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Everything posted by afazel

  1. Sorry, all, looks like my authentication tokens (or my password) got jacked. It's fixed now. Luckily I don't do much more than read Twitter.

  2. Fastest way to lose weight, burn fat and stop fat production http://t.co/h9qpqVeW9t

  3. Beautiful idiot Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  4. Fastest way to lose weight, burn fat and stop fat production http://t.co/FvbG9SPD65

  5. Fastest way to lose weight, burn fat and stop fat production http://t.co/ibLZ8mFM9M

  6. Fastest way to lose weight, burn fat and stop fat production http://t.co/qa5zTO9Fgx

  7. Fastest way to lose weight, burn fat and stop fat production http://t.co/jgT8XaqKWo

  8. Fastest way to lose weight, burn fat and stop fat production http://t.co/zlfsKnXrQl

  9. I didn't realize they weren't adjacent. That said, I know it would be illegal for them to do under the current rules, but I did say "licensing permitting." Apparently it's not just licensing that restricts this. It's still a good idea for FDD in a situation where it would be possible if you could get the FCC on board with it.
  10. Fastest way to lose weight, burn fat and stop fat production http://t.co/ezn8Yt2ViX

  11. Shadow Bane (Ok, so it's technically one word, but I had to throw in a plug when I saw the opportunity)
  12. I was just thinking about this the other day. It would make sense to me for Sprint to divide their 5+5 PCS bands into 7+3 or similar for better downlink with enough uplink to work well. Back of the envelope calculations look like that would give 52.5Mbps downlink and 22.5Mbps uplink on a 7+3 and 127.5Mbps downlink with 22.5Mbps uplink on a 17+3 (I used 37.5 Mbps theoretical max on a 5Mhz carrier to come up with my calculations. Apologies if it doesn't scale that way). Licensing permitting, that would seem to be a better allocation of spectrum resources. I know the devices don't work out this way, with the notable example of Samsung's 5Mhz FDD carrier limitation that I've seen mentioned so many times. Would this be something they could do later with some rebanding efforts, or am I just completely wrong?
  13. Being in Fort Worth now, I miss Publix. Especially their sweet tea. I've almost perfected the recipe on my own, but it's not quite the same.
  14. I have! We used to call it "Hoggly Woggly," because of the Razerbacks I think. I was too young to care. What about Winn-Dixie?
  15. I liked a @YouTube video from @afazel http://t.co/4yAerLwtG4 Birthday cake!!!!. Nom nom Nom!

  16. Using my #Chromecast to stream New Year's Eve to the TV. Best $35 gadget I've bought.

  17. I liked a @YouTube video from @admiralbahroo http://t.co/AS16lEjAId 10 Things you might not know about Borderlands 2!

  18. I liked a @YouTube video from @alantutorial http://t.co/HkoGW5wjGR how to crush a can of dr. pepper with slats of wood

  19. It took a little bit to be sure, but someone ended up DMing me and getting my email address and worked with me. Told me about some issues with the tower (no specifics) and that I was actually connecting to a tower that was further away. He opened a ticket and kept me updated, and I let him know when my service improved.
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