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Everything posted by ghostkilla1388

  1. Sorry for double post but I can't seem to edit my post on tapatalk, don't see the edit button. Anyway sorry for the bad spell correction in the first post. I have been using cdma only and still have the issue where it would drop data and voice then a few seconds later come back. Its not as frequent as the lte/cdma mode but still present. I'm puzzled now in what it could be. Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  2. I can't so far at least still say on CDMA only it still disconnects for a few seconds then reconnects. Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  3. No new rumors or news on kitkat update? Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  4. Zerlolemon has a battery case for the nexus 5, it has a 3500mah built in. I ordered mine for my LG g2 but the cases and battery size are about the same, I'll post up in the LG g2 forum on how it performs. Its only$40 for mine so it should be around that on Amazon, search zerolemon nexus 5 and it should come up. Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  5. I'll have to test it with lte disabled and see if it still drops. I'm wondering if it's a phone software issue or radio software issue kinda thing. Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  6. I kinda hope so, hoping by the end of the week. But who knows. Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  7. My Google Play Services are at 60% again, cleared cache last night. Its chewing through battery. Was going 18hr now barely 10hr with heavy usage and low signal. Also on waiting to see if the guy on the Sprint forum is correct about March 3rd being out kitkat day. So far seems like a no. Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  8. Yeah I need to change that haha, but yeah I rarely get lte that's why I'm guessing that, I can get a bar or two if I'm at work outside or if I'm at cherrydale or white horse rd I'll have lte and as far as I know I haven't seen it go out then come back like 3g dose. Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  9. Google play services is at 60% of my battery cleared cache Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  10. Well old note 2 as in my old phone before my g2. I'm kinda leaning towards tri-band or network some, sometimes I think the phone tries to connect to lte when there's a weak signal but enough to make the phone think it can switch but then says nope not a good signal and goes back to 3g. I'd be thrilled to see any kind of 800 but if I even get a. 0001% band 41 or 26 I'm gonna be happier than a Asian school girl lol. Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  11. If anyone is interested I might make a review on a case I just ordered, the zerolemon battery case. I know zerolemon from my note 2 and was happy, hope I'll be the same with this case. I'll keep everyone posted on it. Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  12. Yeah it's aggravating me more and more when I'll randomly drop all data and voice for a few seconds maybe 10 at the most and it will come back like nothing's wrong. So far tonight at work I'll drop everything for a few minutes and then it will come back. I don't know if this is my phone or the network, I don't remember my old note 2 doing this at all. Maybe it has something to do with me having a tri-band phone Idk. I just hope it improves by summer time. Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  13. I really liked the video too, my only curious thing is it never said anything about smaller towns and areas. Other than that it's a great video. P.s. also seen it on tapatalk Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  14. That's almost the season with me, sensorly shows lte very close to me but have yet to pick it up at home. At work I have to step outside since I work in a metal building and then it's only 1 or 2 bars. Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  15. I dropped data for about 30-45 ish minutes today in Berea, also had 1 to 3 bars. Normally I'll have almost full bars minus 1 or 2 at times and ok ish 3g. Hoping this means tower upgrades for my area. Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  16. That's weird only think I can think if is it updating and having to restart the phone. Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  17. Think you may have held the power button down? I have held it down before ( tight jeans plus towel) and it restarted. Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  18. Everything seems back to normal, have 3g and two bars no lte still. Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  19. Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  20. My g2 had a automatic prl update too 55018 and since then it's been roaming on Verizon, wonder when the tower will be fix and or upgraded. Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  21. My bands at 25 is 1 26 is 2 41 is 3 Only thing I can tell is I'm roaming, no data just getting voice. I'll ask my father in the morning if he is roaming( he's got boost with a s2) I don't think its a outage as much as the prl imo right now. Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  22. Well I'm roaming at home right now and don't know why? Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  23. Time will tell I guess, so far I haven't noticed anything. I had no signal for half a minute and then it popped up and said it had done a prl update and it actually did. Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  24. Just got a random prl update 55018 now, anyone heard anything about it? Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
  25. The zva update was a Monday so I'm kinda hoping it is on Monday but who know when Sprint is going to release it for us. Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network
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