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Posts posted by Fraydog

  1. So, wait, am I the one with the brains or the brawn? Aw, you know what? Scratch that. I will trade both for a couple of West End Girls.





    The West End town's a dead end world... Go to the east end boys in Tokyo and ignore the West End Girls in the Rockies. :lol: Kudos to AJ for the Pet Shop Boys reference. :tu:


    "Masa" is not pulling any punches.




    To quote Robert Montgomery Knight's famous post game speech "I'm not here to f*** around!"


    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    • Like 1
  2. Two points:


    1. I found this rural T-Mobile upgrade today.






    This is a recent upgrade so if Legere is saying that he isn't doing anything regarding rural areas, that's double talk. :lol:


    2. http://www.tmonews.c...mment-888496482


    n your comment about Sprint, you might not be aware that T-Mobile's marketing policy right now is to not even mention Sprint's name, in order to demonstrate that we don't even consider them worth the airtime. That's from the CMO's mouth at the all-hands meeting following the TMUS IPO.


    Is this true? It looks similar to the tmoengineer who posted on reddit...


    Hesse and Son may have to give Mr. Legere this sort of treatment. Just picture Masa Son as the guy saying "failure to communicate".



    The line at the end, sounds like something John Legere would say. :rofl:

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    I think its essential to leave unlimited alone. If little Timmy uses 14GB of data watching youtube, online gaming, surfing the web, streaming music, video chat etc that should be completely acceptable. Parents fear data overages people!!

    I also believe in order to be competitive Sprint does need to offer tiered data plans as well. 1GB,3GB,Unlimited. Tethering without a tethering plan should get you terminated, connection optimization should push the phone to WIFI where available.


    Little Timmy isn't able to tell if he gets throttled to 1Mbps.

  4. Just buy these guys out, Masa. I'd make the same argument for mymobilenation in Kentucky and Tennessee, in mymobilenation's case it's an even bigger cluster, those guys started out as SI Wireless because they were originally funded by wireless co-ops there, and then didn't launch in Southern Illinois because they figured out that it probably wasn't wise to go up against Alltel down here that was already a discount CDMA provider. Then there's the matter of them deploying Huawei, where any matter of transaction is going to require Sprint to get rid of the Huawei gear and put in Ericsson instead.


    That's just as big of a mess as nTelos is IMO.

  5. So with Samsung towers being installed, does that mean HTC phones will not get LTE?


    All that means is the new multi-mode base stations installed by Samsung will support all Sprint phones running on CDMA and LTE frequencies. Samsung the global telecommunications vendor is a separate operation unit from Samsung's mobile division.




    Of particular note is that Samsung is the leading TD-LTE vendor which is important as Sprint integrates spectrum in the 2.5 GHz band for higher capacity and higher speed LTE deployments. Samsung is also a key partner for SoftBank.

    • Like 2
  6. T-Metro's top level plans are not that cheap. I did calculations and with EIP, I found that in lots of cases the plans for high end smartphones with unlimited service were MORE expensive than 4GB shared plans for two lines on AT&T and Verizon. Plus those two carriers have LTE in way more places than T-Mobile does. Sprint has unlimited M2M and unlimited data for $200 less over the life of the contract.


    When I crunch the numbers for what most people will do on T-Mobile, which is take EIP, I just don't see what the big deal is.


    Yes it's cheaper for BYOD but then AT&T is coming out with prepaid HSPA only plans in response to that market, probably with the intention of undercutting T-Mobile. I also think AT&T could discount $20 for users who add an BYOD LTE device and really undercut T-Mobile.

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    This is a rather interesting read though, admittedly I cannot vouch for the veracity of it's contents:




    There's a lot of truth in that article. The dumb Ericsson execs that didn't play their cards right probably cost a chance to get a shared standard. Ericsson flipped on CDMA2000 a bunch of times. They didn't want it, then bought Qualcomm's CDMA router business, didn't win any large contracts, shut that down, then took Nortel's CDMA2000 business of the scrap of C7. Their technical people and engineers are the best around, though, and they survived better than Alcatel-Lucent has. Alcatel-Lucent just fired a CEO and hired a new one, and are losing money hand over fist.




    This is pretty much the case for everyone. T-Mobile, Sprint, and Verizon Wireless have largely had simpler M&A based expansions. AT&T's has been a mess over the years, with a multitude of acquisitions across a wide range of technologies and frequencies. AT&T's network is such a mess internally that its own engineers dislike dealing with some of the internal bridging done to make everything work. That's why its quality is lower than others, even other GSM/UMTS operators across the globe. AT&T is massively due for a network rebuild, but ironically it can't afford that. The CapEx for AT&T to rebuild its entire network would be ridiculous.


    Ironically, in the networks they rebuilt from scratch, their quality is good, for example the Zodiac markets. They had all new Ericsson gear there. Things actually work pretty well.


    As far as a complete rebuild...you bet AT&T could do it. They're just too cheap. I'd do the rebuild with Ericsson, NSN, and Samsung, the problem is AT&T's senior management wouldn't approve it. They think of that dividend as the mother of all sacred cows, and anything that could possibly reduce that dividend is bad. They're in prime position to get knocked to 3rd place if there's a SoftBank coming in that owns both New Sprint and TMUS.

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