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Posts posted by danlodish345

  1. 28 minutes ago, jthawks said:

    The max I've used is about 15gigs. Just having to come up with 600 bucks to pay phone lease off an then give them the phone back doesn't sound appealing to me.  I'm glad your happy and like the coverage. Thanks for the info

    Also one other bit I would definitely go with Xfinity mobile you’ll get much better coverage than you would with Sprint. But then yet again I don’t know your area so if Verizon’s network works better go with them.

  2. 1 hour ago, jthawks said:

    The max I've used is about 15gigs. Just having to come up with 600 bucks to pay phone lease off an then give them the phone back doesn't sound appealing to me.  I'm glad your happy and like the coverage. Thanks for the info

    your welcome and i was able to port out my number from T-Mobile...even though i owed money on the phone i was able to instantly port my number to X Finity.

  3. 5 hours ago, jthawks said:

    Friend of mine just started using it and so far so good.  He was a Verizon customer too but needed to save money.  I have been thinking of jumping ship after 12 plus years with sprint to save on cost.  Plus the obvious is Verizon is the best and everywhere.  

    So I will love to hear from you guys on is it worth the switch,  should I stay with sprint and just give me your guy's opinions.  


    I jumped from T-Mobile to Xfinity mobile and I got a very good deal on the iPhone 7 Plus. But there is one downside after using 20 GB of data they will slow you down to 1.5 MB a second. But the coverage I get is absolutely fantastic.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 9 hours ago, Thomas L. said:

    Can you activate it on any Verizon phone?

    No you cannot activate just any phone yet. You can only use one of the phones that you buy from their website. They do not allow bring your own devices yet.

  5. 1 hour ago, BlueAngel said:

    No, perhaps I wasn't clear. I went to Louisiana and came back home to Philadelphia, PA and went to one of my normal bars that barely had service maybe a bar or two of 1x800, and since I came back it's now B26 inside. :P

    Louisiana does have B26 however, I was connected to it most of my time down there being out in the middle of nowhere. Only saw B41 at Baton Rouge airport unfortunately, never outside anywhere just B25/B26. I was impressed though, I was matching my brothers service on AT&T if not surpassing it in most areas, speed aside as we all know B26 is molasses but it worked well. :)

     Yes definitely I can definitely attest  to sprints improvements in the Philadelphia area. 

  6. 1 hour ago, BlueAngel said:

    Heh I come back from vacation and stop in the one bar I frequent here and there and what used to be 3G at best if you were lucky has B26 now, guess my complaints and many others made them fix their towers. Guessing they adjusted the Downtilt and or boosted the signal not quite sure. :D

    if you dont mind me asking where did you go on vacation? and i assume that the coverage is fixed there now?

  7. 27 minutes ago, bigsnake49 said:

    I think that the next step is LAA on the way to 5G. But remember it is shared spectrum but then it is 150Mhz wide. 


    What I don't understand is the business case for 5G. What are the business needs. Don't tell me ioT because a single 5MHz slice will satisfy most uses. The only use for me is possibly cable/fiber replacement for video. Her the that, what is it good for?

    Think you need spectrum that travels far enough and can penetrate buildings. And if you have spectrum that has very little penetration power into buildings that spectrum is pretty much useless unless you use it Outdoors.

  8. 6 hours ago, Steve Dean said:

    I am having issues with my 6S+ currently.  I did not update iOS until 11.0.1 was released over the weekend.  I will say the battery will go from 100% to 90% in 15 to 20 minutes regardless of how I am using the phone.  It does not happen when I am not using it.

    hmm apple really messed up this time....i am getting a iphone 7 Plus..i hope this doesnt happen to me....

    LG V30

    3 minutes ago, Dkoellerwx said:

    I don' take that many pictures or videos. The ones I do turn out well enough for me. Mostly sky or landscape photos. Taking a picture of the St. Louis Arch from the base with the wide angle lens turned out decent, a little distorted but well enough.

    Yes I do agree with you on that one. Even with decent light the standard lens does come a little bit noisy when you take a picture zoomed in. But when you have good light the wide-angle lens does an excellent job and I don't notice much distortment with the photo.

    LG V30

    2 minutes ago, Dkoellerwx said:

    The LG G6, hence the reason I replied to your post initially.

    Okay and what is your opinion on the cameras of the LG G6? I find the low light photography on to be acceptable. The zoom on it though is actually pretty good and having that extra lens to use on the camera module actually gives it much extra utility that I like. For me having a dual camera on a phone is a deal-breaker if it doesn't have it.

    LG V30

    2 minutes ago, Dkoellerwx said:

    Do you leave it at max brightness all the time? That would contribute to your issue. Auto brightness should work fine. 

    No I usually leave at like 30 or 40% brightness 99% of the time so that's not a big battery drain there. I tried to use power saving mode and it does help a little bit. I'm going to do a warranty exchange. and if you don't mind me asking what phone do you use at the moment?

    LG V30

    2 minutes ago, Dkoellerwx said:

    Then you have a bad app, or are doing something very wrong. Even on a heavy use day, I can get through the entire day without needing to plug in. If you are watching videos all day or have the screen on all day, then yeah the battery won't last all that long, but that will be a problem on any device smaller than a tablet. 

    I have performed Factory resets it didn't help too much but I'm switching to an iPhone 7 plus anyways. But I will admit though the LG G6 the cameras are pretty good and I can definitely say the screen is pretty good though despite the battery consumption even putting the phone up to Max brightness did make it overheat a little bit. But other than that though the phone was pretty decent.

    LG V30

    On 9/30/2017 at 8:31 PM, dkyeager said:

    My hope is the improved screen helps dramatically with that.

    also i am hoping that the V30 Has a more consistent CPU in terms of performance..my LG G6 had great cameras but i was very dissatisfied with the ability of the phone to keep cool...

    LG V30

    Just now, Dkoellerwx said:

    I haven't had any issues with battery life. Maybe it's an app you are using. I notice when I leave my radar app open, the constant GPS use sucks the battery pretty quickly. But in a normal day, I come home with >50% batter still remaining. I can typically go at least 36 hours between charges on moderate use. 

    i do some social networking and some video chatting..and i do use youtube to video stream but when i do that it is hooked up the charger..i can usually got about 6 hours before needing a total recharge.

  9. Just now, Dkoellerwx said:



    I think you misunderstood the point of the post. We're not talking about a new version of the app, rather the back end portion that allows sites to be displayed on Tapatalk. This site has not been accessible on Tapatalk since the upgrade by IPBoard. 

    yes your right sorry for the misunderstanding...

  10. Just now, Mr.Nuke said:

    Pardon me if I don't applaud them for finally building out a network in a metro area of 925,000 people.

    well they have to start somewhere....and to build out a network and keep expanding it and building it out they need to make it as big as possible to draw in the proper amount of cash to keep up the expansion... 

    • Like 1
  11. On 9/28/2017 at 9:59 AM, S4GRU said:

    But also many Canadians are urban.  A higher percentage than Americans. You could just blanket urban/suburban areas and roam in between.  And there are some regional players to align with, like Sasktel.  You don't necessarily have to cover every square kilometer of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia or Nunavut to make a play in the Canadian market.  T-Mobile made a play in the US stealing market share BEFORE they started expanding their network.  It is possible. But it is also difficult.  Your competition will make sure it is.

    T-Mobile now has the positive capex needed to expand and build out its own network and rely less on roaming...  but also if sprint was taken over by T-Mobile wouldnt they also acquire sprints of debt?

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