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Posts posted by Fraydog

  1. Can someone look and see what has been happening in Berkeley regarding permits. It would be really interesting to see what's really going on.


    I also wish Hesse had got his way and wasn't overruled by the Sprint board on getting MetroPCS. That asset could have been used quickly to bolster Sprint in SF among other places.

  2. Someone's using the Queen's English. See the EE spelling of "fibre" in promoting their fiber to the curb product.




    No problem with that, but the explanation is very confusing.


    Backhaul, in the context of mobile, is simply the data connection used by a mobile provider to move voice and data from their core network to the node where service is broadcast.




    The major impediment Sprint has for launching VoLTE is cell density.



    Some Sprint phones already support it, and NV equipment can launch it. The problem is, with LTE's airlink, they need more cells. The 3GPP vendors will be able to launch sooner because they will be able to do eSRVCC which makes handoff go down to 200 ms.



    Verizon has an even lower cell density than Sprint so they won't be able to launch VoLTE soon either.


    Given current equipment, what's the handoff like for Sprint's VoLTE to 1xA?

    I don't even know if Sprint is going to implement VoLTE to CDMA2000 1X handoff through eSRVCC. No clue. If I had to guess I'd say no.

  4. AT&T is just too envious of the closed system VZW has. It's a clear case of penis envy. The sad part is that they could be the ultimate anti-Verizon, open everything up as a 3GPP anti-hero, lower prices, and make more money. That is too contrary to AT&T's DNA from the Bell System.


    In the end, we'd have a better industry if the FCC would just do their damn job.

    • Like 1
  5. The major impediment Sprint has for launching VoLTE is cell density.


    Some Sprint phones already support it, and NV equipment can launch it. The problem is, with LTE's airlink, they need more cells. The 3GPP vendors will be able to launch sooner because they will be able to do eSRVCC which makes handoff go down to 200 ms.


    Verizon has an even lower cell density than Sprint so they won't be able to launch VoLTE soon either.

    • Like 2
  6. Why not truly vote with your wallet?  Man up, and drop your wireless subscription service altogether.  I am thinking that is what I may end up doing in the next several years.  This industry used to be interesting.  Now, more and more, it is just dysfunctional and distasteful.




    I need some sort of flip phone service if I'm stranded on the side of the road somewhere. I can do Page Plus for that.


    I would still be paying Verizon indirectly though. That's the problem.

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