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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. RT @dandrezner: OK, that made me laugh. RT @AlbertsonB2: maybe she married 4 times to show just how much she believes marriage is between a…

  2. RT @TheEconomist: Kuwaiti tourists in Britain spend an average of £4,000, 12 times as much as the French http://t.co/hVXES9K3HB http://t.co…

  3. RT @Ducknstein: #DarkMatter was incredible. Now my fridays are going to feel a bit empty....a job well done to all involved. #RenewDarkMat

  4. RT @dmataconis: "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like me." http://t.co/YZPreKJ4vz

  5. RT @ariarmstrong: The Republican Party is at a crossroads. It can become the party of individual rights or the party of bigots, theocrats, …

  6. RT @Yair_Rosenberg: This is basically the perfect SEO headline https://t.co/JWKp2jlc9e

  7. RT @AmandaNCastro: Today has been a hard day to say the least. I really didn't think I'd be able to do my job. I was so shaken up by... htt…

  8. RT @politicalmath: .@voxdotcom: can you write something to challenge our readers? Prof: Here you go@voxdotcom: F*** thatWhy? http://t…

  9. Question: does @realDonaldTrump think Univision is the town Jorge Ramos is from? Has he confused it with Montevideo? https://t.co/VfE7zDtZpn

  10. Why going in circles might be better than going straight through: http://t.co/OA9cWGCyTv

  11. RT @aedwardslevy: ¡Jeb's! rating jumps a net 21(!) pts among Hispanics in a month http://t.co/QRVeh20ReM

  12. RT @walterolson: Trump is a Know-Nothing Bernie Sanders, and so is Sanders.

  13. A useful point to remind everyone the president has virtually no control over the economy. Shame presidents claim otherwise in good times.

  14. RT @charlescwcooke: It’s almost as if blaming/praising presidents for economic developments that are beyond their control is dishonest. htt…

  15. RT @desusnice: this "at&t and directv are now one" ad feels like a threat

  16. RT @KennyBrendan: Presenting, @Popehat's pick for worst movie ever: World War Zardoz. @LawZombie @willcollier @wilw @benbocquelet http://t…

  17. RT @JSwiftTWS: At least at Gawker, they created properties to spread out the clickbait. Vox is watering down what little of a brand they ha…

  18. RT @MattWelch: There is no listserv conversation about race like a rich liberal white neighborhood listserv conversation about race: http:/…

  19. RT @GaddieWindage: Hillary Clinton's honesty problem just keeps getting worse http://t.co/4t5d1iD4Ou

  20. Why wouldn't someone who committed a crime in 2012 be charged under a law not passed until 2015? I wonder @reasonhttp://t.co/GqfMNLhI8t

  21. RT @mckaycoppins: kind of excited to see how far clinton can take the "dumb old person who doesn't know about computers and stuff" act over…

  22. RT @BV: How a ban on plastic bags can go wrong @AdamMinter http://t.co/K6g4CybJ9j

  23. RT @OliverKamm: Fake news channel @RT_com, a propaganda outlet for Putin, breaks all pretence of objectivity in backing Corbyn. http://t.co…

  24. Clear may not be possible to, uh, clear as a national cellular service name since the Spanish cognate "Claro" is used by a competitor in Puerto Rico. Certainly they'd object to Sprint using the "Clear" name in PR.
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