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Everything posted by Marv1

  1. I posted this in another section a while back, and was hoping someone had any info so I'll post here. As for the Oceanside areas of 92056 and 92057, what's the hold up at site SD54XC172 loacted at this park? Here's the approval records http://www.ci.oceanside.ca.us/civica/filebank/blobdload.asp?BlobID=30644. I live a couple of miles from it, and I'm pretty sure if LTE was up and running here, it will pretty much cover the 92056-7 spots. Besides Camp Pendleton, these 2 zips are pretty much left out in Oceanside, while the rest of O'side has full to spotty LTE coverage.
  2. Finally! That 3G gap has been there for a long time. I was out in that area during my lunch and had LTE. I didnt think to map it. Voice was horrible! I had 3 dropped calls, and on top of that the person I was talking to for a brief 20 sec or so was saying my phone has too much static, and cutting out.
  3. Just ran a couple more, and noticed upload speeds are increasing.
  4. Back on in Encinitas. For some odd reason, I couldn't connect to the Via Molena tower or any other nearby tower for about half hr when LTE was on. When I did, I ran these 2 tests below when I connected. I ran a few more, and getting download speeds in the low to high 24's.
  5. I'm on EVDO Rev A. Been like this all morning.
  6. I've been pushing average download speeds in the mid 24s to low 25s in the office at work in Encinitas, being on the Via Molena tower. When I go outside, it's a whole different story getting download speeds averaging 16-18 Mbps.
  7. I seen this on the local news earlier this evening, where San Diego residents in Encanto saying hell no to Verizon placing cell towers in their neighborhood. Well the didn't say "hell no" but no! http://news.yahoo.com/video/encanto-residents-fight-plans-build-054024244.html
  8. jsage, thanks for that explanation when I posted those pics. Last Sunday, I happen to see this tower at a park when I was over by the back gate of Camp Pendleton (Douglas Dr/Vandergrift intersection. I seen the same thing with ATT being marked on it. On the Sprint map, it shows this site having a data speed upgrade. Before I purchased SignalCheck Pro (I purchased today) which I highly recommend, I had SignalCheck Lite and took these pics below. No more than 200 feet near it, there was an older site (pic 4). I didn't do a speed test at this site.
  9. I was stuck in traffic this afternoon on top of the 5/78 frwy overpass, and got this.
  10. Anyone else here besides me having issues connecting to Google Search, even when there is a network? Seems like it's a daily thing that happens off and on these past 2 1/2 weeks, and it's frustrating! From what I've been noticing it happens in certain locations that have both 3G and LTE. When I have other windows open to other sites, there isn't an issue browsing the net, and not getting the "Retry" message unlike Google.
  11. I have one question since ATT has been brought up. Does both ATT and Sprint share towers? The reason I'm asking is seeing site SD34XC708 from the 5/78 frwy split in Oceanside, and mapped that area last week. I pulled up to it, and noticed ATT marked. So this evening, I decided to go back and took these.
  12. Ran a couple of tests here at work, and this is what I'm getting.
  13. As for my S3, I haven't been having that slow to find issue. Mine always switches over automatically when in LTE spots. Does it a lot on the 5 switching back and forth in between the 5/76 split until I get off on Leucadia which is 3G until i hit Garden View, and back to LTE in the area I work at in Encinitas. If it doesn't change at work, I always update the PRL, and wham! LTE all day in the office. Since last Fri, been having terrible to no service at home in Oside (92057). The weekend was way worse. Called Sprint to see what was up, and rep said a nearby tower is down, tickets were submitted, techs are out working on it, and will be completed on 6/4. I went out a couple of times, and noticed networks kept switching back and forth like it couldnt make up it's mind going anywhere from no network, 1x, EVDO Rev A, and ePHRD both Sat and Sun.
  14. Does anyone know if there's any action going on in the New Smyrna Beach area? Have a sibling that resides there, and has gone through some rough times off and on with network/data over a long period of time with her Galaxy Epic 4G, and can't wait to upgrade to an S3 July 1. She's also aware of LTE being live in nearby Daytona, Deltona, and Sanford.
  15. There was also another on RidgewaySt/California St intersection across the street from a church. I got out and took pics, ran 2 speed tests standing underneath it. When I left, I drove up the street a couple hundred feet, and noticed antennas on a power line on opposite side of that same street.
  16. When I got off of Oside Blvd onto Couch St going up hill on Gardenview St/Ridgeway St, I seen these panels mounted on light post, which are commonly seen in some areas of Oside and Vista.
  17. I went on a joy ride while heading back home to Oceanside. Mapped up a ton of the inner areas on Couch St that also included, Fire Mountain, California St, Skylark Dr, Grandview St, Hunsaker St, Downs St, Dunstan, etc.......then beginning to end of Cassidy St (East to West) that ended at ocean, and from there mapped up and down Meyers St on the coast.
  18. Why is it I get faster speeds inside the building, and slower outside that has stalling? Stalls and pauses while running speed tests outside of the building.
  19. Good question. I'm wondering the same.
  20. I usually update PRL instead of restarting phone. Did that this morning when I pulled into parking lot at work here in Encinitas. Had 3G and when I updated PRL, LTE was on.
  21. Everything is still on in North County. Here's the speed I got at work this morning.
  22. I also recieved that Sprint notification at the crack of dawn about NV in your area. Seems like everything came on early evening today. On way to work early this morning passing through Carlsbad on the 5 heading south (Tamarack), I had Pandora on, then all of a sudden it shut completely off. Looked at my phone, and seen there was no network available. By the time I got close to La Costa, network came back on. I wonder how long LTE will be on in all of these areas, and what's going to happen next? As far as North County, and being a resident in North County, I hope LTE fill in those many empty spots soon in places that it's already running live in.
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