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Posts posted by Deval

  1. Yes, unfortunately. I had to jump to the dark side for a couple years until data speeds were fixed. St. Cloud was not Sprint's model market.


    Sent from my Jelly Bean Toro using Forum Runner


    Makes sense man, I've been satisfied so far with the speeds and coverage. (13 years as a customer now).


    I recently took a road trip with the girlfriend to PA for wine tasting and fresh fruit picking, and was impressed with the coverage. We were able to stream Pandora on her iPhone for the entire trip from NY.

  2. I have a question. I see people throwing around 800MHZ and 1900MHZ in comparison to 700MHZ. Can someone explain to me what this means as far reception inside buildings? I have always been sort of jealous of my Verizon using friends because it seems like they and T-Mobile customers I know have great reception indoors at my job but I sit looking at my icon grayed out most of the day unless I'm in a exact location in my building. I wish I could tell Sprint they need a tower over here..


    T-Mobile may have a tower closer to your building than Sprint. In most parts of the country, Sprint and T-Mobile use the same frequency, 1900mhz, so it could be a tower placement issue.


    Verizon uses their 700mhz spectrum strictly for LTE data, not 3G voice or data.



    We don't need any Chicken Littles running around here. LTE is coming live. This is a good thing. This is not the end of the world as we know it. This is the beginning of the world as we always wanted it.


    Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


    S4GRU quote of the year!

    • Like 6
  4. Pryo, you have a Verizon Gnex?


    Ok, so here is my two cents on the whole 4G thing. It's marketing, pure and simple. But newspapercrane is right, people love buzz words. I had to explain to a contractor working on some stuff in my office that his iPhone 4S was not 4G, even though the iOS update relabeled HSPA+ to 4G.

  5. I hate being an employee when it comes to new phones, I'll say it again :(


    That being said, I'm actually on the fence on what device to go with. I have 2 rebates that are unused, one which I'm holding off for the new iPhone, and the other, well, it depends on what's coming out. I have an EVO LTE at work that I've been playing around with, and can't seem to put it down, but I want to see the GS3 in person.

  6. AnandTech mini review (including benchmarks) is up:






    I just read that review, and the Nexus 7 does NOT support Wireless-N at 5ghz, which makes me a sad Deval.


    My house is surrounded by access points, all running 2.4ghz, so I have mine set at 5ghz.


    Looks like I won't be buying the Nexus 7 if that is the case.

  7. Thanks for the prompt replies folks - I just wanted to make sure I wasn't overlooking anything.


    FYI: my S3 was delivered with 4G turned off.


    Yep, all the devices come with the radio configured for CDMA only. Makes senses from a standpoint of coverage.

  8. Another naive theory: Could it simply be that in cases where the new NV network is installed side-by-side with the legacy network, blasting away but being blocked, the NV signal (or at least its pilot channel) is interference that clobbers the Ec/Io of the legacy tower?


    Once a site has upgraded 3G equipment, the legacy equipment is turned off. The only thing being blocked from what I've read here is LTE, not 3G/EVDO.

  9. Don't forget the Galaxy Nexus. Its not my job, I'm grossly under paid like most state government employees. But I do a lot of side work building/maintaining sites and teaching in construction technologies. The money I make on the side pays for our vacations and my technology fund.


    Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner


    LOL...I think I'm under paid as a Sprint employee :D

  10. Ah yes, the married life. The girlfriend and I are coming closer and closer to that moment, but I think she gets my quirks when it comes to technology, and respects it.


    Back on topic though, I'm on the fence on this one...I don't think there is anything better in the 7" space at the moment.

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