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Posts posted by ingenium

  1. I agree ! I would assume given sprint history in El Paso their is not proper backhaul in place



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    It depends how it was provisioned and how much capacity their supplier has. It may be as simple as calling up the backhaul provider and asking for more bandwidth (akin to upgrading your home internet speed). That was supposedly the point of NV 1.0, get (usually fiber) backhaul in place that can be easily upgraded for more capacity. No site visits or additional cables.


    Sent from my Pixel XL

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  2. From looking at my spectrum map that I did over the 2.5 spectrum, I believe that Sprint has over 100 mhz for deployment. I don't think they will deploy them with 3 carriers out from the start. I think they will make two with out CA. Then have a team specialized for the remainder follow. However, having two additional carriers at 20mhz for download would be huge (obvi look at other markets). In addition, EP could expand B25 to a additional carrier. I don't believe if the carrier can be 10x10 though.

    If it's a new deployment, they'll do 3 carriers from the start (assuming backhaul is in place). CA will be enabled by default, at least 2xCA. It sounds like they have 3xCA enabled on a lot of sites, but haven't flipped the master switch yet allowing consumer devices to actually use it.


    From what I've seen, if the site supports 3 carriers, and the backhaul is there, they turn on all 3. No reason not to.


    Sent from my Pixel XL

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  3. Just an update on this: Sprint has implemented ORNL recently for several of the more prominent devices on their network (iPhone for example), allowing the network to push a device to 3G from LTE. Maybe we'll start to see more changes soon ;).

    Which Android devices?


    Sent from my Pixel XL

  4. Also, Id like to point out, its not only 012A that are small cells, 0129,012D as well..

    Oooo, I have one of those too, 0129EA39. Also the same route, so in Manhattan as well. It could be a bug in SCP because I was connected to them so briefly, but [0129EA39] shows an EARFCN of 41474, and [012A8D31] an EARFCN of 41276, which matched up with the regular macro EARFCNs. Like I said though, i was connected to each for only less than a second, so it's likely SCP just logged stale EARFCN data and they're really 40072 like the other small cells.

  5. I confirmed a bit over 100 small cells in Manhattan, none in other boroughs, this is definitely promising. 

    The ones I have in Manhattan are [012A3131], [012A7B31], [012A8D31], and [012A9631]. The first is near Battery Park, and the others were along FDR starting from Midtown down through Battery Park to the tunnel. 

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  6. Oh wow! 012A GCI is small cell. You found one outside of Manhattan...NICE!

    I don't have an exact address, but these are my SCP logs with 012A as the starting GCI (EDIT: Removed due to mangled formatting)


    I found 4 in Manhattan, and one in Brooklyn. That one has a strongest rsrp of -84 near Prospect Park at Caton Ave and Rugby Rd.

    • Like 4
  7. Alot of the small cells are upgraded to 2xCA so even the engineering screens are iffy. They only tend to display the PCC and not the SCC.

    Hmm I didn't think to check NSG, since the ones in Ohio are only a single carrier (at least the LTE backhaul fed ones I checked out are). It's possible it's a new install that isn't 2xCA yet? I'll look through my logs tomorrow and see what earfcns I found for your market. Almost all the B41 was Clearwire lol. This particular site with earfcn 40072 was in Flatbush, I think I saw the antenna on a street light post but didn't take a picture (was very hungover lol), just a screen shot:



    Sent from my Pixel XL

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  8. NYC, Northern NJ, Philly, Miami, Chicago. I have hit very little to almost no 3G.NYC, Northern NJ, Philly, Miami, Chicago. I have hit very little to almost no 3G.

    Add in SF Bay Area and Pittsburgh city. I never see 3G drops unless it's an actual dead spot for CDMA too. Now non-B41 may be unusably saturated (*cough cough* SF...), but QoS makes that a non issue for VoLTE.


    I just wish they'd roll it out and make it a secret dialer code to enable (and BYOD wifi calling...). And reset it with a profile update (to ease tech support). It lets people use it who want to, and gives Sprint valuable data. Plus no complaints since it's not an official feature yet. It just seems like a no brainier. It'd only be power users using it at first anyway


    Sent from my Pixel XL

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  9. I was looking at sensorly lately man lot gmos going live on I 80 .looks like they finally hitting this market , hope other gmos start getting up graded in 2017.

    Yup, I just laid down the purple on Sensorly a few days ago [emoji39]. Drove from Ohio to NYC. Unfortunately I forgot to start mapping on Sensorly until after I passed Clarion (going east), so I missed the western portion of I-80. Logs were submitted for processing tonight. More detailed info with GCIs is on CellMapper (that was logging the whole time, along with SCP, so it shows the western portion of I-80).


    It seems in some stretches they upgraded every other site to GMO LTE (CDMA often showed -60 while LTE was -110ish as I passed some sites). Overall pretty solid coverage for most of I-80, I was surprised.


    It's 2x2 MIMO too surprisingly, so it's not limited to half the usual 5 Mhz B25 capacity like 1x1 would be. I guess the antennas had enough ports for it. NSG showed TM3 MIMO, at least in Clarion and to the west. I didn't test after that, so it could drop to 1x1 further east.




    Some stretches had B25 on Sprint but HSPA for ATT (no LTE).


    EDIT: Actually it looks like Clarion is Pittsburgh market based on the GCI. Western PA starts just east of there.

    • Like 2
  10. Got the update on my HTC 10 yesterday. I tried to send a text in airplane mode with wifi turned on and it did not work, but maybe it's not supposed to work that way? Also maybe because I sent to an ATT phone.


    I did not get a confirmation text.


    Sent from my 2PS64 using Tapatalk

    I think if it doesn't detect the other end is also on RCS, it falls back to SMS. If you were to send the message to an RCS enabled number it likely would have gone through.


    If I have time I'll try to get a packet capture of an RCS message. Likely it's wrapped in TLS or ipsec, but it might yield some interesting information.


    Sent from my Pixel XL

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  11. Probably a regression from the latest Dec update....



    Hopefully you can last until January, so Google rarely does out-of-cycle updates.

    They actually just released an update today. Not sure if it does anything to address that issue, it's mostly to deal with a bug that prevented MMS on a UK carrier. No other changes are mentioned.


    They also released an out of cycle update to fix Canadian band 4 connectivity last month. So I'm hoping from now on they'll be more likely to release out of cycle bug fixes.


    Sent from my Pixel XL

  12. Haha yeah I've got 150mbps symmetrical from Frontier out here in Seattle. Works like a charm - I don't think I've never seen speeds fall below the 150 mark.

    Yup same with FiOS in Pittsburgh. Never below 150 down. Up is usually 165 or so. I don't think I can ever go back to unsymmetrical internet long term, it's nice being able to host things from a home server (media, VPN, etc).


    Now if they would just roll out IPv6...


    Sent from my Pixel XL

  13. Really? Interesting what message did you get? I have the same setup with s7e running nougat and sprintegration. Just have to download messenger again.


    Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

    It just asked if I wanted to enabled enhanced messaging, then asked me to exclude Messenger from battery optimizing. And that was it. I think you're supposed to get a confirmation text from Sprint but I never got it, nor did another phone that got the same notice a few days ago. So it's not actually enabled...


    Sent from my Pixel XL

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  14. This is great news. My relatives are going on a cruise to the Caribbean. What's the best way to ensure they can use sprint open world but not roam on the cruise networks that price gouges.


    Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

    Disable data roaming first. Then when they get to a country go into settings, mobile networks, more, and there should be a way to select which network the phone is connecting to. It doesn't show up when you're on Sprint native service.


    Once you've connected to a network that is part of Open World, reenable data roaming. The phone will be locked to that network then and won't switch unless you manually select a different one.


    Sent from my Pixel XL

  15. I was wondering if they were going to deploy the small cells with WiMAX-ish frequency re-use. Cool stuff. Should allow for some pretty insane power output on standalone small cells (like Mobilitie units far away from others).


    Edit: so this means that small cells will be using the same frequencies as carriers 4-6 on ultra-high-capacity 8T8R macros, right? So as long as no such monster macros are nearby they can use the otherwise unused channels? That's how I interpreted it.

    Pretty much. That's what we observed on the relay small cells in Akron, Ohio. They were using a different earfcn from the nearby macros (40072 in this case).


    Sent from my Pixel XL

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