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Posts posted by marioc21

  1. Total service revenues of $4.4 billion in the second quarter of 2012 compared to $4.4 billion in the first quarter of 2012 and $4.6 billion in the second quarter of 2011, a decrease of 5.2% year-on-year

    Branded contract churn of 2.10% in the second quarter of 2012; 40 bps decrease quarter-over-quarter and 50 bps decrease year-on-year

    Net customer losses of 205,000 in the second quarter of 2012 compared to 50,000 net customer losses in the second quarter of 2011

    Branded contract net customer losses of 557,000 in the second quarter of 2012, compared to 510,000 branded contract net customer losses in the first quarter of 2012 and 536,000 branded contract net customer losses in the second quarter of 2011

    Strong branded prepaid net customer additions of 227,000 in the second quarter of 2012 compared to 71,000 branded prepaid net customer losses in the second quarter of 2011 and branded prepaid net customer additions of 249,000 in the first quarter of 2012




    I wonder how long the FCC and DOJ will object to a Sprint/T-Mobile merger if they keep losing that many customers.


    Personally, I don't think the DOJ/FCC would be opposed to a TMo/Sprint merger. If the 3 & 4 national carriers got together it would form a competitive rival to the big 2. The problem with ATT/Tmo was that you would've created two super carriers in VZ and ATT/TMo and then everybody else.


    The Sprint exec in charge of mergers and acquisitions is leaving. The SEC filing was disclosed yesterday. I remember reading a WSJ article stating that the original Sprint/TMo merger idea fell apart because Sprint was driving too hard a bargain. With a new exec in charge of mergers at Sprint maybe they reopen discussions.

  2. So if you've tracking Clearwire's stock since their earnings call, you know that it has soared. The stock has gone from a low of about $0.80/share to $1.77/share at the close today. Today alone the stock was up 18%. It looks like DISH may be the reason why.


    According to this story: http://blogs.barrons...od=yahoobarrons


    Dish, in their 10-Q filing with the SEC, stated the following:


    Current Marketable Investment Securities - Strategic


    Our current strategic marketable investment securities include strategic and financial investments in public companies that are highly speculative and have experienced and continue to experience volatility. As of June 30, 2012, our strategic investment portfolio consisted of securities of a small number of issuers, and as a result the value of that portfolio depends on the value of those issuers. In addition, a significant portion of the value of these investments is concentrated in the debt securities of a single issuer. The carrying value of the securities of that single issuer as of June 30, 2012 and December 31, 2011 was $396 million and $16 million, respectively. The fair value of the securities of that single issuer as of June 30, 2012 and December 31, 2011 was $393 million and $17 million, respectively. That single issuer has indicated that it will need substantial additional capital to meet its business and financial obligations beyond the next 12 months. The fair value of certain of the debt securities in our investment portfolio, including those of that single issuer, can be adversely impacted by, among other things, the issuers’ respective performance and ability to obtain any necessary additional financing on acceptable terms, or at all.


    10-Q Filing at SEC: http://www.sec.gov/A...-13752_110q.htm


    It appears this one statement has lead to speculation that Dish has made an investment in Clearwire. Many people have been wondering what Dish was going to do with the spectrum they own. Most people expect them to have to partner with an existing wireless carrier. It's long been a rumor that Dish may partner with Sprint, although T-mobile and AT&T continuously pop up as well. If Dish has invested in Clearwire, could that signal that Dish + Clearwire/Sprint deal may be getting closer?


    Update: Could this news have some relevance?:


    Sprint exec in charge of mergers and acquisitions to leave.



    wsj: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390443991704577577492797892110.html

    [if you don't have a subscription just search for the article headline in google to get a free article pass.]


    Another sign of future developments?

    • Like 2
  3. Leap wireless, which sells prepaid service under the Cricket name, reported it's 2nd quarter financials yesterday. The results were not good. Leap lost 289,000 customers, had a net loss of $41 million and is limiting retail expansion plans. The CEO on the earnings call even said Company would considering selling itself. Additionally, Leap won't make a required $75 million payment due to Sprint for use of Sprint's network. Leap signed a national roaming agreement with Sprint back in 2010.


    The question is if Leap is up for sale would it make sense for Sprint to buy? Would Leap bring more to the table than MetroPCS?








    Earnings release:




    Earnings call transcript:



  4. Nice to see an update. Anyone know how many total sites Shentel will need to do? Any info on which sites have been done or a schedule on upcoming sites?


    I believe ShenTel has stated they intend to get half of their towers completed by year end and the remaining half by the end of next year. That means they have about 550 to 600 sites total to upgrade. As far as any specific sites, I don't believe anyone has gotten any specific plans. These earnings calls are pretty much the only updates you'll see.

  5. Doesn't look like anyone caught this on Friday. So here it is.


    Shenandoah Telecom reported in Q2 2012 earnings on Friday, August 3. During the call they gave a brief update on the status of their NV deployment. For those that don't know, ShenTel is a Sprint affiliate that provides service under Sprint's name in western Virginia, West Virginia, Western Maryland and central Pennsylvania. Below are the highlights:

    • Have upgraded their switch.
    • 18 base stations are completed. Expect to ramp up pace soon.
    • Multiple Alcatel-Lucent crews working now.
    • Still targeting 274 base stations to be completed by end of year.
    • Still expect to have network upgrades completed by end of 2013.

    Earnings transcript: http://seekingalpha....ipt?part=single


    Other NV related responses to analyst questions:






    Ric Prentiss - Raymond James

    And on the project Vision, Earle you just mentioned you have done 18 base stations, but expected to ramp quickly; what’s kind of the gating factor; is it backhaul, is it, Sprint actually do they [hit birds] in some of their cell sites that were slowing them down, (inaudible) were a bit active, as you think about ramping up to try and hit the 274 at year end, what’s going to possibly slow you down and where are you at?



    Earle MacKenzie [EPV & COO]

    At this point we have crews in place and have gotten the site work done that we expect that we can do two to three new sites a day going forward. We got a much later start than Sprint did as far as starting our planning and putting everything in place, but we have closed that gap very quickly; I would say that probably the thing that is the most stating at this point is the availability of equipment and not so much equipment from Lucent, but the particular piece parts that Lucent has sourced for various different suppliers; we had to get ramped up to get inventory heading to our location and that has now happened in the last 60 days. And so I think you will see when we announce at the end of the third quarter, we are going to probably add somewhere in the range of 50 plus sites a month going forward.




    Greg Burns - Sidoti & Company

    And then I know you haven't done many Vision base stations yet, but Sprint had mentioned that as they have been adding Vision base stations they have seen an increase of north of 10% I think almost 10% to 20% volume on those new base stations, as soon as they put them in, implying that roaming, and network roaming will be reduced. Have you seen any anecdotal evidence that as you are putting in base stations more traffic will be in those base stations?

    Christopher French

    The answer is no, we haven't, actually our thoughts are if there is increase usage, it could be because we purposely did not add or have not added a lot of the old 3G carriers, because they basically would have been thrown away and so we have been monitoring our sites very carefully and trying to be very judicious in adding new 3G carriers to the old base stations.

    And so what we actually anticipate, but once again, I don't have enough information is that we may see additional volume simply because there could have been some blockage of 3G usage simply because it wasn’t enough capacity prior to upgrading the site; and upgrading the size we are going to add significant or adequate 3G capacity in addition to putting an LTE so that our customers can have a good experience.

    Ric Prentiss - Raymond James

    And then eventually you will get the lower frequency in there as well?

    Christopher French

    Well, yes, actually we – they have already harvested one carrier of 800 that they have given us that we are putting in as we are upgrading, but that one carrier is being used for voice at 800 and when they turn off the iDEN network then they will harvest the remainder of the 800 and the remainder of the 800 is planned to be used for LTE.

    • Like 4
  6. And now we have Clearwire reporting their 2nd quarter results. Here's the press release:





    • $316.9 million in revenue. Down from 2nd quarter last year.
    • Total subscribers of 11 million subscribers. 1.3 retail customers and 9.6 million wholesale customers. Wholesale customers are mainly sprint 4g customers.
    • Net loss of $143.2 million vs 160.5 million 2nd quarter last year.
    • MOU signed with China Mobile regarding TDD-LTE roaming in future.
    • Plans with Qualcomm and Sequans to incorporate TDD-LTE in their future products.


    Same old same old for clearwire. Revenue was down mainly due to the new flat rate agreement with Sprint. Additionally, they had a net loss of 4g wholesale customers. That was probably due to more iphone customers and the introduction of LTE phones on Sprint.

  7. Of those numbers how many are new customers though? Keep your customers is fantastic but are you enticing the competition with your offerings


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


    You can read through the transcript and find a reference to this. For the 2nd qtr it was 40%. That is 40% of iphone sales were to new Sprint customers. I believe that is about in line with the previous quarters.

  8. Why even call it a GSM device anyway?

    If I wanted to be stuck with Sprint's roaming overseas, I'll just use a CDMA phone. :td:


    I still don't understand the rational for keeping SIM embedded...


    Rationale is easy. Sprint makes sure you only use the providers they've contracted with. That way they still collect revenue from you while you're outside the country. Then they can sell you prepaid roaming packages when you travel.


    Don't ATT and Tmobile sell sim locked devices? They're gsm right? It's frustrating, but Sprint wants to generate as much revenue as they can.

  9. http://us.rd.yahoo.c...TD_yahoo_ticker


    I think that Sprint made the right decision by carrying the iPhone now.


    Btw, is anyone keeping a running tally on how many iPhones Sprint has sold so far? It'd be nice to see where they stack up against in terms of the contract obligation they made to Apple.


    Ask and ye shall receive. Thankfully, someone at seekingalpha did the legwork. Here's the writeup. Overall the piece has a wait and see take to Sprint, but it gives us the data you're looking for.




    Here's the data:


    Q4 '11 1.8 million

    q1 '12 <1.5 million

    q2 '12 >1.5 million


    Total ~ 4.8 million.


    Also, from the earnings call Hesse said they are ahead of their sales obligations under the apple contract. However, not further details were given.


    Dan Hesse:

    To date, although still young in its product life cycle, we are observing materially lower early like churn rates for iPhone customers compared to other smartphone customers. The operational performance so far continues to support our decision to carry the iPhone. Considering postpaid devices only, we are ahead of the pace required to meet our contracted commitments to Apple.


    Transcript http://seekingalpha....ipt?part=single

  10. They did touch on it. They said wimax was still in the single digit percentage for prepaid. With the E4GT and Evo 3D making their way to boost and virgin, that percentage should go up significantly.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 (nakasi) using Forum Runner


    4g service was available at the end of May. That means only one month was reflected in the quarterly earnings. I've only recently started seeing Virgin and Boost commercials that reference 4g. Next quarter will be a much better barometer for how well wimax devices are selling on prepaid. Not to mention how well the iphone is selling as a prepaid device.

  11. Does anyone really believe this is a significant cause of delays? I do believe they said it on the conference call. But seriously. There have been birds longer than there have been cell towers. I call shenanigans.


    They were very candid that birds accounted for some of the delays. They said several hundred other sites are ready to go but are awaiting backhaul to arrive. A few other sites were delayed because one of their vendors was awaiting antenna delieveries.

  12. Here are the official details.



    Full press release:




    Fact sheet:




    A few specs:


    · 1.5 GHz dual-core processor for quick downloads and app performance

    · Five-row, slide-out QWERTY keyboard with large 4.3-inch ColorBoost™ display

    · Built with Android 4.0.4, Ice Cream Sandwich

    · Enterprise Security

    · 3G/4G LTE Mobile Hotspot capability for up to eight Wi-Fi enabled devices (additional fee required;

    · 8GB of on board memory, support for up to 32GB SD Card, for a total of up to 40GB

    · Frequency: LTE, CDMA 800/1900 EVDO Rev A, World Phone - GSM 850/1900/1800/900, UMTS 850/1900/2100 (SIM is embedded in the phone, GSM SIM is locked and not removable)

  13. I wasn't on the call, but I keep seeing cities and not markets referenced for the four in August. I'm thinking its something like: Baltimore, Annapolis, Frederick and Salisbury. One market, four cities. I'll dig more into details when I get back from vacation.


    Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner



    Here are the four cities:



  14. What do you consider a "major market"?

    Houston is the 4th largest US city, San Antonio is the 7th largest, Dallas is the 9th Largest and work is underway in the top 3 US cities of New York, LA and Chicago.


    Sounds like major markets to me.


    I find this funny. I don't think VZ was launching every major city all at once either. I remember a lot of announcements that had a lot of smaller places included in them.

  15. During the earnings call there was a brief discussion about how Sprint had several hundred tower sites that were ready to go but awaiting backhaul. Sound like Chicago. Once the backhaul is hooked up the site will go live. Other tower sites were seeing delays because their vendors had equipment that was on backorder. Specifically antennas. Not sure which of the three vendors that applied to.

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