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Posts posted by Feech

  1. Why is it that the Clearwater/St. Pete area are seeing a lot of LTE signal and nothing happening in Hillsborough County? Whats going on?


    I'm not sure. I think things are going on in Hillsborough just not as out there and lit up yet. When I was climbing towers I can tell you we were in some out of the way places in Hillsborough that you can't just see from the road. I said it awhile ago that when Pinellas lit up it was going to be fast and big(something like that at least) Pinellas is unique because you can be at 4 towers within 10 min. Hell I can see tower to tower in most cases over here it's very easy to work and move here and provide coverage pretty quick. When you look at Sensorly how many towers are providing usable LTE coverage. Even weak signals I'm seeing are providing 3Mbs speeds. That's impressive with very little deployment and plenty to do.


    Everything I say is speculation of course but it's something to think about.

  2. James, I know you have been doing a lot of mapping on sensorly. Do you think that there is a few more towers active? I'm looking at the barnes and Noble off 19N and by the Codys? I think someone on this thread reported awhile back that there could have been NV panels on a rooftop on 19N but I can't remember.


    The Barnes and Noble I was at during Christmas and I can tell you there wasn't a sniff of LTE there. Sensorly is showing a pretty dark maker there now. Looking at the maps there could be 3-4 sites lit up between SR60 and Curlew. I know i put a lot of stock in that site but for example. That site in Dunedin seems to be handing off to another site to the west judging from the dark shade, light shade, then back to dark.


    What do you other guys think that know the Pinellas area

  3. LTE-1900 will be worse than current 3g 1900. 3g 1900 will be improved by up to ~20%, however. If you get a new phone that has LTE-800 and the towers close to you are outputting LTE-800, then your in building LTE coverage could be better by a lot or a little than current 3g. LTE-800 is theory right now so we would have to go by similar deployments like Verizon LTE-700, which doesn't travel as far as their CDMA/3g 850, but does travel quite well.

    Lost completely with your post..sorry :blink:

  4. I had a similar issue at my work, its like working inside a lead box. With the tower I connect to being less than 1 mile away, I was continuously around -98 to -110 dBm in signal stregth. When the tower was updated, I saw a VERY SLIGHT improvement, not in bars or signal strength, but in the fact that all my calls were clearer inside the building, everyone I was talking to didn't sound like a robot, and I didn't have the "oh you have a voicemail, but your phone didn't ring" problem I used to have before the tower by my work was upgraded.


    Now keep in mind, every situation is different and my experience may not be the same for you.

    Thanks that was exactly what I was looking for as an example.
  5. I'm sure someone will be able to answer this for me and know that I'm not asking for an apples to apples comparison just what others have seen from thier experience or what they think. Right now I have a terrible signal inside my job. Recently it has got so bad that either my radio is disconnected or it's 1X. This maybe a result of ongoing deployment, but either way it has always been bad here. When the deployment is completed should I see slightly better coverage inside, worse, or the same.


    Especially if you are going thru deployment now I would like to know what your experience is.



    The Warp and Warp Sequent are certainly nothing to write home about. The Sprint as you go could be a possibility.


    Since they are bottom fishing why not add a Huawei to the mix.


    Kyrocera, ZTE and Huawei............what a trio.


    So instead of buying Metro they Just become them..genius Mr. Hesse

  7. @ Feech,


    The blobs at PIE (airport acronym) airport aka St Pete Clearwater Airport were mapped by me when I was there. I also mapped the "staircase" you see in Dunedin. I believe that is all from the megatower on Main Street in Dunedin. I have been getting LTE everywhere in Dunedin and at the airport. 25mb down on Lake Haven. ^-^ Sweetness. (Mind you I have stuck with Sprint since 1996 so its payback time!)


    Thanks man. I went over there today and couldn't connect for the life of me at the airport. Actually left work to go over there. What was your coverage like at the airport? You are doing a great job in Dunedin, coverage looks great so far. Do you really think that tower is blowing all the way to Clearwater?

  8. Did one of you guys map on the Courtney Campbell today? I'm curious as to where that LTE is actually coming from since there is so much open space out there.


    You know what I'm finding out? If its near water, don't bother. All bets are off. Not sure what the effect it but the propagation of the signal gets wacky. It makes you have real respect for these engineers

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  9. My wife will be happy, that is the one near where she works.


    I should have waited before I said it was live. I still believe it is though and here the reasons why. I was able to pick up the tower on 66th and 54th and I took 54th all the way to 49th, streaming a HD movie trailer. That was more by accident than anything else and this is a lesson that if you see a Camry go the other way cuz I am a danger on the road.


    I was able to stream with no issues all the way to the 49th st site with no stutter, loading, or lag perfectly. From driving this route just the other day, normally LTE would drop off when I made the turn onto 49th. Today it held and handed off to the 49th site. My signal strength at the site was as good as -79dbm as I drove that area. I'm thinking they must have done something to the downtilt on 54th/66th. I have been able to drive west and east on 70th street and hold that signal from 54th it was weak but I was able to hold it until it was almost unusable. This time though it dropped off as I headed west. I think the reason for this is because the handoff tower would have been at Park st, but obviously it isn't being worked on yet.


    The only reason I pause is because Sensorly is not showing the marker as dark as I thought it would but still adding everything else up I believe its live.

  10. OK I need help. I'm not sure if anyone looks at the Sensorly map more than me, but I'm hoping someone does. I think something has changed.


    Park and Gandy now looks like tracks head further out east than when I mapped on the 1st.


    Tracks at NE High that I haven't see I don't think.


    49th and 54th seem to be darker by Northside Hospital


    2 blobs (one earlier today) at the St. Pete/Clearwater airport.


    Between 49th and 34th there is a blob

  11. I think hardware hands down HTC wins. Samsung takes it with the software and the radio. I swore I wouldn't buy another HTC phone after reading the issues people were having obtaining a LTE signal and was fully prepared to go to war with Sprint to get a replacement SG3. I have done a 180 though,. Since the JB update I have to say it runs smooth. I have used various ROMS and all have found and connected to LTE scary fast. I prefer stock JB over Sense but used both and didn't have any issues. I guess it come down to why you chose the EVO over the SG3 to begin with.

  12. Anyone hear of any word from Sprint "unofficially" of when Tampa area may get switched on?


    It's gonna be awhile before anything is announced. Something Robert says makes a lot of sense. There is no difference between the day of announcement and the day before. Except for maybe 24 hours. I guess what I'm saying is the coverage that you see leading up to announcement is what you will see. Keep an eye on Sensorly for coverage and be excited. What you see now is only 4 or 5 towers give it another month and we will be gtg:rolleyes:

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