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Posts posted by ingenium

  1. Well this is good to hear. I am thinking of returning to Sprint. according to a sales rep (since they are to always be trusted), supposedly Sprint's phones no longer have that huge 30 minute delay for trying to reconnect to LTE; Effectively negating the need to toggle airplane mode. I know what you said doesn't answer my inquiry and likely does not correlate to it, but seeing that the phones can switch from EVDO to LTE during an active data session, makes me hopeful that the rescan interval has also been improved.


    Also I have been out of the loop on Sprint stuff for almost two years. need to learn more about how reliable LTE connectivity has become with improvements and availability of band 41; unfortunately it seems that the South Bay market threads are dead.

    South bay can be approximated from the SF market thread most likely. You can generally assume similar rates of progress and coverage. I don't track the South Bay since I never go down there and haven't really had anyone contribute data from it.


    Sent from my Nexus 6P

  2. Anyone else notice that CA doesn't work when the phone is actively using SRLTE instead of eCSFB? I've noticed my speeds are half of what they usually are if I'm connected to both 1x and LTE B41 on SCP.

    I wouldn't be surprised if that's a technical limitation.


    Sent from my Nexus 6P

  3. I hope so sprint needs to do FDD carrier CA. The 5x5 speeds are bad. Tho its not as helpful as doing 10x10 because, you have to buy a new phone that supports it. However there wlll always be places where Band 41 can't reach, that 25 and, 26 can.

    Usually B25 and B26 are pretty heavily loaded, so CA on them by themselves isn't really helpful. What would be useful is aggregation with B41, or using the B25 uplink and B41+B25 for downlink (perhaps favoring B41 if that's possible).


    Sent from my Nexus 6P

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  4. I just noticed something really interesting, It seems to come pretty unlocked and stock from bestbuy. Once you activate the device, the boot screen changes to Sprint and it loads a shit ton of apps!


    This is the future of devices, it would be awesome to figure out a way to undo the activation and start fresh once again.

    Try factory resetting and then booting without a SIM card inserted. Set it up. Only later insert the SIM. That's the way to bypass carrier apps on Nexus devices anyway


    Sent from my Nexus 6P

  5. Hey guys I thought I'd just share something that I observed with the latest iOS beta - I think Sprint has managed to implement some form of SIB13 in their network where the network instructs the device when to hand over to the CDMA network. Before this beta, when I would drop LTE, I would momentarily drop data before my phone picked up 1x and then switched to 3G. If I were running a speed test while I dropped LTE, it would fail. As of yesterday, when my phone drops LTE, it goes straight to 3G, without ever dropping the data connection or connecting to 1x. I ran a speedtest in a low signal area (-118 B25) and blocked the signal to the phone with my hands about 5 seconds through the test. The phone handed down to 3G and the data session was not interrupted - the speedtest continued. Im not sure but I think that this is probably in preparation for VoLTE. Thoughts anyone?

    It's always done that on Android I believe.


    Sent from my Nexus 6P

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  6. Yep. Brightside for me is that they finally officially turned on and optimized my home site and is the first site in gainesville , belleview or Ocala to get 2500 and what a difference it makes. It goes much further and penetrates much better that I thought it would also speeds went from 0.5mbps on b25/b26 to 20-30 mbps in peak hours. The same week our Sprint stores all started getting mini cells in store so you can actually use the phone inside of the stores. I can only imagine what will happen when more sites get it.

    Repeaters? Is the GCI the same as the nearby macro?


    Sent from my Nexus 6P

  7. Not that it wasn't available, just less than normal, hence not using the full 8T8R antenna. But I could be remembering wrong. I don't remember where I read that.

    That wouldn't be done for spectrum reasons. Using one radio for 2 antennas doesn't change the spectrum usage at all. It just makes those two sectors have less range and consequently lower speed. Would be a cost saving measure.


    Sent from my Nexus 6P

  8. Not saying use that as the only authentication method, there are plenty of further ways to restrict authentication to valid devices only, but that's an easy first step to weed out unwanted devices.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    The easiest and correct way is just setup 802.1x. ie, WPA enterprise. Authenticate with public key only (on corp devices this is easy to preinstall per user). Username/password auth is too easy to man in the middle, many devices don't validate the CA, so public key prevents that. Even consumer wifi APs support it, you just need a central radius server to point it at. You could use a raspberry pi, but I'm guessing most organizations would tie it to their active directory server.


    I used it in my home network for a while just to try it out, since in theory someone knowing the PSK password could man in the middle the connection. Now I just have my guest network properly forward certain multicast packets via avahi, so guests can use the Chromecasts or printer without being on my main network.


    Sent from my Nexus 6P

  9. It's not that hard to whitelist MACs for a single SSID, even on basic consumer gear...


    Stick the guest SSID on a completely isolated VLAN from the internal traffic, enable isolation for all users on that SSID so they can't talk to other wireless guests, and call it a day.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    MAC filtering should not be used for authentication. Carnegie Mellon's wifi network used (maybe still uses) it as the only auth, which blows my mind for a university that's the home of CERT. Before I was a student there and needed wifi, I just cloned the MAC of a user I saw on the network and viola, I had access.


    Sent from my Nexus 6P

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  10. Ookla had pretty positive view on Sprint, and they said 93% of their test on Sprint were taken on LTE.


    So take your pick which figures you trust more. Open signal seems the least reliable for Sprint users and would have probably been more apt to trust sensory more since Sprint power users contributed more consistently.


    But at the end of the day crowdsource data(even sensory) based info always should be taken with a grain of salt.

    With Ookla or any speed test app, there is a selection bias. People often test their speed when they feel it's fast, or when it feels slow. So it's not a true random sampling of a carrier's speed.


    Sent from my Nexus 6P

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  11. Just wonder markets that have most clearsites stuck on 2 carriers . I like know there plans for 3 carrier and how many markets that can do it toonand make a impact. This clearsites should been converted by now .

    There are many markets where Clearwire is single carrier only. Or not capable or B41 period (ie Pittsburgh) due to the use of Motorola equipment.


    Sent from my Nexus 6P

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  12. Yeah that looks like second carrier in San Jose. Their GCI range is a bit higher than SF's (SF's always begin with 0A6 for B25 and B26). 


    If anyone has any SCP logs I will happily take them and process them for new finds.


    We have a premier sponsor thread where we track B25, B26, and B41, but I never made a Sponsor map/thread because B25 was on almost all the sites already by the time Robert's source dried up. However, now that we're getting a second B25 carrier I can consider making a Sponsor level map if there's interest or if it will entice people to send me their logs. I just don't know how many active Sponsor level members we have in the Bay Area.

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  13. Today for the first time I have seen a B25^2 carrier in Hayward, CA. Not sure how many other sites have been upgraded. Even B41^3 is very stable in the area and I hope my next phone will be able to make full use of the network. 2CA feels so 2015 :)

    Woah really? Can you send me your SCP logs? That's a huge deal if it's not stale/bad SCP data. Last I checked Sprint hadn't shut down enough CDMA carriers for a second B25 carrier.


    Sent from my Nexus 6P

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  14. ohhh another phone with 2xCA B25, looks like sprint might be interested in B25CA considering they are starting to launch multiple B25 carriers all over the U.S.

    Sprint would require new hardware at each site to do this. The current RRUs aren't capable of it. It's not going to happen in the foreseeable future.


    Sent from my Nexus 6P

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  15. Anybody else's phone bounce around the bands. I keep sending out 3/4 texts at a time etc. Only thing I see is my phone is switching bands a lot. Goes from lte 25-41-26 and back and forth. Just curious. Reside in south Minneapolis if that helps.

    Try rebooting. My phone does that every now and then. A reboot fixes it.


    Sent from my Nexus 6P

  16. This is the only small cell I can find here. My signal isn't particularly strong next to it but my speeds are 56-60Mbps down on my single carrier device.




    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

    What's the approximate address or GPS coordinates for that?


    Sent from my Nexus 6P

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