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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Really? A marketing strategy? Where were the SERO commercials? Did I miss them? Give me a freaking break. Sprint Employee Referral Offer. The name says it all. It was intended for friends and family of Sprint employees. But it became a causes célèbres on Howard Forums, etc., and attracted cheapskates who always want a deal -- by hook or by crook -- and those who feel that Sprint "owes" them because of some perceived slight. AJ
  2. You need your MSL. View mode will not tell you much other than the default settings. AJ
  3. I have never seen any correlation between SERO plans and underserved affiliate markets. That is a conflation, a rationalization that you make. No one "prevented" you from leaving. You chose to stay because of the SERO loophole and probably other discounts/credits that Sprint threw your way. Lest anyone think that I am picking on just digiblur or SERO, I would like for Sprint to dump all discounts (even my corporate discount). The cheats and loopholes in the system are just ridiculous. Sprint should offer everyone the lowest prices that it can bear, no further discounts. Then, reward longevity with perks. That is how business should be conducted. AJ
  4. Nope. This seems to be a commonly held myth that I have tried to dispel but have failed. Sure, I could be dead wrong, but I can find no reason that EVRC-NW requires CDMA1X Advanced. EVRC-NW operates at no higher data rate; it just uses more advanced data reduction techniques. So, EVRC-NW requires device and MSC compatibility. That is it. AJ
  5. I will stand up and applaud the day that Sprint terminates SERO plans or requires them to be converted to current subscriber plans. That Sprint seemingly looks the other way while some cheat the system through a loophole is one of the most distasteful things about Sprint. I hope that Sprint's improving position will soon give it the strength to tell the SERO crowd to get fully on board or go elsewhere. AJ
  6. HD Voice is largely/entirely a device issue, not a network issue. Have you applied any updates to your EVO LTE? Out of the box, the EVO LTE does not appear to support the EVRC-NW codec necessary for HD Voice. You can check for EVRC-NW by using the ##VOCODER# dialer code, selecting edit mode, and entering your MSL. AJ
  7. Any panel that covers AWS 2100+1700 MHz has been deployed within the past five years, as that was when AWS was originally licensed and started entering the market. AJ
  8. Well, it is about time, but a lot of good that does the past 10-15 years. I imagine they had to be regulated or shamed into the decision. AJ
  9. Neither AT&T nor T-Mobile blacklist stolen subscriber phones. But Sprint does because it still controls its own ESN database. So, we are back to a give and take situation. We agree with some of the choices that carriers make, disagree with others. There is no perfect situation. AJ
  10. Unfortunately, it is not always that simple. SIMs may work transparently for certain provisioned services, e.g. voice and SMS. But data often requires manual configuration to enter the correct APN. AJ
  11. With a SIM slot, someone can also steal your phone and use it at will. Not a big fan of that "capability." AJ
  12. Redskins in the playoffs? I would have said that Daniel Snyder must have died. But then I saw him on TV during the broadcast. AJ
  13. You correctly listed the SMR 800 MHz uplink/downlink pairings earlier in the thread. AJ
  14. How well do you know your 3GPP2 band classes? Do you want me to quiz you? Do you get my point? Now, you are starting to annoy me... AJ
  15. I have been at this a long time. This is the spectrum band nomenclature that I have decided upon and am consistent with... Lower 700 MHz Upper 700 MHz SMR 800 MHz Cellular 850 MHz PCS 1900 MHz AWS 2100+1700 MHz BRS/EBS 2600 MHz AJ
  16. No, not at all. To illustrate, CDMA1X 850 and CDMA1X 800 are two different band classes. The distinction is very important -- even if you do not personally think that distinction is very accurate. AJ
  17. Not really. Then, would you call it Cellular 900 MHz??? But that does not really make sense. Remember, a decade ago, Cellular 800 MHz was common nomenclature. It still is unfortunately prevalent in some sources. So, Cellular 850 MHz is a definite clarification. AJ
  18. Now, that is a good reply. It gets in a slight dig but in a clever way. Well played. AJ
  19. Nope. The lowly Chiefs, the worst team in the NFL, sent the Bountiful Saints to 0-3 this year. Now, let us get back on track. I apologize for priming the off topic comments in the first place. But I saw a reference to the Saints, and it did not bring out the best in me, as I have no love for the Saints, not today, not this season. So, no more football talk. Further off topic comments will be deleted AJ
  20. Hey, I guess some people cannot take a joke...like the Saints were this year. But Bountygate karma comes home to roost. AJ
  21. The info that you seek is Premier level. That is very clear. When the site in question goes live, then it will be announced at the Sponsor level. Begging for Premier level info in the open forums will not be tolerated. So, you need greater than 4 Mbps on your handset??? Just what do you plan on doing with greater than 4 Mbps? Violating Sprint's Ts and Cs? Ben, you want a solution, but you sound like part of the problem. AJ
  22. Today's game between the Panthers and the Saints was the Toilet Bowl. The only two teams that lost to the Chiefs. AJ
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