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Everything posted by EmeraldReporter

  1. @WiWavelength - If you could map out subscribers on an electoral/election style map, how would it look like in Florida and WA State? The U.S.A.?
  2. 2.5GB per person. Feb. 2016, downgrades to 1GB per person. This is the "Pump and Dump" strategy that I've been fearing would come out of the rotting woodwork of T-Mobile.
  3. Here is where @Mondays in Flames quoted from: http://bgr.com/2014/07/28/t-mobile-vs-sprint-family-plans/
  4. So does this mean that the 2.5Ghz network won't be able to VoLTE with a Euro 2.5Ghz cell phone? Will it be possible to work through that?
  5. It should be on the front page. But it won't be... Awesome media exposure. Thanks FierceWireless.
  6. You presume wrong. For $25 dollars @ 7+ Framily members, you get 1GB of data. Add $10 dollars you get 3GB's at $15 per GB in overages. $20 dollars Unlimited Data. Not throttling, no slowdowns. Well, unless you're a data hog on one particular cell tower, but once you leave that select tower, to another tower, you're speeds will go back to normal. The throttle doesn't follow you where ever you go. Sprint, if a bit more expensive, offers you the whole enchilada. With comparable coverage to AT&T.
  7. No, sorry. I meant to quote what you quoted. Sorry for the error. Can you post a link to what you quoted?
  8. RT @phonewisdom: So T-Mobile's 10GB data plan is $100... for 16 months, at which time it turns into a 4GB plan. #fineprint

  9. Why is he insinuating that Sprint's Framily plan is going to stab you in the back like TMO-US's bag of tricks? That's called "misrepresenting facts." Can I file a complaint to the FCC?
  10. RT @cnnbrk: Sarah Palin is launching her own online news channel. http://t.co/Ytd48ssGNf

  11. RT @DavidLimbaugh: Palestinians innocent? They elected Hamas, committed to Israel’s destruction. What am I missing?

  12. Can anyone post any of their recommendations? For telecom news? I only know of SprintUsers, and The Cell Phone Junkie. (http://thecellphonejunkie.com) These podcasts are exclusively wireless cell provider news-based. There are other shows that sprinkle in telecom news. There's CNET, and theverge/Engadget... Any others?
  13. RT @rzimmermanjr: Conservatives, did you know http://t.co/uJpR1Hz416 now defines you as "obstructionist"?! >> http://t.co/mu4sQsZY0g >> htt…

  14. Oh! Sorry. I do agree with you. Wholeheartedly. I just read it wrong. Guess I'm a bit twitchy, eh? I mean, why can't people understand that Sprint was forced to use WiMAX for their 4G tech because LTE wasn't ready yet AND because 2.5Ghz freq. had strict buildout requirements? And they bled, and bled, and kept on bleeding from the operation of iDEN towers? What about the anticompetitive nature of the Alltel buyout? That was absolutely not fair. To regional carriers AND Sprint? Maybe I'm stretching my argument a bit too far with this last one...
  15. IT'S NOT HIS ANNUAL PAY. It's around $30 million dollars, not $50 million. That $50 million dollar figure is a "package," not his salary.
  16. RT @SharylAttkisson: Today: EPA stonewalling, Republican peril under Obamacare, and secretive states re: executive orders http://t.co/uKYyT…

  17. RT @TopixPolitix: Here's Sarah Palin's Hilarious Response to Getting a Speeding Ticket http://t.co/NEKiKC6ORs - http://t.co/vJwCH52rJj

  18. I've been a fanboy of Sprint ever since I got my Palm Prē in October of 2009. I had left AT&T because my iPhone 3GS was stolen, and because precentral.net peaked my interest in WebOS. So I used those reasons to take the opportunity switch to Sprint. Plus, I like their yellow colour. It's nice to look at. I had devoted a lot of time (and money) to WebOS over those long and exciting months. Staying up late at night on community forums and chat sessions waiting for OTA's to be downloadable. Testing them out, and raving about "How exciting this, and that was.) I was so devoted to WebOS and Sprint that I had had great success with many family members and friends, switching then to Sprint and Palm's WebOS. About 6 months in, I had discovered SprintUsers. They had an mediocre community. 30% of the high volume contributors were intelligent. The rest didn't seem to have graduated middle school language arts. I liked what I saw, save for those rampant bad apples. And I liked what I heard while listening to the SprintUsers podcast. The podcasters and their guests, most of whom were employees, were fun to listen to at the time. It was an informative and compelling podcast that I'd like to see recreated here in some form or another through S4GRU. PODCAST LOCATED HERE: http://www.sprintusers.com/category/podcast/ Is anyone up to the challenge? I'd love to see it happen. Whether a staff member heads it, or a devoted forum contributor wants to, it doesn't matter to me as long as it gets up and running. Might there be a reason not to? Would it be 'too much' public exposure? I'm thinking that SprintUsers were told sternly by the top brass to "quit it" or get a pink slip. A reason was never given on the forums (that I could find) as to why it was unceremoniously shut down. I know that my posts as of late haven't been as valuable as I'd like them to be. Normally 1 sentence one-liners, but I'd hope that I can reshape my image in the future with more well thought out posts, that contribute to & further a discussion. Not just adding my 2¢, (with statements valued as such) just for the heck of it. Please consider this seriously. Everyone. S4GRU has the gravitas and the calibre to achieve prestige at such heights of theVerge, & Engadget. If it doesn't happen for two months for the sake of being well planned by the Staff, I'd be okay with that. As long as it gets going. It should be a monthly show, say, before, or after the monthly Community Summit chat? (I don't think "summit" is the right word)
  19. RT @rzimmermanjr: @SarahPalinUSA gives #EricHolder a momma-grizzly style smack down over his claims that his detractors are racists: http:/…

  20. You'll Be Shocked At Which States Have The Fastest Hiring Growth http://t.co/LSu8bd2Q5i via @TopixPolitix

  21. RT @DarTell: @SharylAttkisson : ????MSNBC Anchor Resigns; Admits to Spreading "Lies on Behalf of Obama" http://t.co/G4mvFICHyE http://t.co/Pv…

  22. RT @MrLTavern: Sarah Palin's speech at Western Conservative Summit today at 3 EST streams on their website http://t.co/0Sym6SalRM

  23. RT @eurogamer: What a misnake - news channel uses Metal Gear Solid 5 screenshot in child soldiers report: http://t.co/O8prWVFIjp http://t.c…

  24. So in the end, did Sprint sell its towers? What did Nextel do with its 1.9Ghz, & its 2.5Ghz plans? On another note, I remember reading on CNET that T-Mobile sold all of its towers to Crown Castle? What carriers own there no./% of their towers? Do Sprint own all of theirs?
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