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Posts posted by marioc21

  1. ok someone like AJ or digi or whoever is gonna have to explain this marketing spin I just read about this device...


    I guess one antenna for cdma/lte/wifi or gsm/lte/wifi? It seems Apple will manufacture different models for att, verizon, and sprint in order to use their differing lte bands.




    Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) added LTE connectivity to its iconic iPhone for the first time, promising distinct versions of the gadget for Verizon Wireless (NYSE:VZ), AT&T Mobility (NYSE:T) and Sprint Nextel (NYSE:S).

    Apple presumably will support the 700 MHz band classes used for LTE by Verizon and AT&T, as well as the 1900 MHz spectrum Sprint is using for LTE. Apple currenlty offers two versions of its LTE iPad, one for AT&T and one for Verizon.

  2. I just don't see the reason unless they are discussing Network Vision details with me, lol.


    tx expat is probably right. They don't want you blabbing about how much it costs you to buy the phones you plan on reselling or how much a minute of airtime or a kb of data costs you. Not to mention if there's a fee they charge for each line you activate on your new "network". There's lots of details they wouldn't want to get out.

  3. Sprint has announced that it's 4g LTE is now live in 4 more cities. They are:

    • Baltimore, MD
    • Gainesville, GA
    • Sedalia, MO
    • Manhattan/Junction City, KS

    Here's the release:




    Also from the release:


    Sprint customers in Baltimore, Boston and Washington, D.C., are beginning to enjoy the benefits of Sprint’s all-new 3G service – which is expected to deliver an exceptionally clear signal, better in-building coverage and fewer dropped/blocked calls.




    As consumers all over the country are becoming more dependent on their smartphones, network quality is becoming more important. In addition to Baltimore, Sprint is aggressively improving the 3G experience city by city. Today, customers in Boston and Washington, D.C., should also notice improved 3G cell coverage, reduced roaming and faster data speeds. The work to build Sprint’s all-new network will continue in other markets across the country. Sherman-Dennison, Texas, is expected to see 4G LTE service in the weeks ahead.



    Does this refer the standard NV upgrades or to 800mhz as well? Interesting that it was specifically mentioned in the release.


    Edit: Totally missed that Sherman-Dennison, TX was dropped in there as the next 4G city.

    • Like 2
  4. This is an interesting development. Ting will start letting customers bring their old Sprint phones with them to the MVNO's service. The plan rates are exactly the same whether you use your own phone or buy a new one from them. The new feature will go live sometime in the 4th quarter.


    One interesting note at the end of the article, the CEO says that he expects Sprint to eventually let you bring verizon phones. I don't know if this means he's aware of something or if he's just speculating on future possibilities. That would be a very interesting move for Sprint if it started letting customers bring their Verizon phones with them. I assume it would be 3g only devices since they use incompatible LTE frequencies. Would existing verizon customers flock to Sprint if they could keep their current verizon phones?



    • Like 2
  5. i have 633 shares :-/ i will most likely hold onto them to see how high it goes, but the moment it starts falling back down, SELL SELL SELL! just glad that i will at the least have a chance of getting my money back, instead of taking the huge loss it would have been when they hit $2.10


    Then you're best bet is to figure what the minimum price is that you want the stock to hit and put in a stop limit order. If it keeps going up cancel and put in a new stop limit order at whatever new minimum you want to set.

  6. 5.32/share right now' date=' almost to the 5.45 i bought it at a year ago may! now do i sell and just get my money back or wait and see if it goes higher and actually make some....[/quote']


    You've held on this long, why not?


    I bought in at $3/share so I'm smiling. Of course it's just a few shares so it's not like I'm retiring.

  7. Sprint gave a presentation at a conference in Colorado this week. Seems like not too much news except for the the following:


    Interestingly, Nevshemal also said that the company will likely accelerate its launch of LTE markets in the fourth quarter. He said the carrier will have around 25 markets equipped with LTE by year-end. In mid-July, Sprint launched LTE in Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Kansas City and San Antonio. He said that Sprint will begin notifying customers of the impending LTE launch in a market about 30 days in advance of the service being commercially available.




    I don't know that 10 new markets by the end of the year is "accelerating" LTE deployment. Sounds like it might be on pace or a tad slow. They already said 5 more markets around labor day no? That means just 5 more the rest of the year?


    Also interesting to hear the comments about backhaul. Really makes it clear that wireless companies are using data as profit centers. Their delivery costs go down but they charge the end user the same or more to use it.


    Edit: Just realized thread title might be misleading Trying to say Sprint will have total of 25 LTE markets by year-end.

  8. Part of the issue is that that list compares individual manufacturers to each other. When you go that route you usually see that the iphone is the best individual selling model of phone at each carrier. But when you compare ios devices vs android devices in total you see that android wins handily. I just a story about the latest quarterly figures from Gartner research showing android with about 64% of the smartphone market. Apple and its ios devices took about 19%. It's also usually the case that Apple has huge sales and market share numbers in the quarter when a new iphone is released as all the existing base goes to upgrade then falls off the following quarters.



  9. Remember that Ting will have the SGSIII available in not-very-long-from-now. That's LTE on an MVNO, though I'm not sure if they're prepaid or postpaid.


    The SGSII would be a nice phone to have on VMo/Boost and would be a comparable counterpoint to the HTC Evo variant on those carriers, however a full-on event would indicate something bigger. I mean, did HTC hold an event to announce its one-year-old phone arriving on Sprint prepaid?


    My personal wish list for this event would be a phone comparable to the HTC One V, but with LTE, at maybe $50 more than the One V, on both carriers. (I'd add compatibility with the old $25/300min plan here but that isn't gonna happen). So basically a Sprint-banded, LTE-equipped Samsung Proclaim. Or maybe without LTE. We'll see.


    Ting is a prepaid MVNO.

  10. Wowsers! Even Clearwire is up to 1.62 again. Hopefully it keeps going up!


    Sent from my LG Viper 4G LTE using Forum Runner


    Yeah, but CLWR has take beating yesterday and at the open this morning. It had gotten to about $1.78/share. It opened at $1.53 this morning. Down about 6%.

  11. I could be wrong, but I think that Ergen's outlay is an equity investment, not a debt purchase.




    No, it's a debt purchase. Look at the paragraph I quoted in the op from the 10-Q. Here's the relevant sentence:


    In addition, a significant portion of the value of these investments is concentrated in the debt securities of a single issuer. The carrying value of the securities of that single issuer as of June 30, 2012 and December 31, 2011 was $396 million and $16 million, respectively.
    • Like 2
  12. Okay, I'd like to play this game too. How's this:


    Everybody seems to be assuming Clearwire was the recipient of Dish funds. What if Dish in fact invested in Sprint? Then today we have news of Sprint putting out a new debt offering which might be used to fund Clearwire. What if Dish is buying Sprint debt as part of some new network sharing deal that gets announced in the 3rd or 4th quarter? Then Sprint pumps more money into Clearwire for them to build out their LTE hotspots everywhere that get used by both Sprint and Dish customers?


    How's that?

    • Like 1
  13. Sprint has announced it will be offering new debt. The notes would come due in 2020 and 2022. The filing states that Sprint intends to use the proceeds for the following:


    Sprint intends to use the net proceeds from the offering for general corporate purposes, which may include, among other things, redemptions or service requirements of outstanding debt, network expansion and modernization and potential funding of Clearwire Corporation and its subsidiary Clearwire Communications LLC.


    The most likely scenario here is that Sprint is just looking to refinance it's upcoming debt maturities and push them out into the future. They're probably looking to keep their cash on hand above a certain level as well. The question is how big is the debt offering and and how much of it, if any, would go to Clearwire.


    I leave you with this thought: Is this announcement connected to the news yesterday that Dish may have invested $400 million in Clearwire and that Sprint's mergers chief is leaving?

  14. Sprint has announce a new debt offering. The press release states the following:


    Sprint Nextel Corp. (S) announced today that it has commenced an underwritten public offering of notes due 2020 and notes due 2022.


    Sprint intends to use the net proceeds from the offering for general corporate purposes, which may include, among other things, redemptions or service requirements of outstanding debt, network expansion and modernization and potential funding of Clearwire Corporation and its subsidiary Clearwire Communications LLC.




    Make of that what you will.

  15. I don't think it is 720p, but depending on what the "colorboost" does.... Maybe


    Sent from my Nexus 7 (nakasi) using Forum Runner


    The Q has a qHD display which means 960x540. So no 720p display. ColorBoost just makes the colors more vibrant.

  16. Although, I'm all for this merger, I think it will be a bear to carry out. Much easier to integrate Cricket and Metro and or USCC.


    It would probably be a very complicated merger. The biggest advantage is that TMo has a postpaid subscriber base. Cricket and Metro are all prepaid. Plus TMo has national spectrum resources where as Cricket and Metro are very limited. USCC? Are they a fully national carrier? I know they serve a lot of the mid-west and more rural areas in general.

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