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Posts posted by jamesinclair

  1. Before Android 4+, bars showed voice. Now, they show data signal. And with Tri-Band devices, it has to show data signal, as they do not maintain a connection to 1x. They can't maintain a connection to 1x while connected to LTE.


    iPhones always showed the highest level technology with bars (dots).


    Sent from my Nexus 5


    If youre in a 1x only area I presume it would show bars relevant to just that, correct?

  2. Anyone buying a Sharp Aquos Crystal needs to be careful.  If you buy a Prepaid model, no matter from whom, it is not usable on a Sprint postpaid account.  They are not whitelisted to be used on Sprint.


    Which is complete bullshit policy....but thats another rant.


    Im sure multiple people will walk into a store like Target or Best Buy, see "Sprint Prepaid" for $150, and have a very angry call with customer service when theyre home 30 minutes later and they cant activate it on their postpaid account.....I know my dad would do this exact same thing if I didnt spell out exactly what model to buy.

    • Like 1
  3. Proven false. Device connects to sprint 3g without sim card.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


    Oh, so the phone is reading the Tmpobile SIM as nothing at all and just defaulting to Sprint/Boost?


    Makes sense.


    Phone should be available to unlock for international use right?

  4. Dave Ramsey is great but to follow him religiously makes one big assumption that isn't always the case. Not everyone cares about ensuring that every decision they make in life is financially optimal. People can be well positioned financially, without any unsecured debt at all, and still come to the conclusion that something like leasing a car is what they want to do. For them, they just might have a desire to get a new car every three years and don't want to spend the time and hassle of negotiating with a dealer for trade in value every 3 years. Whether that is the financially optimal way to drive a car or not is not their concern. Get over it and stop belittling their reasons for making that decision if they are financially successful.


    One principle of wealth accumulation that Dave Ramsey does not buy into is the idea of using other people's money. If I can secure assets like a house or a car with a debt instrument with an interest rate of 3% or 4% I'm better off putting that money elsewhere in the market where it will return 8% or more to me then I am to tie up that cash in an asset.


    Dave Ramsey seems to deal with people that have debt problems and associates debt of any kind with leading to an uncontrolled debt problem. That just isn't the case.


    Yup, thats why even companies raking in billions of profits still take out debt.


    If you can borrow at 5%, and invest and get a return at 10%, it's silly not to take advantage of what is essentially free money.


    Either they or I are confused.


    Theyre looking at individual options only.


    Say I have a ED1500 plan, with zero upgrades available. Can I opt into this plan and pay $5 a month ($120 total) for a new iphone? If so....it sounds too good to be true.


    But if that works, it that would make more sense than buying the Sharp phone for $240 off contract, which is my current plan.


    Can someone clarify?

  6. It's kinda funny if you think about it. The old site was a puny little site in a residential neighborhood that hardly cast a signal over the roof lines. Looked temporary. It's replacement is an old idea site that is a massive boomer.


    Using Tapatalk on BlackBerry Z30


    Yup, old one was a tiny pole, and it's a house now.


    When I went to find it a few months ago, I kept looking at my phone trying to figure out if I was in the right place. The house was already occupied. The damn houses pop up like weeds.


    Oddly enough, even though the "new" tower is closer to my moms house, she gets worse reception. When they did the move, the kitchen and living room suddenly became a roaming area...


    Hopefully 3G accepted means they optimized the antennas. Getting to 800 is really whats needed, so that will be nice too.

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