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Posts posted by Fraydog

  1. Most of what is thrown out at Forbes is linkbait.


    Yet, she ignored all that Dish had done to complain about Sprint, when everything Dish had done was bordering on illegal. Lady is just unhinged. She's so invested emotionally in Sprint losing that she may end up taking a vicious haircut just to see Sprint lose.


    Should the SEC take a look under the good with her to make sure the disclosure is accurate here?

    • Like 1
  2. Anyone that is surprised by AT&T getting a Samsung product first, isn't paying much attention. AT&T is the de facto 3GPP carrier in the US which puts them in line to be first for a lot of devices. It takes less to alter devices for AT&T than any other carrier here. If the Active is successful, and it probably will be, then it will work to VZW, Sprint, and T-Mobile.


    Why anyone would try to use this as a point to bludgeon Sprint, confuses me.

  3. I got word via text of another Perryville site being complete. I am going to try to check it out this week.


    Unfortunately I haven't been able to get Count Hesse to bite on adding a site in Chester so I'm going to have to choose between Big Red and the Death Star.


    In completely unrelated news VZW is buying the Farmington, MO market (CMA516) off USCC. I guess Sprint didn't want that one off USCC.


    Isn't that for developers only for now?


    Nope . Someone released the IPSW File for iOS 7 & I updated to it Free .



    Read this... And realize that developer preview software is only for registered developers. Otherwise you should stick to iOS 6, unless you're working to release an iOS application, or pay into the developer program knowing the risk and are submitting bugs to Apple.

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    I wonder if that number didn't go up after the MetroPCS merger. I think most of that money would be going to urban areas.



    Why would they deploy fiber to their sites if they're not going to upgrade to HSPA+ at least?





    Sites that get fiber will likely get upgraded to HSPA+. I never said they wouldn't. I just said it will happen eventually.





    As long as Tmobile gets at least 5x5 HSPA+ on every site by Jan 2015, I'll be happy.


    I don't have high expectations.




    "T-Mobile will invest a total of $4 billion over time into network modernization and LTE deployment. Over the next two years, this represents approximately $1.4 billion in incremental network investment"






    They got $3bil cash from ATT breakup and $2.35bil from towers but they're only investing $1.4bil extra?


    They deserve to fail.

    I think that number for the network modernization investment went up with the metroPCS merger. Granted, most of that money is going to urban areas.


    Meh, globalism is just as bad, if not worse. It brings us such wonderful things as price dumping, offshoring, lax labor and/or environmental regulations, etc. Americans need to lose the love affair with cheaply made foreign products and pay a bit more for domestically made products. The end result would be a stronger economy with better wages at the lower end of the scale. But most American consumers are stupid and short sighted, cannot see the forest for the trees. So, a little bit protectionism -- economic planning from well educated people who actually know that they are doing -- is in order.


    Otherwise, "South Park" is right, and a huge percentage of this country is eventually going to find itself unemployed due to globalism.




    No offense, but we're already there. Manufacturing of devices has been done in China for a long time. Same for network equipment. The Old AT&T made everything in the US. AT&T eventually split off Lucent after divesture.


    I may be calling for spectrum globalism here, but I'm not calling for the US to lay down on its interests. What interests would we be protecting with bad spectrum policy? I can understand the military interests... That makes perfect sense (see DCS vs. PCS, IMT vs. AWS). We've had lots of time to shuffle that spectrum around. Time for it to move.


    To be fair, the most dominant nation in the UN right now is the United States.

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