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Posts posted by Fraydog

  1. If the deal is voted down and anything else happens that causes Uncle Char-Char to think his bid for Sprint isn't going to be successful, he is going to barrel in with another bid for Clear and I'm certain it will be very, very high...... Not because it makes sense, but because if he fails to get Sprint, he will stop at nothing to complicate sprint's future in every way possible.


    That's precisely why SoftBank should up their bid.

    • Like 3

    Or wait until September or October when Sprint's agreement expires and then they only need 65% of the vote. Sprint already has those votes.


    Wouldn't bankruptcy affect those dynamics quite drastically? Why not just raise the offer, avoid bankruptcy, outbid Charlie, and be on the way, rather than having to deal with the messy and retracted process of bankruptcy?


    That literally makes no sense.

  3. I suppose the prevailing emotion with IDEN isn't hate, but apathy. Every once in a while I'll see someone post on HoFo with old, unupdated signatures showing frustration with Sprint's handling of IDEN. Most of the time, it's amazement that the IDEN network is still live in many locations.


    Spoiler: at the close of the SoftBank buyout, Sprint's name will be Sprint Corporation. No Nextel left in the name. It's in the SoftBank/Sprint prospectus.

  4. Does t-mo and at&t deploy RRU'S on the tower for HSPA+ at all? Or only for LTE?


    In my neck of the woods, AT&T only uses RRU's for their 700 MHz LTE antennas. It could be different per region. T-Mobile uses either Ericsson AIR panels or Flexi radios by the antenna. AT&T's RRU's here look like Sprint RRU's out west, which makes sense since Alcatel-Lucent is AT&T's vendor in this area.

  5. There is a new Galaxy S4 from Google just announced at I/O today! Coming June 26th for 649.99! But only on AT&T and T-Mobile. No CDMA, just GSM/WCDMA and LTE.


    Sad part is, with the entire debacle with CDMA AOSP support getting pulled out, and then getting semi-put back in a half-baked fashion, you probably won't see a CDMA Nexus or a CDMA Play Store stock device.


    Blame Verizon because they were the bad actor who started a lot of the AOSP CDMA crap.

    • Like 2
  6. It seems T-Mobile/MetroPCS have rather abundant PCS/AWS holdings now, and I think MetroPCS had one 700mhz A Block license in Boston, is their any chance that T-Metro can get in anything in the 700 range? or cellular 850? I mean if T-Metro had anything sub-1Ghz pre-2017 they+resurgent Sprint would really force the big two to compete.


    Maybe if the FCC made AT&T and Verizon divest the Cellular B band in areas where one of those carriers had both A and B like AT&T through most of Texas, for example. The problem is VZW would do anything to outbid T-Mobile in those areas.

  7. Yes it is confirmed complete 4g lte wise. And the dbm at the tower is like 70 so I know its the one. I'm guessing maybe it has terrible Down tilt to be that short on range


    The EVO is getting -70 DBm right under the tower? I hate to break it to you, but that ain't good. Can you hang tight until this fall when SMR/PCS/BRS FDD/TD-LTE handsets are available? I think the opening of 800 MHz SMR CDMA2000 after the end of Nextel would help in the Walmart as well...

  8. OK, that makes sense now...


    It makes sense that Sprint, Verizon, and the Fruit Company wouldn't let iPhones authenticated on one network to not authenticated on the other. What kind of carrier file black magic it would take to break that? I have no clue.

  9. There is one tower I'm concerned about in particular that is about 1/4 a mile away from a Walmart and I can't even get lte in the parking lot let alone inside. Its a water tower site but I don't understand how it can't go very far especially when the tower is so close I can see the panels and everything on it from the Walmart very well


    Is it a tower where NV is complete? Only you can figure that out by looking at the map of where it is at.

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