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Posts posted by Fraydog

  1. Yep... agree. I'm not suggesting that Sprint plops equipment on every USCC tower in the affected areas. There is actually a fair amount of overlap when it comes to USCC and Sprint in this this general area, but my specific area/zip code is one that is seriously lacking.


    Do I think Sprint would be able to grow subs if they placed Equipment on a tower here? Absolutely. Do I think sprint would be able to retain subs who are considering jumping ship to a different provider? Absolutely. I obviously cant place any hard numbers on them (market research is not my specialty) - but I do think Sprint could gain some traction here if they actually had reliable service.


    I'll continue to sit here and cross my fingers and complain on a weekly basis to Sprint - and hope to hell they come through. :P:)

    Here in Chester people are so damn locked on Verizon that Sprint would roll out here with the works (800 CDMA and LTE, 1900 CDMA and LTE, and 2600 TD-LTE), offering the best service in the world, and people wouldn't budge a damn bit. 98% of people here are on Verizon, the other 2% on AT&T.

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  2. Sorry. I don't see any situation where these plans help out. At least Sprint's offers a discount on the plan. Frankly it's less bad than the others. US mobile consumers should be pushing carriers to provide better off-contract plans. If I could get a cheaper non-contract shared plan, that would be more attractive to me. Look at what 3 UK does for their plans. I wish Sprint would look at that model.

  3. NV can't give sprint the best coverage. They don't have nearly enough towers compared to Verizon. If they ever announce NV 3.0 and plan to add 20,000+ towers, maybe then they'd have a chance.

    The ex-Nextel spectrum gives Sprint a chance against VZW and AT&T's massive swaths of 700 MHz spectrum. That's something T-Mobile doesn't have, and wouldn't unless DT sold TMUS to SoftBank.

  4. I'm likely upgrading to the 5S with one of the Duopolists, because where I live there isn't a choice.  Sorry I'm not counting Alltel because I still think that's going to AT&T even with the prepaid phone hiccup. 


    Sprint can't work where I live because of this coverage.  




    If anything I'm doing Sprint a favor by not getting a phone here although they do sell to 62233. It is advertised as limited coverage on Sprint's site. 

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