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Everything posted by lynyrd65

  1. That's what I hear but I don't know that I believe it. There are Clear 4G protection sites in areas sprint doesn't serve like Billings, Montana.
  2. Somehow, I knew they would get it. I really don't understand why WiMax areas should get LTE first. They already have a fast network, in my area we have super slow 3G most of the time. Sure we have 3 wimax protection sites but they run at low power and barely reach my window if I position my phone just right.
  3. Would be nice. I would really like to hear about some non-wimax areas getting LTE this year.
  4. The titanium is an iDen phone. The Motorola Admiral is CDMA PTT.
  5. I was with AT&T since they were called Southwestern Bell Wireless then switched to Sprint Christmas of 2010. It was too expensive for everyone in my family to have smartphones with AT&T.
  6. So, I've mused about something opposite to this. Will there ever come a time when you are your own carrier? If we can get some talent together I say yes. The 900mhz, 2400mhz and 5ghz ISM bands are free for the public to use and would be great for creating a coordinated and truely community-supported Nationwide Broadband network. The devices which make up this network would not be unlike traditional 802.11b/g/n devices but instead of building them with cheap antennae we would produce them to make use of the maximum gain allowed by the FCC. The devices would have two component networks, a private network which is given bandwidth priority (like wifi). It would be reserved for use by the businesses and homeowners who buy the device. The second component network would be a public network which all owners of these and other compliant devices could access freely. In order to provide a seamless and secure experience every base station device would have VPN server capabilites on board. When connecting to a public base station, the end device accessing that network can only gain internet access via VPN client connection to their home base station. To make these base stations smarter, I would like to implement multimode logic into the base station so that it will listen to other base stations and end devices' noise to coordinate with those other devices. As the devices coordinate they will determine which spectrum overlaps and which devices are at capacity. The base stations will use this information to reconfigure the network to be more efficient by offloading users onto other base stations, adjusting power, finally switching frequencies to accommodate range and load requirements. If the new spray on antenna material that Google endorsed really works on end devices as well as they say, we could be looking at coverage that goes toe to toe with private carriers and wins. My biggest issues from a big picture perspective are figuring out how much range we would really see and installation of base stations along unpopulated areas like highways. For estimating the range, I would assume a base station using 4 monopole antennas (for mimo) inside a home at maximum gain (+36dBm ?) and an end device with a (+20dbm) gain. For the highway issue I feel that the cost for local governments to install these stations would be minimal and could therefore be justified.
  7. lol, fail but good enough for me
  8. From what I understand, on their website, a Data Speed upgrade is the addition of a T1 line and a Data Capacity upgrade is the addition of another EVDO carrier so the network isn't starved for spectrum. I don't think any of it is network vision related unless you see 1500kbps+ all the time in a high traffic area (like the Jenks tower I was talking about in the OP). I definitely have noticed that these upgrades have helped. My phone rarely skips on Pandora anymore. LTE and network vision will be really nice when they arrive though.
  9. Eminence Symphony (I figured that last one was too hard)
  10. Nexus S CDMA MIUI 2.2.17 (Android 4.0.3)
  11. lynyrd65


    Until 800mhz CDMA is deployed it shouldn't matter, but Digiblur and WiWavelength would be the better people to ask. PM either of them on here or on Howard Forums and they should be able to hook you up
  12. lynyrd65


    I use the 11115 PRL to get EVDO roaming but I always restrict myself to 300mb. Do I need more? As long as my native EVDO is greater than 400kbps, no. If it gets bad again (it has gotten better) and my music streaming skips again then I think Sprint should allow users in this situation to roam more. edit: I use Roam Control to force roam when my native EVDO is unusable.
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