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Everything posted by SpenceSouth

  1. If you like matted screen protectors then this is a good one. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GH5S1NK/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  2. Not sure but I've had Bright House for years before moving to Jax and they are great. Wish they were available up here so I wouldn't be stuck with Comcast. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  3. I'm ecstatic to have finally found 1x800. My phone only connected once when it disconnected from the DAS for some reason, but it was awesome nonetheless. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  4. Posted in the Tampa thread that I got some 1x800 love in downtown Tampa. (Finally) Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  5. Got 1x800 in the Tampa Bay Times Forum along with intermittent TD-2600 LTE. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  6. I'm a pretty patient guy and I was thinking along the same lines myself. Maybe the lesson learned is not to buy a device that promises additional functionality in a future update. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  7. You guys see any active 1X-800 yet?
  8. Yeah. Guess I must be out of sync with the S4GRU collective mind lol. It's a pretty interesting map so I'm sure I'd remember if I had seen it before. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  9. There's a band 41 tower in Jax that I have the same suspicions of. Probably best to report it to Dan's office. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  10. XDA keeps an archive of all radio files. I don't have the link on hand, but Google it and you will find it. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  11. Nothing at all. Just be close enough! Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  12. Some people say it allows the N5 to be stronger in the RF department, but I still think .17 is better in that regard. The real magic is that .15 connects to B41 effortlessly, albeit there are a few negative consequences like you have mentioned. I keep both radio radio files on my phone and flash back and forth as I see fit. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  13. Flash the .15 radio, you will be astonished. I have to say from the few B41 sights I have connected to, I am really glad to be in an old WiMax market with many separate Clearwire towers. Quite a few of them are in Sprint dead zones and augment the coverage PERFECTLY. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  14. Well that's interesting.... Were you able to get a speed test off? Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  15. Are you on ART? I've noticed mine will do that after installing some apps with deep permissions. Or when flashing new files. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  16. The S4T should prefer B41 out of the box, but I'm not sure you could force it to stay only on B41.
  17. HD calls are currently limited to phone calls within the Sprint Network correct? Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  18. Looks like may of them don't have a tri-band phone as of yet.
  19. Yep .15 baseband does everything everyone says it does. I couldn't send outgoing texts, or get any incoming ones for that matter. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  20. Going to have to give this a try. Be sure to post if you see any negative effects from this baseband.
  21. Trimming the dead weight. Nextel should have been decommissioned years ago. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  22. The .17 baseband can hold a fringe signal much better than the .23 baseband. Basically if you flash the older baseband you are going to get better LTE coverage. Don't ask why .23 is worse because we don't really know why. It's suspected that changes on the AT&T/T-Mobile side of things adversely affected .23's performance on Sprint. Not to say that .23 isn't good, because it is. However the .17 baseband is amazing. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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