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Posts posted by danlodish345

  1. 3 hours ago, dro1984 said:

    I don't feel an apology is necessary.    It's your personal take on a given event (Events) many both from a technology standpoint and an Investment strategy...   

    Some of the past decisions by Sprint's upper leadership left the company holding the "bag of nothing".   The WiMax decision was huge!   WIthin a month or two after it was announced with huge fanfare, Sprint would use WiMax.   I remember other notables being Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile choosing LTE.   The LTE standard wasn't complete at the time, but quickly came to be..., but being the odd kid on the block, going it alone on a technology nobody wanted to share with them, was a huge blunder that hurt the company for many years and still hasn't completely recovered from.   Scale of economics.    

    The inability to police all of their partners at the time (Affiliates) and make sure the network was providing customers a good experience... The lack of them adding CDMA to all of the Nextel Towers.... On and on... yes, it would have taken money, but they ended up wasting millions of dollars regardless by not doing it.    Pay a little now.... or a LOT later!   

    That was yesterday.... Let's hope, and it sure does look like now, Sprint is on the right track and is taking their network very seriously!   It is truly a breadth of fresh air! 

    Yes thank you. I do feel that it's sprint can actually get their Network together they stand a very big chance at becoming a serious competitor to T-Mobile and the other carriers. They just need to expand their actual coverage footprint. But that obviously doesn't happen overnight that takes a long time. T-Mobile has done it very quickly but unlike Sprint they have money. So obviously this hold Sprint back but if they can turn their money problems around they can definitely become a serious competitor. I still wish though the market would stay four carriers. But also then as I saw in one of the other posts Sprint can't really go it alone because of their money problems. If they would have invested in LTE like the other carriers have done then they probably would not be in this situation today. But at the same time though if they can leverage better coverage within their footprint and actually increase their positive capex then they stand a very good chance at coming out of the so-called death spiral I have been seeing in the news articles. But nothing is for certain yet so I will be interested to see what happens.

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  2. 4 hours ago, bigsnake49 said:

    T-Mobile raised theirs already.

    well T-Mobile has been much much more consistent through action with network upgrades,expansion,and spectrum deployement and use. which as been proven by action. Sprint has made many empty promises that have either never been full filled or have been severly delayed. if they had been much better in terms of deployment and of course money then T Mobile Would be where sprint is Today.

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  3. 5 hours ago, bigsnake49 said:

    For me that's what makes T-mobile attractive. I don't think they will have to divest some spectrum. The resulting combo will have some great spectrum assets.  Now if I am the FCC and FTC, as a condition of the merger, I will force them to match or exceed Verizon's coverage. 

    very true i hope this merger results in a bigger company and more cash for a faster and more effective coverage roll out . and i hope they quit all these gimicks.

  4. On 8/23/2017 at 9:21 PM, nexgencpu said:

    Picked up a Moto Z2 at bb for an awesome deal 20/month for 24months with free projector, btw this is a new line deal only ($300 off vs $200 off for upgrades)


    So far it's a nice device, it isn't quite a replacement for my S8+.


    But more importantly, so far it's B41 radio performance is definitely better than my S8.


    I will continue to do more testing, taking a road trip from NYC to NC which will be a nice way of putting it through it's paces.


    But so far..


    Feels really light almost cheap compared to GS8


    AMOLED is really over saturated (I kinda like it)


    Fingerprint in the front is considerably better than the placement of GS8.


    Nearly stock Android is ultra smooth, definitely miss that on my GS8.


    Battery life seems promising even though not very large, but too early to tell.


    Camera seems decent but slow compared to GS8.


    Will update as the days go by with more info on radio performance..

    I get 8 hours of battery life out of mine. The Galaxy S8 doesn't compare to this phone in the battery department or reception Department.

    • Like 1
  5. 18 hours ago, bigsnake49 said:

    Just a note related to Hurricane Irma. T-Mobile has fared pretty well in my area. There was a brief interval of about 2-3 hours when the site battery back up failed but then it roared back up. The speeds have been excellent. Severely disappointed with AT&T which had a very bogged down network. I suspect that AT&T lost the site nearest to me during the storm although that site is both battery and generator protected. Both data and voice were iffy on AT&T. I have no idea how Sprint faired since I no longer have Project Fi. 

    http://www.droid-life.com/2017/09/13/lg-made-google-pixel-xl-2-hits-fcc/ neither one supports band 71... And neither does the iPhone!

  6. 2 hours ago, tybo31316 said:

    Sprint and T-Mobile are both having issues at my home and around town. It's definitely a tower by tower issue. My lights were out also 2 days also. AT&T performed really well. We survived off my AT&T iPhone and iPad. My AT&T fiber home internet is down though. My wife is pissed about her Sprint service because of the storm and wants to switch lol. I'm like it could have happened to any carrier. 

    During Hurricane Sandy up here in New Jersey where I live every carrier was down and Verizon had only a partial Network that was functioning. They're LTE was down but their CDMA was only half working.

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  7. 26 minutes ago, WiWavelength said:

    Other than the partner not marketing its own service directly to consumers, all of the above sound like standard operating procedures for VZW and LTEiRA partners.  VZW only contracts out or leases a minimum of Upper 700 MHz C block (band 13) spectrum to LTEiRA partners, while VZW retains de jure control over its spectrum licenses.

    Are you not familiar with the VZW LTE in Rural America program that has been in existence for most of this decade?


    I'm not too familiar with that program

  8. 2 hours ago, Arysyn said:


    Dan likely will respond sometime soon to address what he found. I personally don't like all this local partner business in wireless, regardless of the carrier. I'd prefer the national carriers owned the entirety of their networks, only to make contracts on their towers (ie., leasing towers from Crown Castle, etc., and roaming agreements between carriers). Also, there ought to be some regulation in place restricting national carriers from being able to cut coverage. If it turns out this is what Verizon is doing, regardless if there is some other local company/cooperative involved, then the other carriers ought to condemn this on principle of forcing out customers.

    I wonder what is going to happen now that contracts generally are not being offered and people have monthly payments in to the carriers for device installments. It isn't always the case they can take their Verizon devices over to T-Mobile, etc. I'm sure the other carriers in the area would love to add these customers on their network, but what about the costs involved forcing these people to switch, and will the other carriers necessarily cover all of that extra cost.

    Yes it is two separate issues. But Verizon is actually shrinking their coverage in Maine only in one County obviously as the article States but I do not see Verizon winning anyone over this way. In my opinion Verizon should actually hand over the licenses they have for that area. But I do agree though each carrier should have its own Nationwide Network and its entirety in owned by them only.

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