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Posts posted by marioc21

  1. I chuckled a bit when I wrote it. The article stated that they thought they could build a phone for $50. I'm not sure if that is retail price or manufacturing price, but that would go a long way towards pushing dumb phones into extinction.


    I laught at WebOS, but I was there at 6am on launch day to buy my Pre. It was the best phone I'd ever owned up to that point. It wasn't until about 3 months in and 7 pres later that I realized that this was not going to work. Thankfully, I was a premiere member then so I got to upgrade at the 12 month mark. Still, if only they'd have had the money to put WebOS on quality hardware from the start.

  2. GSM Nexus One is still on Gingerbread...


    It is a copout in a sense, but the manufacturer knows the development community is large enough that if someone wants a buggy pre-release, they can load it on their phone themself. Manufacturers don't get paid one cent from the consumer for software upgrades. Any upgrades they push out are just to try to keep customer loyalty and keep their phones selling. Maybe they should start charging customers for software upgrades, but that would probably not go well.


    Only because a manufacturer would probably charge an exorbitant amount. If there was a $5 or $10 charge to upgrade from say ICS to jellybean, I think a lot of people would happily pay it.


    As far as the nexus one goes, there's always a cutoff. Hardware gets too slow to run new software eventually.

  3. That is because the manufacturers can't release a buggy update to the general public. ROMs pop up right away and are full of bugs. Just like CyanogenMOD goes through months of "nightly" status, which is essentially alpha and beta releases, then however many release candidates before it is considered a stable "public release." Samsung would definately benefit by increasing their software upgrade personnel, but I applaud them for not pushing some buggy beta release out to the general public.


    I've always thought that was a copout. If they wanted to keep their phones up to date they would. I just think it's the manufacturer's mentality. Why spend resources on updating existing hardware when we can get them to buy new hardware? That's why I'm really considering making the jump to a nexus device now. As long as you don't get a cdma version, you'll always be current on android.

  4. Just an update to Sprint's continued stock market climb, the stock price is up to $3.38 as of 10:56am EDT. And a factoid that has very little relevance, their market cap is now over $10 billion. It'll be interesting to see where the stock finishes this week. The 2nd quarter closed on Saturday and their earnings announcement is 3 weeks away.


    Stock chart for S:




    Well, Sprint's stock closed at $3.41/share. That's up 4.6% for the day and 46% YTD. Not a bad way to open the 3rd quarter. I wonder if people are expecting Sprint to post a good news quarter?

  5. HTC and Samsung have already addressed questions about their upgrade plans for Jelly Bean on their devices.


    PocketNow received the statement from Samsung saying:




    Android Central was able to get a statement from HTC stating:



    While this doesn't tell us anything really, there is speculation that any device that will see Ice Cream Sandwich, should also see Jelly Bean since it is a small incremental upgrade. After tinkering around with Jelly Bean myself, I would agree that it is not nearly the change we saw from Gingerbread to ICS. To me it seems more like JB was designed optimize the OS to run fast and smooth, as well as add Google now, and some other improvements. Hopefully we will start seeing the dam break open on ICS upgrades for all the Gingerbread phones soon followed closely by Jelly Bean.


    I wouldn't hold my breath. Especially when it comes to Samsung. At best, you should probably expect an update in about 6 months. I remember the Epic launching with Eclair and being promised an update to Froyo "soon". Soon turned out be months. If Samsung has their act together and gets it before out before then, then maybe we'll have hit a turning point for Android. I doubt it though.

  6. This platform should be huge with prepaid and could scoop up a lot of the low end of the smartphone market. iOS, Android, WP Blackberry, webOS etc are all ultimately aimed at the high end of the market. If that article is correct, this platform could gain traction in the free subsidized postpaid market and the prepaid market and take off. That market is one of the reasons for Android's huge market share.


    Of course, as soon as Apple sees this platform as any kind of conpetition, they will claim it infringes on iOS and ban their sale/import.


    But there are already tons of android phones you can get at the nearly free or free with contract price point. You might have a point about the prepaid market. Although, it looks like Sprint is trying to take the prepaid market uptown with Virgin. Maybe this could fit into their boost lineup.


    I got great laugh when you listed WebOS on there. That's funny.

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  7. We might even see another version of android this year...


    All those apple fans will insert fragmentation every third word in their conversation if that happens.


    Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner


    I don't think we'll see another android release. Google committed to a yearly update cycle so manufacturers had more predictability.


    Sent from my Acer A200 using Forum Runner


    There were rumors that there would be 5 nexus devices this fall/winter. I would expect to see at least one nexus phone sometime in the November to January timeframe.


    Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner


    We'll probably see a 10 inch tablet at some point. And we'll definitely see a phone around October. That would be a year after the last release.


    Sent from my Acer A200 using Forum Runner

  9. Since Google just announced Jelly Bean along with the Nexus 7 and the Q at their show' date=' what is the likelihood we will still a new Nexus phone this year?[/quote']


    About 100%. Probably around October.


    Sent from my Acer A200 using Forum Runner

  10. Here's a pretty straightforward article on the court ruling. Basically, the court found that android's search box infringes on Apple's patent on universal search. Obviously, Samsung will appeal this ruling and that may delay the injunction a while.




    Update: We've now had a chance to review the imposing 101 page injunction order and while there's obviously a lot going on, the core of the order is actually pretty straightforward. The court found that each of the four asserted Apple patents is likely infringed and valid, but only issued an injunction for infringement of the '604 patent. Judge Koh reasoned that unlike the other three patents, the '604 patent covered the highly valued unified search feature of Siri that contributed greatly to consumer demand for the iPhone 4S. Moreover, the court held that Android's infringing "Quick Search Box" feature was touted by Google as a "core user feature on Android" and, therefore, was also a key selling point for the Galaxy Nexus.
  11. Nope' date=' Lucy Koh, the clueless judge who made the Galaxy Nexus injunction, will probably rule on the GS3 as well.


    It's a shame you can't get Federal Judges expelled like Members of Congress or impeached like Presidents.[/quote']


    Actually, federal judges can be impeached. Congress has to do it though.


    Sent from my Acer A200 using Forum Runner

  12. In my opinion, I don't think the FCC much cares whether there is three national carriers or four. What they don't want is there only to be two really strong carriers...drowning out competition.


    A third strong competitor to VZW and ATT is a much better solution than two mediocre ones. I'm not saying that I am for the merger. And I'm not saying that a combined Tmo and S is a good idea. However, I do believe it can pass government scrutiny in the context it can bring better and more direct competition to the big two. So we shouldn't be so quick to rule it out on those grounds.


    Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner


    I've thought this as well. The Gov't doesn't want the #1 or #2 player gobbling the #3 or #4 player. But the if #3 & #4 came together to form a competitor that go toe-to-toe with the two bigs, that would probably pass.


    It's really more a matter of the finances. Could Sprint work out a financing scheme to buy out Tmo from DK? Or would it have to be DK ponying up to buy up Sprint? That's for all the fancy MBAs and lawyers to figure out.


    It won't be cold turkey. The "browser" browser won't be replaced by Chrome right away. Once they go Chrome only though' date=' Flash is gone, and most likely dead.[/quote']


    And just like that adobe announces that mobile flash is dead. They aren't going to support 4.1 and it's stopping new installs as august 15.


    Sent from my Acer A200 using Forum Runner

  14. Flash needs to die. I Personally I hope they leave it out. If android doesn't support it going forward, that'll be the final nail.


    Sent from my Acer A200 using Forum Runner

  15. This one will be worth listening to, I have a feeling. I will be in Denver on my last day of vacation. I may need a writer to step forward to cover this call for S4GRU.


    Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner


    If you need a volunteer, I'll be listening and updating a thread on the forum anyway. Just like the I did for the 1st quarter announcement.

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