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Posts posted by danlodish345

  1. Yup, ether way the sprint customer is going to get a better network .. merger or not .. carry the same amount of capex into fiscal 19 should work wonders for sprint and might actual show native coverage expansion .
    Sprint has 4 years of T-mobile roaming and can close the gap in the 4 years it took tmo 5
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I'm still waiting to see whether spring falls through with the promise of expanding coverage. I've gotten to the point where I will only believe it when I see it. So when I start seeing full LTE service with Sprint at my parents place which gets pretty much Verizon roaming and only one bar of 1 x then I will believe Sprint.

    Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using Tapatalk

  2. Here comes the anti merger coalition..
    C spire is probably the only one who has legitimate concerns (and probably quite a few other regional carriers) about decreased competition leading to increased roaming rates.
    I really don't have anything else to say about this merger at this point. But I can definitely relate to c-spire though in terms of what's going to happen to Sprint CDMA. Other than that no further comments.

    Sent from my Moto Z3 Play using Tapatalk

  3. Also, don't forget that Sprint users consume more data than VZW users on cellular.  This will add some offset into the number of additional customers VZW has.
    From these two separate reports, 1 Sprint customer equals roughly 1.25~1.3 VZW customers. 
    I actually don't use Wi-Fi a whole lot I'm Verizon prepaid I've used over 40 gigs this month

    Sent from my BBE100-5 using Tapatalk

  4. It's still bogus. Why screw over the customers who have been with them for a long time. It's not fair. I mean okay new customers sure but customers that have been with them for years will leave them and go to other carriers. So it's not really going to be a proper thing to do for a long T-Mobile has already reversed it.

    It's for Metro Pcs and it's always been that way. Just didn't enforce it until now.  Dealers are losing money when people get there new phones and leave the store only to swap the device then sell it. 

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  5. I swap 10-15 times a year between 5 lines. That would mean an additional $300 just to do something Sprint customers do for free. Not just that, Sprint is launching eSim support now to make things even more straight forward. 
    https://www.androidpolice.com/2018/12/03/metro-by-t-mobile-now-charges-a-15-fee-every-time-you-swap-phones/. This is absolutely ridiculous

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

  6. I was unsure of which one to say so I said both just for the sake of saying it. therefore I'm not ignorant. So therefore the attitude is not warranted. But I still see two seats on the board and voting stock as minimal control. They obviously don't want to give up most of the control to T-Mobile. That was an issue for SoftBank in the past.

    Most of this garbled and incoherent. Softbank is not giving up much control. They get 2 seats on the board and voting stock. Had this deal just been about getting cash Softbank would have taken the deal before, when there was no seats and the stock was nonvoting. Mergers never save money in the short term, so it is always about longterm growth and overall profits. Political issues are completely nonsense, modern politics is about the short game. These are going to be freshman congressman.[FYI Congress is both the House and Senate so saying Senate or Congress makes you look ignorant] Congress has already held hearings on this. And we are at regulatory review. All Congress could really do at this point is sue to stop it, which without regulators on there side would be downright stupid.(Not saying it couldn't happen, just that it would be stupid.) Any request for divestment in spectrum is going to come from the FCC not Congress. And has almost certainly been discussed. I doubt any major divestitures will be required as much of the spectrum is the catalyst for the merger in the first place. It is quite apparent that many here simply do not understand the process of mergers or the government involvement in them. 

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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  7. On 11/28/2018 at 1:28 PM, ase500 said:

    I am not sure why anyone thinks this merger is going to lead to job losses in the short term that would intersect with political issues. In the short term mergers nearly always generate job gains as the companies integrate. This will be especially true in this case as there is physical equipment to be moved. Long term yes jobs will be lost but why would any politician care about the long term. In this case we are talking a network integration time of 3 years and at the same time network upgrades. Feet on the ground will be needed. Many of this pool of labor is the voter trump would be trying to influence. Upper and upper middle class isn't his wheelhouse.

    i see the whole merger as a few things...for one a cash cow for softbank ..because in the end it saves lots of cash...and puts some positive cash flow back into soft banks profits...and that this will also make softbank give up pretty much all control to tmobile... now i can definitely say with the new incoming either senate or congress... they will definitely make em divest spectrum.. and other infrasturcture... also i have a feeling there maybe a new MNVO that comes out of this...

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  8. I'm glad I'm not heard either. And to everybody else Happy Thanksgiving :-)

    Omg I lost it when I read the vampire slay part. Lol. Who knows maybe they will do something. Just glad it wasnt a explosion while he was holding it.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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