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Posts posted by supersanborn

  1. Nevermind I think I was seeing things because it looks nothing like what the NV equipment picture by Sprint looks like. My eyes were playing tricks on me. All I know is I have 5 bars everytime I drive by that tower and the tower by JYP and 528 as well. So hopefully at least like you said, that one will come online before the other one. I'm really just waiting for the tower over by Universal to be updated.


    Does the iPhone 5 actually show data signal strength? Cool if so....wish they'd bring back the 4G signal indicators like we used to have on the EVO (WiMax) and Sprint Galaxy S2 (before ICS took it away). Jerks.


    And SeaWorld.


    Good point, had totally forgotten about them.


    On another note, I'm hoping today's speed test means my tower got backhaul upgrades and is maybe nearing LTE, as this is the fastest I've seen in quite a while:


    Hopefully it's just that everyone is at work... I'm trying to keep the faith!



    Sent from my Galaxy S3



  3. Really? I work in that area and was just checking out that tower on Friday, but did not see any activity. I believe the tower located at JYP just south of the 528 will come on-line prior to the one you have mentioned, but we will see. Back to 528/I-4, I believe their is a roof mounted system on one of the high rises too, but I can't tell if it has been updated or even worked on for that matter. The 3g service in that area has really gotten slow as of resent and I will take that as a good sign until I'm told otherwise. My hope is with the larger conventions and summer tourist season soon approaching, Sprint wishes to have some semblance of a working 4g lte network.


    Yeah during Megacon, the data and even the voice service was unbelievably slow. Texts wouldn't even send.


    Sent from my Galaxy S3



  4. The tower by the 528 and I4 looks to have NV equipment installed and is more this likely waiting on backhaul. Hopefully it comes online soon. Will take a picture next time I go by it on my way to work.


    If it serves the old half of the convention center, it's gonna need a ton of backhaul.


    Sent from my Galaxy S3

  5. Has anyone noticed any LTE progress over the past 2 weeks in the Orlando market? Between all the driving I do with my work and private life I have been unable to find any new LTE towers coming on-line. I'm not sure if progress has hit a snag or Sprint is just waiting to "fire up" several towers all at once. On the other hand, I have been checking numerous tower locations throughout the market and have not seen any progress at those specific sites.


    I gotta say, other than the site far on West Colonial getting LTE, it does seem like progress has slowed significantly. Don't know if it's a backhaul thing or like you said they're trying to flip multiple towers at a time (perhaps to keep any single tower from being overloaded)?

  6. Anyone know if tower



    is backhaul complete? There are times I get great service, and times it is super terrible. Pings go as low as 94ms to as high as 400ish.


    ETA: The timings of when things are good/bad seem to be random, as there are both day and night times where I see wild swings of performance.

  7. Feel that way about Winter Garden :P

    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


    Well at this point I'd love to have Ocoee be where Winter Garden is. At least parts of it have LTE. I don't count the quarter mile of colonial that is getting it from the tower past the Turnpike. :-)


    Sent from my Galaxy S3




    Not really. My city was on a list back in September. 2 sites in January and 1 this month. It is just a press release and does not have any impact on the rollout nor can it predict if it jumps ahead of schedule or delayed.




    Sent from my little Note2


    Here's hoping, and thanks for the clarification :-)


    Sent from my Galaxy S3




    Didn't you guys already know this? ;) a quick scan of sensorly is much easier than reading this list.


    Sent from my little Note2


    I think it's more that an announced timeline, however loose, gives hope that we will see the light of LTE across most of Orlando soonish.


    Sent from my Galaxy S3



  10. Great, "within the coming months!" Now lets all go grab $250 S4s and spend half our contract on Sprint's unlimited 2G network until the rollout is complete in Orlando.


    Some news is better than none. Finally good to see progress though.


    I think everyone wishes the LTE rollout was further along than it is, but I'll take any victory I can get. I won't switch to VZW or AT&T for LTE and lose unlimited data, and TMO has some spotty coverage in my area.

  11. You're so right. Didn't even think about the S3 to be honest. ..I'm always in the note 2 forums and forget which one I'm in sometimes thinking everyone is on the note 2. Gf has the S3, I'll have to bring hers with me next time and see if there is a difference.

    Yea I wish I knew how adjust the lte settings (scan times, signal strength etc.) like I used to do on the S2 wimax. Never bothered to learn since there was no lte.. lol! Guess I'll have to learn now.


    Swyped from my Samsung Galaxy Note™ II via Tapatalk 2.


    I totally agree, I often forget anyone has a phone other than the one I have. I also used to tweak my WiMax settings to take advantage of the extremely limited coverage I used to have, but I do wish there was a "check for LTE" shortcut or something so that I didn't have to toggle Airplane Mode or occasionally reboot just to get a signal. Oh well, first world problems.

  12. Does anyone know why Sprint is charging $249.99 for the S4 ?


    Probably so they can pay a little less subsidy. That is the general direction carriers want to go, and the S4 will likely be popular enough that they can get away with it.


    Sent from my Galaxy S3




    With Alcatel Lucent, it's kind of a mystery. What we do know is that at A/L full build sites, they install all the new hardware all at once, CDMA 1900/800 and LTE 1900. And there have been recent unverified reports that they have started installing LTE 800 equipment too.


    And the first 3-6 months they work on full build sites in a market, they install all the equipment, but only get the 3G side inspected and accepted. Then, after a certain point, they start going back to the sites accepted and start bringing up the LTE side.


    Why do they do it this way? I'm not certain. But I guess that it's to keep their LTE techs consistently busy in a market. Let your crews do the physical work and get far ahead, let the Sprint backhaul vendors get those sites hooked up and ready and then bring in a crew who can then just bounce around tower after tower unabated, now that a few dozen are complete and ready to go.


    But honestly, the exact details of what A/L does is a mystery. We know much more about what Samsung and Ericsson do.


    Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


    It's probably frustrating to go so long with only 3G progress but likely awesome when nearly the whole market lights up all at once.


    Sent from my Galaxy S3



  14. GMO sites largely finished up in the Vegas market back in Mid February. Only like 2 left. All the work done since then has been full build site conversions. Work has been steady, with approximately a dozen sites per week.


    But this is an AL market. So it will be 3G only for a few more months before LTE starts going live on the completed towers. Maybe a soon as next month, but could be as late as July.


    Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


    Thanks Robert! I'm just hoping that there is LTE around the Rio - gotta have my fast data for the Star Trek Convention :-D


    All the sites converted to date in the Delaware market have been GMO sites. Full build site work is just now getting under way. So it will still be awhile until LTE starts going live. If I were to guess, I'd say this summer.


    Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


    Out of curiosity, do you know if all of Las Vegas' work is GMO's at the moment? I'm going to be out there in August and it doesn't look like much has happened yet.


    Sent from my Galaxy S3



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