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Everything posted by EmeraldReporter

  1. RT @trutriciahelfer: Damnit, "were" not "we're". Why does autocorrect change words that are right to something wrong. Frakkers.

  2. RT @SarahPalinUSA: Prayers for the families of the victims of plane crash in Ukraine.

  3. RT @TedNugent: maybe we oughtta pick a president by content of character nxt time

  4. How can AT&T, with all of its money frak up their Network development/deployment when Sprint is 50% complete with their Network Vision execution with a lot less money? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Please welcome ridesharing to NYC and remove barriers to transportation innovation http://t.co/kxN4V7qZMq via @Change #nycoverregulation

  6. RT @CIA: The CIA Memorial Wall—and the people it commemorates—inspire all who carry the mission forward. #inmemoriam http://t.co/ixMFI6gdTH

  7. You're a day late and a dollar short. With irrelevancy written all over your post because you failed to add your own input.
  8. Why don't they allow comments? It was nicely well written! If, a little sparse on the intimate details... Does Sprint have anything similar to: tmonews.com? SprintUsers.com is a C+, okay, D+ rated blog-site... They DID have a Sprint-dedicated podcast! (Which is as of now, is still canceled.) Anything out there? Anything?
  9. RT @CIA: July 1974: 31 stars & an inscription simply appeared…without ceremony. Photos weren't taken until 1975. #inmemoriam http://t.co/b1…

  10. So since Seattle won't be getting 800Mhz for the next 5+ years, does that mean that Sprint will be applying 1x Adv. tech upgrades to 1900Mhz? Our only in-building salvation being the 600Mhz auction forcing us to wait 3-5 years for its separate implementation? Why does Sprint have to be so aggravating for us Seattilites?
  11. I want a source for that Canadian IBEZ resolution please. Please, please, please!
  12. But, but! What about Seattle! That's not fair that they're dragging their feet with WA State! Make a deal with the FCC, and give Canadians some headway with their future slices of low-band spectrum rebranding plans. Sell 40Mhz of EBS/2.5Ghz in order to get it done! Do something!!!
  13. RT @rzimmermanjr: One of these men is enforcing our borders, the other is a fist-bumping photo-op fiend... Can you tell which is which? htt…

  14. RT @MrLTavern: Sarah #Palin is right. How Far Does Obama Go Before He Is Impeached? #ImpeachObama #teaparty #tcot https://t.co/wlH16HGoig

  15. RT @CoolChange80: @chrisjefferson @MrLTavern Sarah Palin is a visionary politician and with the cojones to say what needs to be said .

  16. RT @paulmayne: Day One for iPhone and iPad is free for two more days while being featured as App of the Week.https://t.co/lwaE1Y9KkN

  17. RT @notaxation: Now McDonalds is charging $0.10 for a bag for takeout because of San Francisco's whack ass laws? This city is a joke. http:…

  18. RT @TopixPolitix: How Obamacare Broke Up A Marriage and Left Wife Living in a Homeless Shelter http://t.co/aH4sz1LGwU - http://t.co/JhRHjJL…

  19. RT @Gibbsdithers: IF YOU HAVEN'T DISCOVERED>>> @MrLTavern GIVE A LISTEN. Visit his website and sift thru the archives. #AmazingPatriot #AnE

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