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Posts posted by dkyeager

  1. 2 hours ago, red_dog007 said:

    I was in Gatlinburg and they had 5MHz on n66.

    I use the SignalCheck Pro app on my Pixel 7. It only shows 1 band you are connected to which I assume to be the primary band.
    app was showing I was connected to n5. If that happens is that 5G SA in action?

    Every other time my phone shows 5G, I open the app and it shows LTE. Similar to the 5G on my SOs S22 in the service menu.

    You are likely correct. 5G SA lists NCI (think GCI for NR) while NSA typically omits these details.

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  2. 4 hours ago, mikejeep said:

    When you are uploading, a notification should appear with a progress bar while it's uploading, and then indicate it has completed as soon as its done, with a percentage showing how many of the data points were accepted. If you have a notification tone or vibration enabled, you'll get alerted when the process begins and when it ends. If you have the upload counter on the screen, it will refresh once another point is recorded or you can swipe out of and back into the app for an update. The counter isn't kept in real-time because it was such a drain on resources that it was causing crashes; it now updates passively. It should also update when you swipe down to refresh, but I know that is not working -- it's a bug I'm currently working on.


    3 hours ago, Trip said:

    I have 10 phones (9 of them solely for logging purposes) and all of them show me the notification when it starts and again when it finishes, and then leaves a notification in place until I dismiss it.

    - Trip

    Found a couple of differences in SCP configs so it works on all my more recent phones. (phones listed in profile)

    Ones like the Revvl, V20, and G4 I think have too old of a notification system. The show pending web entries now works well for them.

  3. 11 minutes ago, mikejeep said:

    When you are uploading, a notification should appear with a progress bar while it's uploading, and then indicate it has completed as soon as its done, with a percentage showing how many of the data points were accepted. If you have a notification tone or vibration enabled, you'll get alerted when the process begins and when it ends. If you have the upload counter on the screen, it will refresh once another point is recorded or you can swipe out of and back into the app for an update. The counter isn't kept in real-time because it was such a drain on resources that it was causing crashes; it now updates passively. It should also update when you swipe down to refresh, but I know that is not working -- it's a bug I've been looking into.

    I will give you an update on my phones with these details and Android version. SCP settings should all be the same but will verify first.

  4. Here are items with the map support in the app that would be great.  Hopefully already on an idea list

    1) The app often does not indicate it is complete on many phones so I step through the process again to see if it 0 or 1 to upload. May just want to redisplay this.

    2) Would love to see a loopback from the map site to scp app site notes.

  5. 1 hour ago, mikejeep said:

    Not in the same way the Android Issue Tracker does.. my presumption is that these vendors would rather hear issues from the manufacturers that use their products, not end users. If I have an issue with my Cheerios, I don't complain to the wheat farmer, I go to the grocery store.. we'll see what happens. Another developer (Cellmapper dev I believe) has already chimed in with a counter-argument, hopefully it's productive.

    None of us are Google customers either. We are the product (our data). Advertisers are Google's customers.

  6. 2 hours ago, mikejeep said:

    Disappointing news, the Android developer team just closed out the bug for incorrect NR bands as "won't fix" and blamed chipset manufacturers. This will make it much more challenging to get resolved. Please continue to let me know if you see incorrect band info and I'll implement as many workarounds as needed.. it's a hack I don't like, but there isn't really any other option.

    Does qualcomm, mediatech, etc maintain developer bug lists?

  7. I could be the guilty party. I had a oneplus nord n200 5g showing as DE2117 with oem firmware to signalcheck.net on Oxygen 12 rooted as having n25.  NSG agreed, reporting n25 as 15x15 with no way for me to lock band without paying $$$$ or getting a special blessing to do 5g band locking.  Now in the process of converting this to Oxygen 11 which in theory will allow me to lock bands with an engineering function thus could further validate with a speed test.  Should have checked with cellmapper as well.

    Have a DE2118 (oneplus nord n200 5g) with T-Mobile firmware also reporting n25 on oxygen 11, which was upgraded to oxygen 12 and then VoNR was turned on (no luck in my market) still reporting n25 with data sent to signalcheck.net. Will crosscheck with cellmapper and then will apply latest SCP update. Not rooted yet as waiting for bootloader unlock code.

  8. 22 minutes ago, PedroDaGr8 said:

    The issue with mmWave has never really been about line-of-sight (LOS) distance. LOS performance should be pretty good to excellent (when it comes to bandwidth) as the amplifiers and antennas improve. This new distance is a sign that things are getting better on that front.

    The real issue with mmWave is the fact that it is READILY attenuated by objects which have a negligible impact on other frequency bands (things like people's bodies, trees, etc.) For example, to get a decent mmWave signal for my phone, I have to remove the phone case. This is an example of things which can be engineered out. Future phones will be better at receiving signals so this won't be an issue. No matter the engineering, mmWave will not go "through" buildings or around corners because it is a physical limitation of the frequencies used. 

    To be clear, this doesn't mean mmWave isn't useful, it is highly useful in the right scenarios. It just isn't useful in the same way that the mid-range bands are useful. I think Verizon has the right idea on how it will be used in the future. The better the amplifiers and antennas can target specific stationary objects, the better they can use it to eliminate "last mile" hard wired access to provide competition

    I think a massive MIMO solution may also play well with mmWave, ie get it on the rebound.  I do also see firms like T-Mobile using it around sites so the bulk of the 2.5Mhz spectrum is not siphoned off by close-in users.  I also see the build-out requirements on some mmWave ultimately pushing them to use it around busy freeway interchanges like they have done in Seattle. 

    Of course physics being as they may, 12/13Mhz may be even better.

  9. Noticed with the production release on the s22+ factory unlocked latest firmware that the signal level is displayed as --  when set as band with signal level. Signal level itself works fine. The screen is set at defaults. Maybe I am missing something since this just seems to be a display issue. Any way for me to give it more space so it would display correctly?  Seems to work fine on my other devices that I have checked.  Thanks.

    P.S.: What is the best way for me to make comments on the mapping website?

  10. n25 SA now active in Columbus. OH. Seen natively on a Moto G Stylus 5g 2021. 448/40. Switched to n41 SA with speed test.  s22+ factory unlocked on n41 SA, which is still on Nov 1 update.

    Edit: Then tried a32 5g factory unlocked with Tello. Seen but no n25 connection. Tried moving T-Mobile sim/ sprint billing. No connection at all. Moved tello to moto g stylus 5g 2021. N25 only briefly seen. Otherwise n41 sa would then drop to n71 sa. Tried Boost on T-Mobile, but it operated on NSA only.

    Edit 2: Calls drop to LTE. When done NSA is added. Then stays there until airplane mode. Then connects to n41 SA which then drops to n25 SA in less optimal areas.

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  11. In my part of Columbus OH I am seeing them add a n25 site every few days. I was thinking they are skipping surrounding sites then doing another, but no longer certain of that.  I am now mapping them on signalcheck, although I have left tracks on Cellmapper.

    I can track but can't connect to any on my Samsung A32 5G factory unlocked.  This may or may not be my phone.  I plan on getting n25 working on three other phones.  Forcing on s21 ultra and 1+ nord n200 5g rooted with factory unlocked firmware. Waiting for an update on a s22+ factory unlocked that I sometimes can use.

    • Like 2
  12. 15 hours ago, RedSpark said:

    How long is the clock?

    The filing is so large it bogs down the FCC systems.  https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/ApplicationSearch/applAdmin.jsp?applID=13701739  I got on at about 5am.  There are 1728 parties to this at a minimum: https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/ApplicationSearch/applAgreements.jsp?applID=13701739 

    Basically AT&T is trying to put T-Mobile's entire spectrum holdings on trial, but specifically its mid-band holdings.

    Here are the pleadings:

    AT&T petition to Deny T-Mobile's Long Form Application entered 11/7/22: https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsEntry/attachments/attachmentViewRD.jsp?applType=search&fileKey=901738970&attachmentKey=21623913&attachmentInd=applAttach

    T-Mobile Opposition to Deny [Reply] entered 11/14/22: https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsEntry/attachments/attachmentViewRD.jsp?applType=search&fileKey=531424994&attachmentKey=21628501&attachmentInd=applAttach

    AT&T Reply in Support of Opposition [rebuttal] entered 11/21/22: https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsEntry/attachments/attachmentViewRD.jsp?applType=search&fileKey=786221504&attachmentKey=21633784&attachmentInd=applAttach

    Most interesting Exhibits:

    Amended and restated mobile spectrum holdings:


    Not sure who filed this.  Note that it includes 800Mhz holdings (not in use) that T-Mobile is required to sell to Dish at a preset price if Dish agrees else auction off at a preset price or better and only then can take back.  Also note that it does not take into account international border issues that dramatically reduce 800Mhz spectrum as far south as Columbus, OH.


    T-Mobile is on course to legally become a German subsidiary.  A political mistake IMO.


    AT&T's plan is likely to stall if they can until the Senate approves another democratic FCC commissioner, and try to have the commissioners to decide this. It could also go to the courts.  Worst case, basically a redo of the anti-trust trial. Or it could just be dismissed after taking up time.  T-Mobile is already denied the opportunity to brag about this during Christmas, the biggest phone sales quarter iirc plus capital poorly deployed getting rural sites ready for 2.5Ghz as a result of this petition.


    Edit add-on:

    Basically AT&T is a master of the political process from their years of setting up tariffs, anti-trust, mergers, etc.  Winning FirstNet caused them to dramatically improve their rural coverage.  2.5Ghz threatens that big time.  Far cheaper to legally dispute rather than to cover rural areas with n77, which they have delayed waiting for one radio to cover c-band and DOD for their one climb strategy.


    Other possibility: Dish gets a better deal on 800MHz for immediate takeover in exchange for publicly supporting T-Mobile.


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  13. 4 hours ago, though said:

    Is this more of a coverage boost or speed boost? If it's a coverage boost, what would the coverage map look like after they flip the switch?

    Neville tweet:

    We've taken @TMobile's #5G standalone core to the next level 🙌

    In partnership with @Cisco, 5G AND 4G traffic has moved to the 🌎's largest highly scalable cloud native 5G gateway.

    Giving #Uncarrier users a 10% 📈 in speed & 📉 latency!

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  14. 49 minutes ago, though said:

    Is this more of a coverage boost or speed boost? If it's a coverage boost, what would the coverage map look like after they flip the switch?

    This should add both in many areas.  Basically because T-Mobile has seeded so many 5g phones, they are getting rolling on n25.

    The even bigger flip the switch moment will be when the can activate the rural n41 licenses they recently won.  They just have to wait out the challenge clock set in motion by AT&T and possibly others.

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