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Posts posted by Fraydog

  1. This thread went from too many offtopic comments to no discussion at all.


    Which is better to eat while tower spotting: Texas vs KC barbecue. Discuss. :P


    Murphysboro, IL has 17th Street the only 3 time world champions of barbecue. The world championships are held in Memphis. That's a pretty killer BBQ city too. Everyone talks about KC and Texas, yet those places get glossed over when they more than hold their own.

    • Like 1
  2. What about their plans for their AWS spectrum?

    1) Sprint doesn't want it

    2) FCC won't let Verizon get more

    3) US Cellular + Leap already have enough or too much


    TMUS is the only option but it's also their biggest competitor but . . . if they don't deploy it, they'll have no choice but to sell it to TMUS.


    At this point, I'd deploy AWS alongside PCS if I were AT&T. All existing AT&T LTE phones support AWS. The same support does not exist for PCS. As far as buying Leap or USCC... I think that's off limits for the Death Star. Other than small regional carriers, AT&T probably not going to be able to buy. Then there's WCS in the future.  


    AT&T is in more of a juggling act with their spectrum holdings, but they have the money to make it work due to their size and scale, where a TMo couldn't consider trying that type of spectrum juggling. 

  3. I still cannot support the Tmobile/Sprint merger, I would hate to see another nationwide network being torn down. I kinda wish Sprint was forced to sell the lease rights to the towers, so we could possibly seen some new competition. I do believe their is enough spectrum between all the carriers to have 5 national competitors. Also once a network does down, it will never come back and the cost for new towers seems to great for new entries into the wireless game. I guess I am really just afraid of us turning into Canada South.


    If this were to be approved, we're talking protections to make sure this doesn't become Canada South would probably be instituted on to prevent a redux of the Canadian market.  As far as Sprint and T-Mobile's technical side, I think the two CDMA and UMTS networks could be run side to side with minimal cost addition, converging data on LTE. 


    AT&T and T-Mobile would have created a singular monopoly on the global standard all phones outside of most of the US use, that being GSM/3GPP standards. To say that would have been toxic would be a gross understatement. 


    I think the US should seriously consider a system wide reexamination of spectrum policy IMO, I think the point Randall Stephenson makes about companies being able to lease spectrum forever is exactly why the FCC and other regulatory bodies should run the other direction. I would lease spectrum on much shorter terms and have it be something that can be reallocated on a national scale. 


    I'd also see what could be done to merge spectrum blocks together nationally for more contiguous partitons of spectrum nationwide. I know I may be in the minority here but I'm not a huge fan of the regional carriers. In a data centric world they can't compete without the economies of scale large global operators possess. I see ATNI here in Southern Illinois as a sad example of that. I just wish Sprint could have got them before AT&T did.  






    Darren Murph is a smart guy. That said, he completely missed the point on this article. The whole point of the Verizon Innovation Center is to create a new generation of devices locked into Verizon's network that can't escape, a new walled garden if you will. He doesn't see that? I'm kind of amazed, frankly.



    From a consumer standpoint, more handsets are "out of the box" unlocked on Verizon than any other carrier in the US (that I am aware of).


    Walled garden? That's like saying Sprint's M2M business is also a walled garden.



    Sprint has this: collaborationcenter.sprint.com/

    What other carrier can those devices work on for LTE? VZW has only enabled band 13 support on those devices. Most of these connected devices are going to only be 700 only out of the gate, I'm betting.


    Even still, there aren't devices that you can put on VZW and have working voice yet. Verizon has to enable VoLTE for that to happen. VoLTE only users are going to be a niche for a while even after VZW enables it network wide next year.

  5. Sprint is more or less a budget choice from my perspective. It doesn't have to be as fast as Verizon or AT&T. That's OK. Every carrier should be serving a different market as it is anyway.


    The real problem is that far too many people are subscribing to the premium services that don't need them, IMO. People on HoFo trash Sprint and T-Mobile, when they service a different target market than VZW or AT&T.


    People just need to figure this out. That's all.

    • Like 3
  6. Sprint and Dan Hesse also need to get the SEC involved on Crest. A hedge fund with 0 skeletons in their closet? I'd love to see that. Sprint melting Crest into a million pieces of molten rubbish would send a pretty clear message to the world.


    At this point, I don't care if Sprint destroys Crest to the point where careers and lives go down the drain. Frankly, that's what Crest deserves.

    • Like 4
  7. I still dont understand why Ergen didnt push those blockbuster self service kiosks like mad as soon as he got control. Of course, that would have required him renegotiate movie studio contracts and invest heavily in infrastructure... Nightmares for a penny pinching lunatic who cant stomach anyone else making money


    Sent from my Note II. Its so big.



    His other competitors are not afraid to invest (cable and DirecTV) and they're all growing at a faster clip. Shame is, the Hopper is good technology. If that was run by anyone else I'd be rooting for it big time.

  8. Also this mobile video from the Hoppah you guys were talking about is from Dish buying up Slingmedia and running that company into the ground. Totally killed my urge to buy another Slingbox. The same will happen with Sprint. How many Voom channels do you have left on Dish? Oh wait... The history repeated itself.


    Sent from my little Note2



    A Voom reference. Totally forgot about that. I am pretty salty about how that went down. Fact is I'm now trying to get Mom to switch off Dish to something else. The problem is, she wants to stay on Dish so she doesn't have to learn new channel numbers. :(

  9. Maybe we can sing Kumbya when VoLTE is more developed a few years down the road. Until then, doubtful. The way out of the standards mess is through, not to reverse course. 

    • Like 1
  10. There is a rich source of AWS frequencies as well as PCS. It's called T-Mobile. While they're at it it, they might as well roll up USCC and Leap.


    My only concern is that I'm fearful that if we go down to three providers in the US, that we become Canada South. There's also a good chance Son could kiss CDMA2000 goodbye as the primary voice transmission if SoftBank also aquires T-Mobile and rolls it into Sprint. Son wants his device ecosystem and T-Mobile would move SoftBank closer to that.

    • Like 1


    Theoretically, a carrier could be turned off an on. However, if anyone was connected to it, they'd be dropped. I don't think anyone does that. Once they install an additional carrier, it stays on 24/7.



    And this has been a persistent issue for the GSM focused operators and their oversized W-CDMA carrier channels. It has caused them years of deployment and spectrum problems. I have been harping on this for a good decade now. The US operators chose poorly when they let the Eurasians dictate a standard that was not well suited for existing US spectrum.



    Out of curiosity, what do you think would have happened if Cingular and AT&TWS picked CDMA2000?

  12. $4.40! Dish is pulling more money out of the air! Something is going on with these people.


    Dish is just way too desperate to be in debt up to their eyeballs. This doesn't make any sense. If I were advising Charlie I'd tell him to drop it. Maybe Dish and DT could talk turkey. That would still be a large amount of debt even for TMUS. Dish would at least put some upgrades in for rural broadband and they would have the 700 MHz TD-LTE blocks they could use to extend coverage in rural areas.


    If Charlie were sane that would be the best plan IMO.

  13. Sprint should just pay Bancroft $4.40 directly and this debacle is all done with. When the Bancrofts aka Crest cash out, this is all over. They just delusionally think Clear has value on its own when it should be perfectly clear that Clear has failed as a standalone business.


    That said, if SoftBank would buy Dish and that would be the end of Charlie being involved with Dish, that would be two potentially disruptive businesses Son would own. If that's a possible route, he should explore that.

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