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Posts posted by ingenium

  1. Sprint needs VOLTE to get everyone off their back from being the only one that doesn't have so that talk and surf can happen.


    Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk

    Also for improved call quality. I've had robo gargle with my last 3 devices. They did traces on how my calls were routed internally and supposedly fixed it, but it's only OK about 50% of the time. The other 50% calls are awful. I can't understand anything the other person is saying, and it continuously cuts out.


    It seems somehow my calls sometimes randomly get routed to mountain view (ie Google) even though I don't have Google voice integration nor have I ever. Or they said they were sometimes being routed through the wifi calling IMS core, despite me not having wifi calling on my account (nor have I ever had a wifi calling capable device). Basically they never could actually completely fix the issue.


    I've resorted to just using Hangouts for calls now. The improvement in call quality is staggering. It's crystal clear. So I'm hoping VoLTE will bring similar call quality to Sprint. I assume part of the issue is I'm in denser populated areas, so CDMA call quality is reduced to handle more users, especially since they're down to only a single 1x800 and 1x1900 carrier. VoLTE will alleviate that issue.


    Sent from my Pixel XL

  2. I think the point is to get people in/near the stores and aware of the brand. I don't think they're going into this expecting a ton of people to walk in and buy phones and a plan on the spot, but they probably expect it to increase brand awareness and get people window shopping.

    It also may help that Sprint coverage at or near Sprint stores will typically be good. Most stores have small cells or B41 repeaters now. So it associates a positive network experience with existing customers near their stores.


    Sent from my Pixel XL

    • Like 3
  3. Yes, Sprint has their own VPN called Secure Wi-Fi. The $2.00 month comes on my bill. It's a good VPN that only kicks in on Public Wifi. I probably don't need it but it does work well.


    Sorry to take the thread off topic.


    Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

    Google also has one, and it's free. It auto connects to open wifi networks and then VPNs to Google. It actually runs automatically whenever it connects to any unencrypted wifi once you enable it.


    That being said, I don't think it's particularly fast. I doubt I've ever hit over 10 mbps on it. And I think it was Google limiting it, not the wifi itself (this was Denver airport's free wifi, which is known for being fast).


    Sent from my Pixel XL

  4. In ibez markets, is sprint being ask (per agreements ) To trim band 26 from 5×5 mhz to 3×3mhz ?


    Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

    I don't think they're being asked to per say. More that some of the spectrum may not be cleared yet for a full 5x5 carrier to be deployed. But enough is cleared for a 3x3, so they're launching that now since the equipment and everything has been installed for years just waiting. Hopefully the 3x3 turns into a 5x5 soon, but even at 3x3 they seem to have the power cranked up pretty high and it carries far and fills in the gaps between B25.


    Sent from my Pixel XL

    • Like 1
  5. Oh and here is a picture of these poles showing up in Anderson everywhere especially where decommissioning is happening 51d4698950236ba7334e7384cd71307f.jpg


    These poles are around this decommissioned tower 2d3cc17523f3bd5725a62f934ea10df6.jpg



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Those poles are very tall and look just like the ones that Mobilitie used in Akron, OH. https://goo.gl/photos/96cExrbNNzntjcAP7


    I was told the poles were installed 1-2 months before the equipment appeared. But it could be faster now that they're ramping up deployment.


    Sent from my Pixel XL

  6. I don't actually see a notification priority setting in the LG menu. Just an option to show or block notifications.




    Have not seen this issue. I have Chrome open all the time refreshing weather pages and whatnot. Work WiFi, home WiFi and Sprint LTE no issues.

    Oops, I forgot you have to turn on System UI Tuner, then go into Other, Power Notification Controls, and toggle it on.



    Sent from my Pixel XL

  7. HD voice definitely still works when not connected to WiFi calling, even with it active on the account.


    With Google voice active, HD calling does not work.


    Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

    HD voice is dependent on the device. If it uses the old IMS core, it disables HD voice for all calls (source: a senior tech at Sprint who was diagnosing and tracing calls for me) since they're routed internally through the IMS core regardless of where the call originates. With phones that use the new IMS core for wifi calling, it may not disable HD voice.


    Basically, Sprint routes calls differently internally depending on whether or not wifi calling is on your account.


    Sent from my Pixel XL

  8. I'm flying out of Terminal 4 tomorrow, will check on my devices to see how coverage and speeds are.


    For the most part thanks to Hotspot 2.0, I'm on the secure WIFI rather than mobile at most terminals.

    I wish Hotspot 2.0 worked on Nexus/Pixel devices...


    Sent from my Pixel XL

    • Like 1
  9. Has anyone ever had a confirmed B41 2x CA connection on the 6P? My coworkers Samsung is always on 2x CA from the site near our office, however, I can't find anything in the DATA screens that even indicates CA is enabled. LTE Engineering is worthless on this device. LTE Discovery is only showing a single EARFCN/Frequency range. Speed tests are usually in the 20-30 Mbps range, which is more than usable, but they are very similar to the results I got on my Moto X Pure previously.

    I have and am providing screen shots from NSG confirming it.




    It even shows the throughput on each carrier (this was during a speed test).


    Sent from my Pixel XL

    • Like 4
  10. It was a bad idea. After the update, I lost LTE and once I got it back, I now do not get PCI, TAC, SNR, or most other information aside from GCI and RSRP. I think I'll be rolling back.


    EDIT: Rolled back successfully. Apparently the N5 never reported the SNR to begin with. In any case, it now correctly shows PCI and TAC again.


    - Trip

    My 6P never displayed the SNR correctly. It was never less than 20, but would sometimes go above that. The Pixel doesn't show SNR at all. Losing the other info though is a deal breaker, especially for logging purposes.


    Sent from my Pixel XL

  11. I will have to get there to check it out better. I am leaving for vacation on Friday so Wednesday or Thursday I will try to figure it out a little better. I know they have Verizon boosters all over the building as Verizon is the carrier of choice and service was terrible there. I was thinking maybe a roaming agreement or something but at this point I really have no clue.

    If they're passive boosters/amplifiers, it's possible it's also picking up and boosting Sprint's signal as well. Both Verizon and Sprint have spectrum in the 1900mhz range. Probably not likely, but possible I suppose.


    Sent from my Pixel XL

  12. I have an exact address. I can PM if you would like.

    Looks like only 3 sites in a 5 mile radius of that address. None are small cells. You may have just temporarily latched onto another carrier's LTE signal, but it likely wasn't actually usable. My phone did it recently in a no service area with T-Mobile band 12.



    I suppose it's also possible you connected to a much further away site, perhaps on a mountain top. I've seen B41 go 10+ miles line of sight from a mountain top before, using Clearwire equipment!

  13. Sorry if this is a stupid question:


    Would Sprint install small cell equipment in an industrial park when all of the surrounding sites are GMO 3g only?


    I ask this because I live in an area of GMO sites and I only see 3g. Last week I went to my wife's office and noticed LTE. This location is between 4 sites and the nearest is 2 miles away. A few areas in the park have this usable LTE signal but it is no where else between these 4 cell sites. I used the app "Network Cell info" which shows the connection to an antenna that is almost next to her office.the RSRP is -108 RSSNR 13.6dB and RSRQ -8dB.


    Is there any way to find the location to this cell site?


    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Do you have GPS coordinates for where you were when this happened? Or an appropriate location?


    Sent from my Pixel XL

  14. Oh you mean they didn't notice people ordering like a 100 free sims just because they could?


    In store they're free IIRC.

    Oh that's good to know. I may just ask for one next time I'm in one.


    Lol and yeah, I did this for T-Mobile when they had free SIMs a few years ago. Bought 5 or 6, in all different sizes. I've actually used all but 1 of them (either personally or gave them away to people who needed one).


    Sent from my Pixel XL

  15. Huh. If I used the Nexus 5 version of Pure Nexus, do you think the API would work?


    - Trip

    If it's based on Android 7, there's a good possibility. The API specifies it can return a value for the earfcn though that basically means "I don't know". Try it and see (after making a TWRP backup! I prefer to use a USB OTG cable with a flash drive or SD card for this)


    Sent from my Pixel XL

  16. Staying at the Marriott which charges for WiFi. So I'm hoping to hear more about that area.

    The Marriott gives free wifi if you sign up for their Marriott rewards program before booking. You might be able to sign up and attach it to your booking after the fact and still get the free wifi.


    You also get discounted rates on the rooms. Try logging into your account and switching to their member rate for the same room. It's stupid they do this, but since it's free to become a member, you may as well take advantage of it.


    For a booking I have in Peru, they kept dropping the price over the course of a month or 2. I just kept changing my room and selecting the exact same one again to get the lower price. Saved a few hundred dollars.



    Sent from my Pixel XL

  17. Yeah, my big problem is that when it's plugged in, the USB mode selector is at the top notification now instead of the bottom.


    EDIT: And, of course, it now has made a liar out of me. It was definitely at the top the other day, and now it's at the bottom. SCP was definitely not at the top though.


    - Trip

    You can go into the Android settings for SCP (App Info) and change the notification priority to keep it always at the top. I do the opposite with Tapatalk notifications, putting them always at the bottom and keeping the icon from cluttering up my status bar.


    I also didn't like the new notifications on N at first, but they grow on you eventually.


    Sent from my Pixel XL

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