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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. I practically guarantee that the market of Sprint subs who would be willing to pay on the order of $649 for a Google Play edition handset is minuscule. Why in the world would they do that? They would then activate it or attach it to their existing plan, which includes device subsidy that they would not be using. AJ
  2. No one needs an official Nexus handset any longer when Google is releasing "Nexus-ized" ROMs for the Galaxy S4, HTC One, and presumably other popular devices in the future. AJ
  3. That is true. There are no "comedians" here. Wireless network nerds do not make good "comedians." AJ
  4. Mike, I noticed today that LG CDMA1X engineering and SignalCheck are oft out of sync by upwards of 10 dB. And empirically speaking, the LG CDMA1X RSSI is the one that looks accurate. See an example screenshot below: LTE RSRP, on the other hand, is perfectly in sync between the two apps. But something seems amiss with full LG compatibility. AJ
  5. Mike, have you had any luck adding in LG customization to your app? I recently picked up a brand new Optimus G for $250, just to try something different for a time. But I have been less impressed with the Optimus G than I thought I would be. Seemingly, the dialer is the only way to access the engineering screens -- they do not stick in the app tray, and shortcuts do not work. So, that means the CDMA1X engineering screen is inaccessible in call. For that, build quality, and LTE signal reasons, I am likely to swap back to my HTC One sooner rather than later. If you need an LG device for testing, I may be able to send you the Optimus G for a while. AJ
  6. Some of the live CDMA1X 800 sites were blocking calls and broadcasting lat/long that was way off. Others were fine, so I think that they may have been up just temporarily for testing. CDMA1X 800 lasted through the night and two thirds of the way to Topeka, as the propagation/reception was strong enough that I was able to hold a Lawrence site on CDMA1X 800 that far. But then the idle reselection moved me back up to CDMA1X 1900, and I have not had CDMA1X 800 again since then. AJ
  7. Not entirely. All of PrimeCo's markets were PCS A/B block 30 MHz licenses. The spectrum cap at the time would not allow an incumbent to hold a Cellular A/B block 25 MHz license and full PCS A/B block 30 MHz license in the same metro -- 45 MHz total was the limit. So, as part of the VZW formation merger, it had to sell or spin off those conflicting PrimeCo operations along with partitioned and disaggregated 20 MHz chunks of those PCS licenses. But VZW kept the original PCS call signs and 10 MHz for itself. AJ
  8. Everything Everywhere is a joint venture. That is very different from a spin off or an acquisition. Plus, it calls itself Everything Everywhere (and not T-Mobile) for a reason. For another relevant example, look at SoftBank Mobile. It does not still brand itself Vodafone KK. Nope, the name went back to the UK when Vodafone sold off its Japan operations to the new entrant. AJ
  9. You are still missing the point. If Deutsche Telekom were to pull out, then its brand would go back to Germany, too. It would not allow an operator over which it no longer had control to continue to use its name in perpetuity. AJ
  10. I cannot exactly explain it, but the Albuquerque BTA as a whole has no licensed BRS spectrum. However, Clearwire does have a few rather unusual site radius based BRS licenses for at least Bernalillo and Sandoval Counties, which include the entire Albuquerque metro. The odd part is that site radius based licenses are typically reserved for EBS, not BRS. Since Sandoval County basically surrounds Los Alamos County, though, my guess is that this is a measure to protect some sort of spectrum usage or RF measurement at Los Alamos National Laboratory. For a few examples, here are BRS licenses that Clearwire holds in the Albuquerque metro: http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/licenseMarketSum.jsp?licKey=2586126 http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/licenseMarketSum.jsp?licKey=2588905 http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/licenseMarketSum.jsp?licKey=2588951 This is one of the longstanding problems that I have with Anthony's automated map data gathering. I admire what he has been able to accomplish, and it provides a decent bird's eye view of spectrum holdings. But it has lots of holes and inaccuracies that can be filled and corrected only through manual research. AJ
  11. I am not sure quite what it is about the facade, but it clearly has the look of a repurposed former airport hotel. I am just sorry that no one laughed at my jokes about Stapleton last month. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2172-network-visionlte-colorado-market-denvercolo-springsgrand-jct/page-31&do=findComment&comment=175097 AJ
  12. Actually, if Joey has been left in charge, I imagine the happenings back at the house are a little more like this... AJ
  13. Okay, from a band plan perspective, here is what we are looking at for the TD-LTE carrier in Denver. It is located right at the low end of the contiguous 55.5 MHz of BRS spectrum that is counted as part of the spectrum screen. AJ
  14. Maybe in Germany. But Germans also love David Hasselhoff. AJ
  15. Yes. Then, meanwhile back at the Herron compound in New Mexico... AJ
  16. Nothing is wrong with a person being effeminate. But it is not a strong characteristic for a wireless operator. AJ
  17. Not a dream. You can count on it. Deutsche Telekom will exit the American market in the next few years, taking its T-Mobile brand along with it. The operator that was T-Mobile may remain under a different brand, or it may be acquired. AJ
  18. Robert, your EARFCN 40978 indicates a 2628.8 MHz center frequency, putting this TDD carrier in BRS blocks. As you move around among sites and sectors, keep a log of your EARFCNs. Let us see if it changes. AJ
  19. I guess I should have said that I am intimately familiar with Google Now. With the Motorola X, the question is will Google Now become intimately familiar, too intimately familiar with me? AJ
  20. In other words, it is always going to be recording your voice and ambient sounds. Hmm, this could be interesting data mining. AJ
  21. I rarely ask questions without doing my own research first; however, I will break habit here. I am familiar with Google Now, but what is the "always on Google Now feature"? AJ
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