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Everything posted by Nrbelex

  1. Without getting too far into this, I'm well aware you know what you're talking about. That's why your statement, likely to be influential here, that it's "basically an iPhone for the Android crowd" should be, at the very least, given some context.
  2. Believe it or not, there's a whole gamut of capabilities in between wireless spectrum analyzer and iPhone. I would hesitate to claim that any phone lacking an engineering screen is the equivalent of the most locked-down phone on the planet... especially when the device in question is arguably the most hackable phone on the market, intended for developers... ETA: [but I digress.]
  3. You've probably heard about Google's supposed barge in SF. Since some of the people here might have special insight into the transmitting capabilities of a technology platform at sea, I figured I'd ask what people think it might be. Apparently it's been under construction for a year, is mostly made of shipping containers and has antennas sticking out the top. Doesn't seem to be a floating retail location (for Glass or otherwise) and probably isn't a data center either... Thoughts?
  4. The power and volume buttons will probably be made from zirconium like the Lumia 920's. Real world benefits are minimal, but they'll probably be scratch resistant and feel pretty cool.
  5. Don't forget the Nexus 5 has... CERAMIC BUTTONS.
  6. In other news, does the fact that renderings were supposedly found on the Sprint website make it less likely the Google Play version will be compatible with Sprint?
  7. Can I just say this is an insane recommendation coming from a representative of the company? She couldn't put a note on the account or something?
  8. Well now it looks like some event is planned for November 5 in Tel Aviv. But the invite shows a Nexus 4, and this doesn't seem official enough to be the event... My guess is this is just an Israeli distributor of LG products trying to drum up excitement. The phone might be announced well before the 5th.
  9. The phone will supposedly be available in the Netherlands on Wednesday... http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ftweakers.net%2Fnieuws%2F92235%2Fnexus-5-komt-woensdag-in-nederland-uit-voor-459-euro.html Carphone Warehouse in the UK apparently also has 3,000 units on hand, in their warehouses: http://www.androidpolice.com/2013/10/28/inventory-screen-implies-carphone-warehouse-is-sitting-on-3000-nexus-5s-in-preparation-for-launch/ And now there are pictures taken by the camera:
  10. Well this "sentence"... ... is already wrong. I see absolutely no reason to trust this website at all.
  11. Between the two, evleaks at least has a reputation of being accurate...
  12. Doesn't look like a hardware announcement. That said, what are the smaller devices pictured here? Nexus 4s?
  13. I'm thinking there hasn't been speculation about an announcement tomorrow because there's been confirmation from two independent sources that the event is not Nexus-related. Sure, many of these rumor sites want traffic no matter what, but when you lose all credibility by totally making stuff up, you eventually lose traffic as well. Am I to take it that you think the lack of rumors regarding an announcement tomorrow is evidence that it will be unveiled!? I would attribute the lack of rumors generally in the last few days to the fact that there's almost nothing left to reveal... Any claim of production delays is baseless speculation at this point. We're all anxious, but there's no reason to believe this phone isn't being released precisely on schedule. Don't forget the Nexus 4 was announced at the very end of October and first available in mid-November...
  14. You'll be in an awesome position to do a comparison of Sprint's first wave of tri-band phones!
  15. Considering the packaging already appears printed up for white, I'm betting the wait, if there is one, won't be nearly as long. On that same note, I'm seriously hoping they learned from the Nexus 4 launch and have enough devices to meet demand at launch.
  16. Have to disagree there. The Nexus 4 came in black and white and there's plenty of evidence the Nexus 5 will as well. When the link in the Google Play store was active, it specified "black," which devices without color options do not: https://play.google.com/store/devices/details?id=nexus_5_black_16gb I'm expecting a black front and white back, as seen in the packaging and in one of the earlier leaked images (the phone on the left): Personally, I prefer black, but just wanted to put it out there.
  17. To crush your hopes... - Android Police
  18. As much as I want a bigger battery option, I'd say the odds are very slim. That rumor came from a totally anonymous source and has zero corroboration. Also...
  19. Ok, so take the secret message, "Everybody dance now! #AndroidKITKAT" Convert the letters to numbers and add. Total = 308 Subtract 4 (obviously because this is Android 4.4) = 304 The 304th day of the year is October 31st, so obviously that is the release date. You are welcome.
  20. Not looking good for an announcement today. That rumor never struck me as particularly likely. I still think techradar's rumor of an announcement and release at the end of October is on the mark. http://techradar.com/news/phone-and-communications/mobile-phones/nexus-5-will-ship-at-the-end-of-october-with-same-specs-as-iphone-5s-1185350?src=rss&attr=all
  21. Nrbelex

    LG G Flex LS995

    NEXUS 5.5
  22. The Nexus 5's back supposedly feels like the Nexus 7's, which is generally liked: AnandTech: The Verge: Engadget: It doesn't seem to be the type of material that photographs well, but I'm not worried.
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