybe your subconscious picked something else. ???? https://t.co/bPv1tvJoBC

  4. [Eugene Volokh] Better that five innocent students get expelled than one guilty student stay enrolled http://t.co/5fgNeLLbOO

  5. RT @WinthropPoll: Andy Kohut was an absolute giant in the study of public opinion:http://t.co/J6k2EI7xAv

  6. RT @axelk: PDF becomes 4th most popular religion http://t.co/tsQvJwiAdR

  7. Saddened to learn one of my grad school profs, Bob Albritton, has passed away. I'll Box-Jenkins something in his honor tonight. #polisci

  8. Two words: "face validity." Which is why virtually nobody takes WaMo's rankings seriously. https://t.co/VttQxikXKS

  9. RT @EconBritain: Queen Victoria's reigning record has been broken. On her passing in 1901 we wrote http://t.co/my6zyxq59O http://t.co/bxy7A…

  10. Sure, what's the problem with another clown car in the circus at this point? http://t.co/UNj7Ih1vSC

  11. Nice to see NCAA officiating hasn't gotten any better since last year.

  12. RT @thehill: Is that a Donald Trump "Make America Great Again" hat in Tom Brady's locker? http://t.co/xgdr5RYOAo http://t.co/DtlJGhoJxq

  13. RT @NatashaFatah: How many #Syrian refugees are wealthy Gulf states accepting? Zero. Covering this story on @CBCNews Network. #CBCNN http:/…

  14. RT @KevinAllman: It's like Maureen Dowd & Larry King had a baby pundit https://t.co/pCmavJVY2C http://t.co/WhQQQ6eF3T

  15. When do #APSA members start fleeing across state lines to avoid being dragooned into the quorum? https://t.co/SdRhVVolFO

  16. RT @2AvSagas: Richard Blumenthal and Cory Booker are working really hard to kill U.S. rail travel. http://t.co/OCOv1irlj5

  17. It's almost as if mass publics lack constrained political ideologies. Imagine that! https://t.co/cpKoAYYAXo

  18. RT @SBNationCFB: We ... we think this might be the worst punt snap. Ever. http://t.co/RXwTKgmKVH http://t.co/6NVCzNGyxp

  19. RT @baseballcrank: Surely nobody stands for punctilious observance of the law like Hillary Clinton. https://t.co/m6sUJy5dkE

  20. It makes sense for C Spire and Sprint to both work together and concentrate on their strengths. C Spire never really got much traction in Memphis, which has always been an AT&T stronghold going back to the BellSouth Mobility days. And Sprint has always been weak in the ex-affiliate areas of Mississippi. So let C Spire do its thing in the rural areas with Sprint's spectrum supplementing what they have already, and let Sprint do what it historically does best in an urban market like Memphis.
  21. RT @mathowie: This is the most incredible thing. https://t.co/AP8R3G9w7d

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