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Posts posted by Deval

  1. I have the KF as well, but haven' tused it in awhile. It may get donated to an immediate family member soon, though that doesn't necessarily mean I'll pick up the N7 right away. Then again, I have a 10" tablet that I use these days for everything...though there are plenty of cases where I'd use a 7" tablet where a 10" wouldn't be.


    One thing to note is that the N7 is slightly longer, ever-so-slightly wider and ever-so-slightly thinner than the KF.


    I compared it to the View in terms of size, and it sounds perfect. Also weighs .75lbs, which should be easy on the pockets



    The thing I find funny is that both HTC and Samsung come out and say, "we are consolidating our lines and we will not be releasing custom phones for each carrier" Samsung follows through, but HTC... there is a vast difference for each carrier. I guess HTC doesn't have the clout to dictate what the individual carriers will accept.


    On the flip side, the EVO and Droid Incredible line has a huge marketing and fan base behind it. It would be smart to stick with that branding. Samsung doesn't have that domestically, so they can change.

    • Like 1
  3. The same could sort of be said for Palm OS. Prior to my excursion into smartphone territory, I had a Palm VII, a Handspring Visor Pro, a Palm IIIx and a Palm TX (in that order; the IIIx could actually be updated to OS 4.1 so it could do things the Visor couldn't). For PIM functions (calendar, ToDo, contacts) they were awesome devices. However I wanted more functionality when I moved to a smartphone than the Centro (or something like it) could provide, so I switched to WinMo. Since then, nothing Palm built ever got me to come back.


    Now Bb isn't in quite as bad of a state as Palm is (Palm no longer sells any hardware, the OS has effectively been discarded, etc.) however RIM could learn a lesson from the former division of US Robotics: keep innovating, do your innovations correctly and execute on things at full bore. Otherwise you'll end up as the fourth horse in a three-horse race.


    I agree, my first step into the smart phone world was a Treo 650, and it was amazing. I was using flip phones at the time, and to get a real smart phone with PIM functionality was unheard of. I switched back and forth between WinMo and the Treo line, till the Touch Diamond came out, and I discovered rooting. The Treo was never seen again :)


    I'm really hoping the new BB x or whatever they are calling the new OS is up to par, and offers at the minimum the experience as the standard OS 7.1

  4. I can tell you one thing I haven't missed about the PTT decline and that's hearing the other half of conversations through the phone speaker that's been cranked up to 10. I really don't care to hear that Joey is having trouble getting 3/4 inch poly concomitant coax cable down from the 12th floor or that dispatch needs you to go to Capital Hill before you head over to K street.


    PTT users seem to feel like the need to talk as loud as possible so the other party can hear them over the ancient walkie talkie network.


    Same here in the streets of Manhattan, except ours involves some form of hood rat.

  5. In my current position at Sprint, I get to use both devices daily, and can appreciate the ease of the iPhone. I hate how it is dumbed down, but can understand why. For your average user, picking up the iPhone and using it is a nobrainer.

    • Like 1
  6. I guess you can say its more of a One S jr. It has an s4 krait but its underclocked to 1.2ghz and I don't think it has the image sense chip, it also has 8gb of storage. Personally I don't understand why verizon would go with watered down specs. I wonder if they will find a way to gimp the gs3 as well.


    Maybe price point?


    That, and people believe Verizon is infallible.

  7. Well, a lot of the PTT marketing has been aimed at the construction industry. For those guys, if you are wearing gloves, you probably wouldn't be able to register any touchscreen presses. A physical button makes sense in that sense. Also, I think if it starts disappearing from the physical makeup of the phone, people will use it less and it will fade into obscurity.


    I was thinking more along the lines of how much actual usage.

  8. I think a lot of folks prefer the iPhone simply because it is simple. My girlfriend's sister had her purse stolen with her iPhone in it, and now has no phone. I gave her my old EVO Shift to use till she can buy a used 4 or 4S online, and she had difficulty getting the EVO set up. Took her a while but she finally figured out how to add contacts, enable wifi, etc.


    I'm not saying the iPhone is the best, but what they excel at is ease of use.

  9. Interesting, with Verizon being the only carrier not to have a One X offshoot (EVO LTE included), this could be their phone of the year.


    Although, I seriously doubt it will dent the iPhone sales.

  10. Almost makes me want a GSM carrier. This deal, the Google play deal on the GNex... Maybe by the time I am too old to care, all the carriers will have byod.








    Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner


    Ouch, $600? A little tough for me to swallow. I'm waiting to get my hands on one to play with, but I'm not sure I'd want to spend the money on it just yet.

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  11. I saw the new Sprint Direct Commercial during the Yankee game yesterday, and I was very impressed. It spoke to the traditional Nextel users, specifically.




    The way I see it, SDC will be part of the overall Sprint package, and in the conversations I've had with customers, they have been impressed, especially with the Moto Admiral.

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