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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Fornicating with either VZW or AT&T is pure sin. Those two greedy, anti consumer oligopolistic companies are the spawn of the devil. AJ
  2. Yes, because of BRS/EBS 2600 MHz propagation characteristics that can be problematic for small mobile devices but not for cars with external antennas, TD-LTE 2600 deployed along highly traveled corridors would keep the "connected car" off the rest of the macro network, thereby preserving capacity around those highly traveled corridors. The same could not be said for the other wireless operators' spectrum and bandwidth. AJ
  3. If patterns elsewhere hold true, at least one NID will probably be absorbed into another. And expect potentially a brand new NID number. That said, it is doubtful that the entire Los Angeles MTA can be put on a single NID. So, NID boundaries will still exist somewhere within SID 4145. AJ
  4. Your fiancé is probably thinking, "What the heck are you doing? Get that phone out of my face." AJ
  5. That has been my idea recently, but not just EBS, also BRS. Sprint should make a strong push to be the wireless provider of choice for the "connected car" that tech heads are talking about as one of the next big things. Unlike the other operators, Sprint with BRS/EBS 2600 MHz has ample bandwidth for cars and users that may be constantly downloading data. Plus, BRS/EBS path loss should not be a problem with external antennas on cars, and with the shorter wavelengths, those antennas can be made smaller and more discreet. AJ
  6. As I like to say, omission does not imply negation. AJ
  7. If Stephenson and Legere were in the hunting party, I would take the risk of some collateral damage. AJ
  8. No thanks. You folks in Florida have already done enough to further global warming and the release of hot air... AJ
  9. I read comments. Then, when ignorant people inevitably write ignorant comments, I get knowledgable, logical, and medieval on their asses. AJ
  10. If the tri band hardware is not included, it will never be re certified as such via a Class II Permissive Change. AJ
  11. The Galaxy S3, Galaxy Note 2, and Galaxy S4 all came through the same authorization lab as pre production samples, not production or engineering samples. We did not see any significant changes from their FCC OET filing dates to their release dates. Do not expect any different with the Galaxy Note 3. Plus, you have to understand that these FCC OET filings include an attestation statement. In fact, here is a direct quote from the Galaxy Note 3 filing's cover letter: "We, Samsung Electronics, hereby declare the samples evaluated in this application are equivalent to production samples." AJ
  12. You can tell him that he does not know what he is talking about. The SM-N900P model number is correct, and the authorization is not for engineering samples. As I was gathering data from the FCC OET filing again today, I noticed this: AJ
  13. Having a butt crack on his face also defies the laws of physics. AJ
  14. At least, that is better than getting this pop up... "Intruder alert! Intruder alert! FCC unauthorized LTE device detected." AJ
  15. Nonsense. That is a made up statistic if I have ever heard one. Substantiate it with solid evidence. AJ
  16. Again, that is pulling specs from the previously released version. We cannot yet vouch that the Sprint variant will share those same specs. Phone Arena is not a great source for 3GPP2 (CDMA2000) handset info. It is too focused on the 3GPP (GSM ecosystem) side. Note how the posted comparison does not even include the appropriate CDMA2000 and LTE capabilities for Sprint. AJ
  17. First, no one has offered any proof that this Sprint variant Galaxy Mega shares the same specs with any previously released Galaxy Mega variants. Thus, some of those assumptions may prove correct, but they are currently unsubstantiated. Second, if this 6.3 inch Galaxy Mega variant screen does retain 720x1280 pixel resolution, that is equal to or greater than that of most 7 inch tablets, including the likes of the original Nexus 7 and iPad mini. Those screens are not "terrible." And that makes your conclusion about being better off buying a tablet largely a non sequitur. If anything is "terrible," it is your hyperbole. Your profile states that you are here for "trolling." That is against S4GRU rules and will not be tolerated. So, if you just want to rattle some cages, take it elsewhere. AJ
  18. In rural areas, Sprint EV-DO and T-Mobile EDGE (or even GPRS) are not similar in speed. Sprint EV-DO typically runs 1+ Mbps. But that is largely irrelevant on the Sprint end anyway, since Sprint is upgrading both urban and rural areas to LTE. Meanwhile, T-Mobile is upgrading only urban areas that already have W-CDMA, hence already have advanced backhaul. The rural areas and small markets that lack W-CDMA will continue to rot for the next few years. dontsh00tmesanta, do not revive old threads just to troll for T-Mobile. Consider yourself warned. The next step is suspension or ban. AJ
  19. Maybe it is an unlimited data issue. If tiered data, you can use it however and on whatever device you please. But if unlimited, operators are wary of devices that are larger and more capable, hence likely to consumer more "unlimited" data. AJ
  20. Wow, that is going to be a challenge fitting all 16,000 signatures on the card. We need those scientists who inscribed the Bible on the head of a pin. AJ
  21. No. And that question has been addressed numerous times already in The Forums. AJ
  22. No, band 23 would be of no help because this proposal would take the current band 23 uplink segment and turn it into a downlink segment. And, as of yet, there is no H block band. AJ
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