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Posts posted by jamesinclair

  1. I received an update to my Sharp Aquos Crystal and I can no longer use WiFi calling anymore either. It says my home address or any address in my city is not recognized. It worked fine before the update.


    Werent you depending on that for your current location?

  2. Right that's what I also took that to mean that the phone itself was due to be released soon.


    I looked at the software updates for the Aquos Crystal here: http://support.sprint.com/support/article/Find_and_update_the_software_version_on_your_Sharp_AQUOS_Crystal/WServiceAdvisory_542_GKB76042?INTNAV=SU:DP:OV:UG:SharpAquosCrystal:FindAndUpdateTheSoftwareVersionOnYourSharpAquosCry


    and didn't see any mention of the international wifi calling update. If you check out other phones like the S4, S5, Mega, Note 3, G3, G Flex, M8, E8, etc. it specifies in one of their software updates when international wifi calling was enabled. When the Aquos Crystal gets it's international wifi calling update it should become listed there.


    Thats messed up

  3. Is that the Sharp Aquos Crystal? If so, I don't believe that it's been updated with international wifi calling yet. Not every phone with wifi calling has been updated to support international wifi calling yet. Sprint should do a much better job on their website communicating which devices can do international wifi calling.


    Where do you see that it doesnt support it?


    Only thing I found was an old press release saying (coming soon) but as the Aquos wasnt released yet, I take it to mean that the phone was coming soon.

  4. It's ironic that you noted the great Clear WiMax coverage in the area, and then use a device that will not let you use the Clear WiMax/LTE sites in the area. Uniband users are limited in old WiMax areas and miss out on thousands of square miles of LTE coverage.


    I dont think ironic is quite the right word. I dont think anyone who made the change from S2 to S4, including myself, regret it. My S2 was a disaster by the end so I was eager to upgrade, and did so knowing that Id be missing out on triband for awhile. Frankly, two years of single band is preferable for me to what would have been 5 more months with the S2 waiting for the S4 triband model.


    However, I do find it unfortunate that at year end 2014, the base lte coverage for single band phone users in that specific area relevant to my interests does not match the wimax coverage of the past, especially when taking into account the frequencies. I was eager to map the area, as in the past, and was hoping to paint the map purple.


    By this time next year, I should be able to map with a triband phone. July I think actually.


    The new roaming is obviously a whole other issue, because the phone should be able to grab 800 voice just fine.

  5. Spent the weekend visiting family in Winchester. Must say, was highly disappointed with the LTE progress.


    DISCLAIMER: I have a single band Galaxy S4.


    For reference of the area I was in, this is the wimax map. See the circled area? 99% of that mapping was done by me when I was visiting during prior years. That was done with a galaxy s2.





    This time, others had already done some mapping for me, but this is the area I mapped in red.




    Notice the lack of coverage? That's not because it hasn't been mapped...it's because there's no LTE!


    I thought LTE was supposed to have better range than wimax?


    I tried the airplane mode trick a couple of times to no avail. Also, it's winter, so the lack of leaves on trees should result in the highest signal reach, right?



    This was especially bad...I found myself roaming near downtown Winchester! In the past, Id roamed inside restaurants there, but I cant remember roaming while driving down a road before. While Winchester is suburban, downtown Winchester is your classic old New England center, with pretty dense construction, lots of people walking around, and commuter rail service (2 stations). Having a triband phone wont solve this problem.


    Notice the roaming. Data was so slow the map wouldnt load!





    Looks like someone got a signal on the train, meanwhile I was roaming!




    I also checked the voice quality inside my dads house. When we adopted Sprint, it was great. However, a year later, as NV hit the nearby tower, quality declined greatly. We were given a free airave and were told it would be fixed.


    He's kept the airave ever since, but I decided to discconect it and see if the phones worked fine without it. I was hopeful that 800 along with newer phones with better antenna would mean no more airave.


    Nope, the voice kept dropping every few words. So airave stays.


    I was just there for two days, so maybe I was unlucky, but it seems like somehow a gap of service EXPANDED with NV, rather than decreased. I don't understand why.


    As for Amtrak, I got a great LTE connection between Boston and Providence. Even at 128mph (above the limit!), streaming music worked just fine. Connecticut though? Even surfing the web was a hassle, and spotify kept buffering.



  6. Man, that's the story of my life. I always seem last. I almost died when AT&T upgraded my home site first when deploying in my area. Seemed like it was the first time in my life I was first for anything.


    But then again, I didn't care if I had LTE at home. I preferred it where I go. Like my office. So maybe the curse continues after all? :)


    In the case of her home, LTE isnt so much an issue, but the spotty cell service is. Lots of dropped calls and even failed texts, that 800 would address (or even a change in antenna position, the tower is close by). She left for Verizon, as she was missing important work calls, but Ill find out during Christmas if the 3G NV improved the call signal inside the home, or if the kitchen and bathroom are still roaming land.

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