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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Apple's iPhone team is reportedly working on a battery powered by hype and anticipation. AJ
  2. Yes, that is part of my theory. Here is the thumbnail sketch. Sprint deeded the WiMAX buildout to Clearwire. Clearwire got in financial trouble and could not complete its buildout. Meanwhile, smartphone adoption/usage exploded. And the Sprint EV-DO network could not cope with the demand, much of which was expected to be offloaded to WiMAX. AJ
  3. Correct. At typical cellular frequencies, path loss is a function of both distance (inverse square law) and obstruction to line of sight. AJ
  4. Downlink 2x2 MIMO is mandatory for Category 3 UEs, and the iPhone 5 is Category 3. AJ
  5. When has Apple ever not referred to GSM 850? AJ
  6. If the iPhone 5 lacks the independent signal path hardware to support MIMO in SMR 800 MHz, then LTE 800 capability is never going to happen. No firmware update can fix that. AJ
  7. Any many of us were doing all of those things on wireless phones years before smartphones became de rigueur. AJ
  8. Cellcom is a VZW LTE in Rural America (cough, Trojan horse, cough) network partner. Cellcom is using VZW's Upper 700 MHz spectrum to deploy LTE. In turn, both Cellcom and VZW get reciprocal roaming agreements. AJ
  9. The world existed before smartphones, and in many ways, the wireless world would be better off without smartphones. I have been using wireless data primarily for productivity for 12 years. Data network congestion, spectrum crunch, etc., were never major issues until about five years ago when the iPhone gave every Joe Schmoe the idea that he deserves, even needs a smartphone to fill his vacant mind with mobile entertainment. So many of you who have smartphones do not need them, especially if you are going just going to use them as glorified streaming devices to suck up/down data everywhere you go. AJ
  10. Obstacles to roaming tend to be as much or more political as they are technical. VZW wants to rid its PRLs of as many Sprint SIDs as possible and has done so for years now. I will eat my shorts if VZW adds Sprint SMR 800 SIDs and ACQ indices to its PRLs. That would be a huge reversal of direction. AJ
  11. Easy answer with established precedent. Cricket does not offer the iPhone 4/4S in AWS only markets; Cricket will likely not offer the iPhone 5 either in those markets. It really is a "fustercluck," but Apple always seems to yank the carriers' chains, especially those carriers that are not among Apple's chosen few (read: any domestic carrier other than AT&T). Honestly, the wireless industry would have been better off if the iPhone had never existed. AJ
  12. "George is getting upset!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEyaxm26YBI AJ
  13. Ian, I will be traveling today, but feel free to get in touch if you have any questions while you work on the iPhone 5 FCC authorization write up. I am more than happy to consult. And thanks for taking on this article. AJ
  14. Correct. The customer is NOT always right. Some customers just are not worth the trouble. Let them go be another carrier's problem. AJ
  15. Even SVLTE is in doubt. AnandTech's Brian Klug and I discussed it on Twitter last night. AJ
  16. We will have to hold out hope that there is sufficient interest in these trivial iPhone devices that someone will do a teardown. AJ
  17. iPhone 5 A1428 and A1429 have physically different hardware (e.g. antennas, power amps, etc.). But there is some debate whether A1429 CDMA and A1429 GSM versions are physically different, since they support the same 3GPP bands and modes. The GSM ecosystem version may simply lock out some capabilities via firmware. AJ
  18. No apology necessary. My sense of humor tends to make reference to lots of obscure things. I know that you are a vegetarian (and respect that). It is just funny to think of your phone having menopause and you feeding a phone meat. AJ
  19. Phone years are like dog years: one human year equals roughly 40 phone years. That is why your phone is about ready to die after two years when you are eligible for an upgrade. Plus, Josh hates vegetables. So, he feeds his phone lots of hormone laden meat, and that causes his phone to mature faster. AJ
  20. ...although they are "hung" like Ken dolls. AJ
  21. That is a downside of loading alternative ROMs. Many strip out dialer codes and system utilities that the coders deem unnecessary. AJ
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