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Posts posted by jamesinclair

  1. It's one model, two separate white lists. But I get your point. And I...agree


    I know why they're doing this. Because they are slightly subsidizing the cost for the Prepaid brands. That device is almost $100 cheaper. They don't want people scooping up the phone with a huge discount on a prepaid plan and then go in and activate it on a Sprint account. Especially an existing Sprint account.


    However, I think they a should have sold it for the same price on Sprint prepaid and postpaid. Let the device go wherever it goes. Even it was $249 on prepaid, that is still a great deal. Even though a lot of Prepaid options are less expensive, they are for inferior devices.


    Customers are just going to be confused constantly. And the used device market of these is going to be crazy with a lot of pissed off sellers and owners. This was not a well crafted idea, IMO.


    Yeah the used market is going to be a nightmare... At least before they introduced Sprint Prepaid it was easy enough to differenciate between Boost and Sprint.


    I also understand why they want two price points, but someone should have vetoed that idea. Should have just picked $199 for all sales points. The pennies in extra revenue will be lost on unhappy customers and returns.


    Good summary from @WaltBTIG



    Say what you want about Tmobile, they know how to run a good ad campaign. I wonder who they're using for that. No reason Sprint shouldnt be able to hire the same ad firm, and never talk to the Hamster people again.


    The AT&T ads annoy me too, the one with the two awkward tech guys.

  3. maybe I am not seeing it, but if I walk into the store with a family of 4 and was given the option of having to shell out $199 x 4, full price on 4 phones or $0 down with installment , I would chose the installments. I wouldn't have walked out. And like Deval likes to say, "Where are they going to go"?




    What if the phones are on sale by Amazon or Best Buy or Target and you're paying $00.00* in store and an additional 00.00 over two years? And Target throws in a $50.00 gift card?



    *In California you still pay tax on the full value of the phone.


    That's a lot more interesting than "wait, you're telling me I have to pay $27.12 on TOP of the service cost....PER PHONE, every month!?!?"


    Maybe I havent been paying attention, but I see a lot more competition and sale pricing on the subsidized phones than the easy-pay model. I always buy a top of the line phone and Ive never payed more than 49.99 due to sales.

    • Like 1
  4. You or someone else has used this parallel previously.  It does not work because, for various reasons, electronics prices in Europe are almost always exorbitant compared to those in the US.




    Not really. They look higher because the 22% (variable) tax is built into the advertised price, and of course exchange rate issues.


    Apple iPad Air 2 64GB wifi is $599 at Best Buy in the US and 605 euros at FNAC, the French equivilent. Essentially, price parity once you add taxes and subtract exchange difference.


    Anybody know about the Japanese and Korean markets? Do they use subsidies? What do prices look like?


    I think it would be great if removing the subsidy would lower prices. I'd just like to see evidence on the matter, rather than hopeful thinking.



    Edit: The New Nexus is an interesting data point. While the US industry has moved towards the easy-pay unbundled model....Google comes in with a massive price hike on their phone, setting up at parity with Apple and Samsung.

    • Like 1
  5. Yes, correct.  Subsidies have helped maintain artificially high handset prices -- because those costs are hidden in the overall wireless service costs.  Eliminating subsidies pulls back that curtain, forcing everyone to realize that their iPhones do not cost $200.  They cost $700, and that is too high.




    Isnt Europe a mostly no-subsidy model?


    And yet prices are still astronomical...


    It's a good theory, but there's no incentive for the cell companies to lower their price, even if the full price is "unmasked".


    Remember, the iPhone launched at $600....with a 2 year contract.


    If Apple sells at $700, Samsung sells at $700. TTheyre both happy.

    • Like 1
  6. Who will you go to?  Sprints newer plans are currently cheaper than the competition.


    Well obviously it's impossible to tell what the industry will look like in terms of pricing. This is pure speculation on all sides. Also, my contract isnt up for a year so it's not even on my radar,


    I just hope Sprint stays with the 2-year subsidies because for my account they are the best option.

  7. Does wholesale mean corporate phones?


    If so, is that Sprint winning back the massive amount of accounts they lost when they closed Nextel?


    As for Sprint perception, data service in Manhattan is still very poor (although better than a year ago). With so many corporate HQs there, I wonder how that affects business deals.

  8. NII Holdings is the company name you're looking for. Or Nextel International. They own, in addition to the SMR business in Mexico, a 15x15 block of AWS. They supposedly have deployed a network on it. They are in Chapter 11 right now. They are in trouble with falling revenue and arpu metrics. They need a sugar daddy real soon!


    Its time to put the Sprint into Sprint-Nextel.

  9. I was afraid with the bezel-less display that my hands would cause all kinds of typing problems. I have had problems with some devices with normal smartphones where my big fat hands would cause problems on the sides of the device causing typing errors and mistypes. I thought this would be exaggerated worse with a bezel-less display. But it hasn't. Me and my big fat hands.


    Do you use a case?


    If so, does it block the edges?

  10. Trust me, I've tried to convince her to try another one but she is already sick of it. She is one who hates change and if something doesn't work the first time that is it. It is a real challenge to change her mind. 


    If it were me I would exchange it and try another unit before getting a different phone.


    Is your mom also my dad?

    • Like 1
  11. Not a corp store then, they are required to have live phones on demo lines for everything sprint sells. Even the phones in the glass display are live ( though probably dead batteries).


    Youre right


    "Sprint Store by Digital Express PCS"


    I thought id have better luck with Radioshack since they sell Boost, Virgin and Sprint.

  12. My store had two on display, it looked like it was the feature phone of the whole store. Such a light device, I loved it. The staff was raving about it too. 


    Best buy supposedly sells these too, check stock online. 


    Those are the only two stores that I can get to easily around here.


    Mind you, my local Sprint store is more of a repair center than store. They have like 5 phones on display.

  13. OK. I've received mine. WiFi calling works great for incoming and outgoing calls. Even outside Sprint areas...say like South Dakota. The thing gets pretty hot though during WiFi calling. More to come.


    Using Sharp AQUOS Crystal on Tapatalk


    Text messaging working fine?

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