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Everything posted by Feech

  1. So we all agree this is a bad idea?
  2. Have any of you guys caught this tonight? http://www.androidpolice.com/2013/01/02/sprint-will-begin-pay-as-you-go-service-on-january-25th-but-standard-sprint-phones-arent-invited-to-the-party/
  3. It's gonna be awhile before anything is announced. Something Robert says makes a lot of sense. There is no difference between the day of announcement and the day before. Except for maybe 24 hours. I guess what I'm saying is the coverage that you see leading up to announcement is what you will see. Keep an eye on Sensorly for coverage and be excited. What you see now is only 4 or 5 towers give it another month and we will be gtg:rolleyes:
  4. I was having issues when you first said something but good to go now.
  5. Dang whats that mark on Sensorly near Dunedin Country Club?
  6. Surfer did you map the 49th/Park to Starkey today. That tower over that way has panels on it and have been up for awhile. I wonder if its on yet. Went by this weekend a few times and didn't get anything. Went to that site by Walsingham too this weekend and didn't get a signal, but when I was in that area today I picked up 4G for a min and it made me think that maybe they flipped the switch. It could be coming from 54th and 66th too but who knows. I do figure that there are at least 5 other sites where panels are up and have been for awhile now. We should start seeing things go purple soon. If you spend a lot of time in that area in Largo/Seminole you should be a happy camper in a month I would imagine.
  7. Thats likely the one. Not sure how quick it dropped off for you but it carried from there all the way to at least the other live site south of there. I didn't take it north though but I can tell you that signal from the Largo Mall dropped when I got around the Largo Park/Library when I was looking at the lites before Christmas and I had no signal when I was there talking to Ericsson guy. Not sure what it means but I carried 427 points on Sensorly between Missouri and 102nd
  8. Just found another live site. I think we may have thought the signal was coming from a site on Ulmerton. The signal is too strong though to be anything but one of the in progress sites I saw the Ericsson guy at before Christmas that told me 75 sites. I think one of you guys lives over here. I will put it on Sensorly but it's my first chance to see the signal handoff from one LTE site to another
  9. I just went back a few weeks ago to check that same thing. I want to say beginning of October is when I saw the one in St Pete off of 54th. That was when I saw them working though. Then we started seeing sites that had panels that had been done already for who knows how long. As an example the site near my job has been done longer than the site thats near my house but the one near my house was actually completed and turned on before the one near my job
  10. Awesome. There is another spot that I just saw at the Countryside Mall was that you too? How far away is that offhand. I'm thinking far for the signal to carry over there.
  11. Nice find. Did you just happen on it?
  12. Better title thanks. So would we be looking at devices that have the battery life of the OG EVO? or would we have one radio inside?
  13. I have never seen the dong track over there. Not sure I want to either
  14. One more SERO thought. We can all assume that SERO is not profitable or being abused. The problem with that is we have no idea how many customers have it so we have no idea how much it's moving the needle one way or another. It would be safe to say I think though that it's less than 1% of current customers enrolled and likely customers with multiple lines too. SERO is not that less expensive than current offerings from Sprint. Not sure how much a difference maker it is.
  15. Sero. Wow. I actually gave it up to get a EVO4G, but I read somewhere that they could add it back to your account if you had it previously. I called and they added it back. Last year around Christmas I was upgrading my son's phone as a gift. It turned into a nightmare because I was on SERO. As a result I lost out on the discount for the phone and ended up paying the contract price instead of the sale price. Guess what the rep offered me as a sorry? A new SERO line. This was just a year ago. I took it of course. We could start a whole SERO thread about pros and cons but I will say that I would never have stayed with Sprint as long as I have if not for that. I can say too that if Sprint were to start competing with Verizon and AT&T as far as pricing it would open me up to looking at other carriers. Sprint is coming along well with LTE but how long are they away from in building penetration which is really what I need more than anything. More that 20Mbs dl I need it to work where I am. Oh and I +1 sim cards
  16. I second that. As I walked into work today it struck me that Oct-Dec must be the most unproductive time frame for all businesses. There are people at work today that I swear I haven't seen in months.
  17. Tux, where you been? You dip in for a bit then dip out..Still keeping an eye on Railroad?
  18. So the mapping showed up on Sensorly. Looks like I evened it out a bit. Still not sure where that signal may be coming from though
  19. That's where I was. When I got out of there I did a toggle at the Wawa they are building and picked it up. I mapped it too so hopefully we will have a more accurate representation of the signal
  20. That may explain it. I gave it credence because it matched the general area of where a site was though so it made some sense
  21. I'm all the place over here and can't find it. Looking at the sponsor map from my phone is useless damn near. I had to toggle because the 3G there is pretty strong. I had the signal on Gandy right until I got to about 19N I am thought maybe it was coming from Mainlands but it wasn't. Sensorly shows a strong signal but I'm thinking not. It fell off pretty quick when I started heading north on 19
  22. I'm at the tower I thought it might be but nothing over here. No panels
  23. Good spot..Looks like it. Could be one of the in progress sites. Wildman this would be the painted guyed tower we spotted awhile back possibly. My girlfriend is mad at me anyway today so it might be time to take a ride.
  24. Feech

    4G in Cocoa, FL

    I know this is your first post but LTE has been live in that area for at least a month already.. Welcome
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