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Posts posted by JossMan

  1. Woot! As of 3/23, one more of the 4 towers in Smyth County is no longer 1X! This is the random "Southern Virginia" county separated from the rest of the region by the nTelos abyss and where I grew up.  It was miserable with Sprint there.  Only more 1 more 1X tower to go and then maybe some LTE?

    Those last four sites that run along I-81 in Smyth County should be completed now.  I don't understand why Sprint just didn't add them to the Nashville market instead of the Southern VA market since Ericsson hardware was used and they connect to the switch in Johnson City, TN.  *Shrugs*

  2. What would Freq Band Indicator 26 mean? How about Download Bandwidth of 5MHz?

    Band 26 is Sprint's 800MHz SMR (Specialized Mobile Radio) band for LTE service, the download bandwidth (5MHz) means Sprint has deployed 5x5MHz on the 800 band, 5MHz for the uplink and 5MHz for the downlink.


    Band 25 is Sprint's 1900MHz PCS (Personal Communications Service) which is also deployed on 5x5MHz nationwide on the "G" Block.   

  3. I get free basic cable with my Comcast Internet. Not intentionally, but rather as a side effect of having a live line into my home. Shh, don't tell anyone. [emoji6]



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

    Eventually when Comcast does a tap audit they will install a special "trap" that will block those basic CATV signals from coming into your home.  

  4. You are out of order, maximus -- unless you believe the conspiracy theorists that S4GRU is some Sprint funded, money making venture for Robert.


    Actually, I take that back.  Either way, you and your response to my post are out of order.


    S4GRU is the antithesis of "astroturfing," which is fake, paid, or quid pro quo grassroots support.  S4GRU is honest to goodness grassroots support.  Members donate just to be here, to keep S4GRU alive.  Meanwhile, staffers donate their time or work and do not get paid a dime.  Staffers even contribute monetarily to S4GRU.


    And I, for one, have put in thousands of hours on articles, posts, maps, databases, etc.  A lot of that has been for S4GRU, but much of that predates S4GRU -- by almost a decade.  Regardless, never have I taken any money or favors from anyone in the wireless industry.  I do the work of my own accord and give it away for free.  The idea that my work here in regards to Sprint could be compared to "astroturfing" is insulting or flat out stupid.


    So, put that in your pipe and smoke it...



    I'm sure you don't hear this enough, I personally thank you for time and effort that you put into this site AJ (as well as the rest of the S4GRU staff), I enjoy reading your well written articles and knowledgeable posts that you contribute.  

    • Like 15
  5. A friend of mine that works for Sprint's network maintenance (Ericsson) explained how their network management (QoS) works, and T-Mobile's may work in a similar manner.  To simply put it it's not how much data you use within a month its how much you use within a certain specific time frame, someone downloading gigabytes within a few hours versus a user that downloads few gigabytes in weeks.  The network will take a toll with a few users downloading large amounts of data within a few hours or a day versus a user that may be a moderate or heavy user that consumes data over a longer period of time.    

    • Like 4
  6. I'm looking forward to the day "Unlimited" plans disappear, because it's never true. No one actually has an Unlimited plan. The sooner people stop asking for it, the sooner carriers can stop pretending this exists.


    Fake "Unlimited" pricing distorts the entire market for large data. The sooner "Unlimited" goes away, the sooner 10GB / 20GB / 40GB plans start getting priced realistically -- and large data users start getting treated fairly on-network.


    Ironically, AT&T is sort-of the leader in this, with Cricket's plans. They label their "unlimited" plan honestly ("Pro" as 10GB), just like Sprint/T-Mobile should.


    - - -



    Here's a simple fix:  Take the 1/3/5/'unlimited' plans, keep the price points all the same, and make the data caps '2/5/10/20gb'. It's transparent, it's fair, there's no secret throttling, everyone's getting something better than they had before, and no one has to worry about 'abuse' of the network or unfairness.


    They could even advertise it as "another uncarrier move"...


    • Like 1
  7. Speaking in percentage of the number of towers converted to LTE located in a specific market, yes... East Kentucky is in fact lagging behind the nation. In Middlesboro, Verizon and AT&T have been LTE live for going on 3 years and T - Mobile went live today. Pretty pathetic Sprint...I've held on to hope long enough time to switch carriers.


    Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

    The rip and replace of the legacy CDMA equipment is nearing 100% completion in the East KY market.  LTE is a different story which is due to the ISPs lagging behind, this is common in every market just some ISPs are faster than others...not Sprint's fault.    


    Just so you know Alabama is further behind with LTE than East KY.

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