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Posts posted by JossMan

  1. Not sure what's causing those battery drains.. I haven't released any updates in several weeks, so it's not anything new. Have either of you tweaked your location settings, or started using the site logger or location service within the app? I use GSam Battery Monitor and sometimes I see random spikes from SignalCheck myself, and I have no idea why. Part of me wonders if it's a Google-something in the background and somehow it's getting reported as SCP. I do not have any wakelocks directly coded into the app; they are probably tied to one of the Google components it has, such as the 1X geocoder or location service.



    Mike I fixed my issue, SignalCheck uses less than 4% now.  I disabled site logger, location neighbor notes, and changed the location service priority to low power.  The neighbor cells do not work on the tri-band Galaxy S3 so there was no need in having it enabled due to the PCI not being reported to SCP, its a shame it doesn't but it is what it is.  ;)


    Just a note:  Android will report high battery usage from SCP if you have the "keep screen on" setting enabled and are the type to leave SCP running while your driving or looking for new LTE sites.

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  2. I bought an LG Tribute to track the rollout of Sprint Spark (and to test Network Vision service as well) in my area. Is there anything I should know when I start tracking? Any particular apps I should get or dialing codes I should know? 

    Just as newboyx has stated SignalCheck Pro is by far hands down the best app to use especially for us Sprint users and wireless nerds.  Mikejeep has developed one hell of an app and is my most used app on my device to monitor my voice and data connections, this app does it all except deliver chicken to Robert.  :P


    Mikejeep has setup shop here on the S4GRU forum and is highly respected and informative member in the S4GRU arsenal, you can find the SignalCheck app thread here if you have any questions.


    By the way  :welc: to S4GRU!

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  3. Are you using the default messaging or a 3rd party messaging app via Google Play?  Are you able to make and receive calls?  Have you tried powering down both handsets for a few minutes and then re-attempt sending SMS messages after you power them back up?  Have you done a PRL and data profile update? 

  4. anyone know if you can take a "Sprint prepaid" galaxy s3 new in package and activate it on your "regular" sprint plan?  wife's s3 is almost completely dead, and she's got a few more months to stagger along before cheap upgrade...

    Simple answer is...no.  

  5. The member that we dare not speak their name retweeted a screenshot of a T-Mobile speedtest in New Orleans.

    I doubt Legere will respond to either the poster or the retweeter..




    Legere seems to be in a speed competition with himself, to me coverage and reliability is more important and Sprint is delivering on both of those fronts in my market.


    Is this what T-Mobile customers can expect in a couple of years when their metro-LTE network is saturated?   :P

  6. I'm in the middle of suburbia but the tower density is so low that I drop into 1x in clear outdoor areas between towers and often, within buildings.  It seems it doesn't matter if the building is wood construction, masonry or steel.  The signal just tanks.


    We have pretty sparse tower density in my area, pretty big B26 holes, no B25 and very few B41 sites.

    No Band 25 1900MHz?  If there is Band 26 800MHz then there is Band 25, after all Sprint has the PCS G Block nationwide.  

  7. What are the prices for each of the tiers?

    The upgrade is free so I will give you the price of each after the upgrade which will be the same price as the old tiers.

    • 75x10Mbps - $59.95
    • 150x20Mbps - $99.95
    • 250x30Mbps - $169.95
    • 1Gbps - $319.95  

    There is a base internet package that is $39.95 that will be going to 25x5Mbps

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