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Posts posted by JossMan

  1. To optimize B26 in his area.  He was giving me the timeline it took Sprint for his area.  It'll likely be comparable to mine, since my area has been un-optimized for ~8 months on B26.

    Every situation will be different but usually when LTE 800 is initially turned on it yields the same signal strength as LTE 1900, maybe a couple dBm better.  Post optimization it will vary, the site nearest my home use to have a -105dBm connection indoors on 800 now it hovers around -90dBm indoors, again this was my experience and about 90% of the sites in this area are running dual-band 800/1900 LTE now.  

  2. Meanwhile on AT&T, my Moto X 2014 Pure Edition says I have one bar with a -134dBm RSRP. In my opinion, everything weaker than -119 should be zero bars, with the LTE signal indicator still showing. It never drops to zero bars anymore, regardless of how weak the signal is.


    Using Moto X² on Tapatalk

    I've found that the Sharp Aquos Crystal and the LG G Flex do a good job of displaying LTE signal strengths the correct way in regards to Sprint.  I'm sure there are plenty of other devices that do but most I have used/have undercut the LTE signal indicator, hence why so many people complain about not having a good signal even though they really do.  But not all of us are wireless nerds and know that a -100dBm connection is good and a -125dBm connection is bad. 

  3. I've been all over Knoxville today visiting and not once has my phone connected to Spark. (iPhone 6 Plus)

    I'm currently looking directly at a tower with Sprint equipment and what looks to be 8T8R antennas and all my phone is doing is jumping between 25/26. Is this a known issue around here or is my phone just refusing to connect?



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Are you sure the site has B41 gear, if your certain it doesn't mean its turned on yet. 

  4. Anyway with spark very close to launch in Detroit, you soon won't have to make excuses for sprint anymore [emoji12]



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I'm not making excuses for Sprint, 3-5Mbps is solid enough to do tasks on a smartphone or use as a hotspot, etc.  Some people in rural United States would rejoice to get those speeds with a wireline connection.  Meanwhile some complain they are not getting epenis speeds...

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  5. Sprint actually has a lot of rural LTE coverage. It's very impressive. It's just very noteworthy in GMO areas. Like Western PA, Eastern IA, Alabama/Mississippi, New Mexico. Most other places have good rural deployments. Places like Florida, Tennessee, Ohio, Michigan, Kansas, Texas, California, Massachusetts, North Carolina and many others Sprint has significant rural LTE deployments. Better than Tmo, and sometimes even better than the Duopoly. It's all about geography and economics.


    Using Moto X² on Tapatalk

    Yep I can confirm this Sprint has LTE service in the middle of Cherokee National Forest, Band 25 was hovering around 29Mbps last time I visited.  

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