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Posts posted by Feech

  1. I was at the starkey road site last night and their Fiber backhaul was just installed.

    i drove by there yesterday because things were lighting up in Tampa so I decided to take a look. There was a SUV there looked like a Dodge Durango with the gate open.
  2. When electricity was invented this country legislated to get every home served. Cities that couldn't get it built their own power plants. The federal government built the TVA, Hoover, and other massive hydro projects. We wouldn't settle for second-class or half-measures and if private industry couldn't or wouldn't move fast enough, we lit a goddamn fire under it and made things happen.


    Today, people cheer crappy slow DSL service because it's all they can get. If you have more than 2 broadband choices you're one of the lucky ones. 24 (mostly R) state legislatures have made it illegal to run municipal broadband. The children of Ma Bell collude to enforce high prices and institute download caps; Verizon signs a non-compete deal with the cable companies and suddenly all further FIOS expansion is halted. Over the past 20-30 years we've given these companies 100's of billions in tax breaks, incentives, free right-of-way on other people's private land, etc to give us a next-generation network. They won't.


    The country that invented the internet, fiber optics, etc can't bother to actually run fiber internet to every home because that would be socialism. Even in central Dallas, TX... an area with massively high population density you can't do better than crappy DSL.


    This thread makes me very, very sad. You shouldn't be happy with crappy DSL. You should be demanding fiber to the home.


    Do you think the electric company would make a profit in 100 years off a couple of podunk farm electric bills? Not a chance. So why did they run the lines? Because the government said "do it or you'll be sorry".


    Think Ma Bell made a profit hooking up Timbuktu, FL to the phone system? Think they made any money running copper out to those same podunk farms? Nope. Why did they bother? Because the government said "do it or you'll be sorry".



    I wish we still had the capacity to think big in this country, instead of "screw you, I got mine".


    Well said. I'm happy for kornyhiv for getting better internet but you are absolutely correct. We settle for crap far too often and without the feds getting involved it will not change. did FIOS really cut a no compete deal? I thought they found out it was too expense to bring fiber to the house


    Excellent, another one down... NEXT!


    What is interesting though about this one is that the tower doesn't seem to have the range others nearby have, unless the antennas still need some tweaking...


    Keep in mind that the site originally may not have been intended to broadcast a signal that far. Might just be a site that fills in coverage in an otherwise dead spot

  4. I believe a new tower lit up by walsingham and ulmerton intersection. Had trouble trying to map it though it kept dropping out even with great reception. Maybe they're still tuning it.


    I saw a dark spot on Sensorly in that area today and was gonna ask you guys about it.. It's dark enough to indicate something has fired up

  5. Without knowing what tower we're actually connecting to, it hard to say. There seems to be a number of towers in the wild that are not yet on the updates, that we only know about cause someone had physically seen the work being done.


    Ok, so these were sites that people had seen work on, none are a surprise. Just a surprise they are up and running now..

  6. Well based on my travels this morning I am wondering if some antenna alignment has been taking place with regards to the new towers to the north and the existing tower off of Bell Shoals. Not getting real strong signals in the areas we've been noticing new signals and not able to discern if there really is an additional tower lit up or not. I'll keep checking, but from what I can tell the areas we are seeing some LTE in now are weak.


    I thought over here in Pinellas when they fired up a new tower that my coverage had changed from the other LTE tower. I have no idea of knowing but it seemed that way

  7. Does anyone know how many tower crews are working in the bay area? Also, are there crews working both sides of the bay at the same time?


    From the permits I have seen I would say anywhere between 6 and 10 contractors. Each contractor may have about 4 crews. Keep in mind that each contractor may sub his work out to another contractor too. Yes both sides of the bay same time

    • Like 1
  8. So I sold my Transformer at a loss to get the Nexus 7 and I am not looking back at all.


    Anyone get theirs at Staples with the $60 2-year complete warranty/accidentally damage deal? Sounded like a steal to me.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD


    Did you really? I have a the original Samsung 10.1 and have been thinking about doing the same. I bought 4 of them for Christmas and none of them were for me :(

  9. I understand. It's that I'm not home enough to need wifi, but the service is just a killer where I live lol.


    Thanks though. I appreciate your swift response.


    Looks like that's by the airport. That is by far the most frustrating area. I work over in the tech data complex. Its a total black hole for Sprint and has been since at least 2004

    • Like 1
  10. All you Pinellas guys that have been watching towers over the last month or so that hasn't gone live make sure you swing by today and this weekend to check. We have things getting hot over in Tampa so something may have been over this way to.



    Hillsborough, I guess same goes for you anything in progress you may want to look at.

  11. I don't know how to do that new to the whole map and marking. My iPhone isn't dropping the LTE signal what so ever. Since I took the pic.

    I phone aint gonna cut it. Need an Android user to map on Sensorly..Good looking out though. I know this will make you Tampa boys happy
  12. I have looked over the whole internet and Bradenton Sarasota was on the list from Oct.I really need to know what is going to happen with LTE in 2013 here as Verizon has had LTE here for awhile now and if they dont have it here when my contract is up or at least coming soon i am going to bolt.


    But i can't find anything other then the press release from OCT for Sarasota Bradenton LTE




    What exactly are you asking?

  13. Did anyone see the spot on Hillsborough/580 area? is that new? coming from Pinellas? Reason I mention it is because about a month ago I was at a youth football game in that area and I swore I saw them putting in cabinets with a crane in a building. I couldn't tell of course but I was thinking at the time funny if that was Sprint.

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