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Everything posted by afazel

  1. I wonder if there will be some kind of update tomorrow with the G2 launch that might help with some of the LTE hand-off issues. Maybe even allow some connections on other bands? Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  2. I said I did that I even tried changing from pause to wait, which lets you choose when the phone sends the tones. Nada. I'm not an Android noob by any means.
  3. Thanks, didn't notice that. It seems unlikely, though. How would the phone know a call is coming in if the phone radio is not on?
  4. I already did some testing and posted the results. It was all using the included LG charger. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  5. That can't be right. I'm on LTE now and just had my wife call me. It worked fine. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  6. OctOS and TouchWiz didn't give me any problems. I did go back in and edit it on the Nexus 5 and it didn't improve.
  7. Ok, after testing it looks like it's my cable: 10:00 to 10:10 on Monoprice cable with LG charger, screen on: 41% to 42% 10:10 to 10:20 on Monoprice cable with LG charger, screen off: 42% to 47% 10:20 to 10:30 on LG cable with LG charger, screen on: 47% to 54% 10:30 to 10:40 on LG cable with LG charger, screen off: 54% to 64%
  8. I'm actually doing some testing right now. I'm using the supplied LG charger, but I'm using a different cable because it's longer. I'll post the results when I'm done.
  9. Slower is one thing, and I used to that. This is to the tune of 1% every 10 minutes. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  10. Does charging with the screen on seem really slow for anyone else, or is it my funky USB cable?
  11. Three issues I've noticed that I haven't seen anyone else mention: When making a call to a conference bridge from my address book (888-555-1212,,12345678#) it never dials the bridge extension in the default dialer. GrooveIP works. If I'm in the camera and take a pic, then view it in the gallery and delete it, my camera controls don't come back right away. When I take a pic and swipe over to the gallery and then swipe back, I still have the gallery action bar at the top of the camera which keeps me from tapping on the image preview for the next picture.
  12. I'll let you know tomorrow when I'll actually have people calling me. I did receive a call earlier when I was on LTE and SignalCheck didn't show any 1x. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  13. I didn't see anyone mention it, but on my Nexus 5 my SNR for LTE always shows 30 dB. It also doesn't show my 1x signal when I'm connected to LTE, but I think someone reported that to you already. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  14. Just got mine. Activated no problem, LTE works and is better than my S4 which was better than my HTC One. Not by 20 dB, but by 5-10 (depending on the day and which device). It seems to pull data faster at the same signal levels as well. I used Titanium Backup and have my apps installed and restored again. One important thing to note about TiBu is that if you change your runtime to ART it will crash on start. I don't know about other apps, but it definitely affected TiBu until I changed it back to Dalvik.
  15. SIM and Nexus 5 today and case Friday or Monday
  16. You can use Nova or Apex or many other 3rd party launchers. Some of them even give you the option to hide apps for free
  17. Parabolic wave Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  18. Do Best Buy employees get that as well? I wouldn't mind working part-time there for extra cash to fund my smartphone addiction as well as get that awesome discount. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  19. Current: 2008 Ford Mustang (base, 5-speed manual) and a 2011 Ford Flex Limited. Dream: Shelby GT500 with upgrade to a Shelby 1000. More realistic dream: Mini Cooper S (more like short-term goal). Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  20. Is there a way to delink the SIM ourselves?
  21. I've got inactive T-Mobile and Verizon micro-SIMs sitting around. What are they chances I could use them with the online activation? Does Sprint keep a database of SIM IDs?
  22. I'd like to hear how a successful activation on Sprint goes.
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