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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. The lowest 5 MHz (2000-2005 MHz) of Dish's AWS-4 uplink is subject to reduced power limits compared to the other 15 MHz of its uplink. AJ
  2. To be clear, Dish's S-band converted to AWS-4 spectrum has not been shifted up 5 MHz. The FCC considered that proposal but did not adopt it. AJ
  3. MetroPCS is like a slumlord with a couple of buildings in a few cities. Sprint is like a landlord with numerous properties across every major/minor city in the country. That you would suggest the two are even remotely comparable is, honestly, laughable. Fact: Sprint has far more work to do than MetroPCS does, and the Network Vision timeline reflects that much greater workload. AJ
  4. When Charlie Ergen comes to mind, do you think more "vinegar" or "honey"? AJ
  5. Hopefully, they recycled those CRTs, which contain dangerous vacuum tubes and heavy metals. But knowing the numbnuts out there, they probably just chucked them to the curb. Humanity is slowly but surely killing itself off. AJ
  6. In that case, the issue could be signal strength. Some of the Sprint Rural Alliance partners have better networks than others do. If site density is light, such that signal is frequently marginal, then signal may often drop below the threshold that triggers a rescan of the PRL. AJ
  7. Right, with rare exception, the N sector is the low numbered PN offset -- both for CDMA1X and EV-DO. AJ
  8. We know that handoffs between legacy Motorola and Network Vision Samsung in Chicago (and, presumably, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus) have been problematic. But legacy Nortel is the same intellectual property as Network Vision Ericsson. So long as they are not inter frequency hard handoffs, those soft handoffs should be fine, right? AJ
  9. Yes and no. Technically, it is not roaming. Sprint Rural Alliance coverage is tagged as native in the PRL. However, it is set at slightly lower priority than Sprint corporate coverage. So, no, your handset is not roaming. But, yes, it will still periodically search for Sprint corporate SIDs because they are set at higher priority. In short, unless your handset is on a SID set at the highest priority level in the PRL, your handset will always periodically search for a higher priority SID, roaming or not. And if I misconstrued any important details here, I am sure that digiblur will chime in to clarify. AJ
  10. Just curious, are you referring to inter frequency hard handoffs between CDMA1X 800 and CDMA1X 1900, service option hard handoffs between CDMA1X Advanced and CDMA1X, or both? AJ
  11. It does include roaming coverage. T-Mobile's native footprint is not nearly that broad. For whatever reason, the "GSM-S" (i.e. Sprint) map is limited to only native footprint, even excluding Sprint Rural Alliance partner coverage. AJ
  12. Is that before or after Sprint makes a substantial and long overdue donation to S4GRU? AJ
  13. I did say "practically guaranteed," as that leaves room for exceptions. But I would certainly not hold up Bill Gates as a shining example unless you think that all is fair in love, war, and business. Do you know what Bill Gates did to Gary Kildall? AJ
  14. Conceded, but "hero" is a bit strong. Did you catch the post about Dish being one of the worst places to work? I believe that an employer has a responsibility to his/her employees. It is not all about the "job creator's" megalomaniacal need to make money and dominate. As for Ergen, if a psychologist worked up a profile on him, chances are that he could be classified as a sociopath (as could many others of his type). AJ
  15. Wait, does the Hello Kitty hotline really exist? Or did the consummate joker just fall for the trap? Honestly, I almost randomly selected a Japanese icon that would be funny to associate with a male wireless nerd, hence Hello Kitty. Pokémon was another thought but would not have been nearly as laughable. AJ
  16. Folks, when you start a new thread, especially about day old news, please check to see if a thread already exists. It probably does. Thanks, the management...
  17. Indeed, that would eliminate the cost of your calls to the Hello Kitty hotline. AJ
  18. Sprint should take dead aim at VZW, which is more or less just bolting on LTE to its existing network. To quote a "Seinfeld" episode, "when you don't actually do the steps, you can do them pretty quick." And that, in a nutshell, is VZW's LTE deployment. Years ago, Sprint PCS had a great message about building "the first all-digital, all-PCS nationwide network from the ground up." Sprint needs to re-adopt that message. Let consumers know that Sprint is re-building its nationwide network "from the ground up," something that no other carrier is doing. AJ
  19. Well, stitch, just as someone can hope for heads but theoretically flip a coin and have it come up tails a dozen times in a row, I think that you were, unfortunately, just in many of the wrong places at the wrong times. Corporate Woods. Arrowhead Stadium. Livestrong Sporting Park. The Corporate Woods sites (atop the Doubletree Hotel and on a monopole near 103rd St), the Truman Sports Complex site, the Kansas Speedway site and The Legends site -- those sites are simply not live yet. But they are coming very soon. Now, as Robert more or less suggests, you gotta do what you gotta do. And in many ways, VZW is not a bad choice in KC because it is neck and neck with T-Mobile for fourth place among the big four in KC, so network congestion could be less of an issue. But following the VZW-SpectrumCo-Cox transaction, I cannot recommend that anyone do business with VZ or VZW. By jumping into bed with Big Cable, VZ has kowtowed to CAPEX averse Wall Street investors and abdicated its Telecommunications Act of 1996 responsibility/promise to compete in the wired broadband market. In short, VZ/VZW is an unethical asshat. However, I know that is a lot of research to do and information to digest for the average consumer. AJ
  20. Actually, we are all just infinitesimally small parts of a marble in a giant cosmic snail's bag... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzvpN7YjStU AJ
  21. Inertia is a powerful principle in both physics and wireless subscribership. Objects at rest tend to stay at rest. And that is true for many Sprint subs, too. I probably should port out from Sprint, as I strongly oppose unlimited data -- it is not sustainable and is rife with abuse. But inertia keeps me in the fold. I have a long history as a Sprint sub, Sprint is a local company, I advocate CDMA2000, and I detest the corporate ethics of VZ/VZW and AT&T. AJ
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