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Posts posted by Fraydog

  1. I believe Samsung makes the 64 bit A7 chip in the iPhone 5s

    That's Samsung's foundry, a completely different operation than the chip design unit of Samsung semiconductor. Qualcomm doesn't technically make their own chips either they do it through someone else's foundry as well, in Qualcomm's case it's usually TSMC, though Samsung foundries have been rumored to make Snapdragons as well.

  2. that was a slap in the face when i read about that... i agree 100%, if your up for an upgrade i would go with either the G2 or the nexus 5, (i know doesnt sound great if you wanted an iphone) but me personally, i might wait until the next iphone just because of tri band support, unless they make a 5S with support for band 41 in the future... which would be pretty freakin sweat <_<

    Problem is, this phone is meant for China Mobile. Apple still doesn't have a deal signed with China Mobile yet. To further elaborate, the Chinese use weird frequencies and standards the rest of the world doesn't use, specifically TD-SCDMA. A China Mobile iPhone would have TD-SCDMA support as well as GSM/UMTS/LTE/TD-LTE support. Now could you add CDMA1X/EV-DO to that? Possibly, but I don't have any clue how the RF works on the new iPhones yet so I have no clue. Is it worth Apple doing a short update for TD-LTE support? We'll see. They have done mid year updates for AWS HSPA, so I'm not going to say it's impossible. I did think that there would be a similar model for China, Japan, and Sprint with this update of the iPhone, so maybe Apple could just roll that out early on while iPhone supply is still short for the 5S. 

  3. Take it from someone who has a CDMA carrier in a rural area, and that's Big Red. The edge of cell performance that Qualcomm says and the reality are two different things. What really happens on 1 bar of 1X? Usually a dropped call. Usually.


    The fascination with keeping CDMA around past 2021, I'm kind of confused by. By then LTE should be able to handle edge of cells issues better than CDMA.


    It's like Microsoft wanting to keep their legacy tech around, how is that working for them?

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  4. ATNI, unfortunately had the nasty tendency to not upgrade networks. I suspect they were looking for the cash out all along. If they ran their affairs like they wanted to compete, they'd probably still be around. They were a non-presence in Randolph County with only 25 MHz of CLR spectrum and 12 MHz of 700 they never used for LTE. I only knew 2-3 people here who had Alltel.

  5. Democrat? Republican? I can barely tell the difference when it comes to the FCC. Both the Bush and Obama administrations have been bad at allowing a bunch of corporate BS.


    As far as spending money on some regionals here and there, I think USCC would yield a bigger coverage area than people may at first think. Posted Image


    The most important thing I can think of is that IT KEEPS THAT SPECTRUM OUT OF THE HANDS OF AT&T.

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