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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Also, if you like liquor jokes and appreciate controversial Disney history, you will enjoy this SNL classic... http://screen.yahoo.com/tracy-morgan-snl-skits/uncle-jemimas-pure-mash-liquor-000000688.html AJ
  2. Now, that is what I call "indoor plumbing" in the wireless age... AJ
  3. Actually, I took care of the 10% ABV problem myself... AJ
  4. Wow, I think I remember Android 2.2 "Froyo" back when I was only 33. I was just a kid. Oh, those were the days... AJ
  5. I had to edit your post to fix the hyperlink, but yes, I definitely remember that tweet. Neal Gompa made it happen. Personally, I had no interest in engaging loudmouth Legere. Regardless, what does Legere's tweet tell us? AJ
  6. Read my words; do not replace them with your generalizations. "[A] shitload of simpletons streaming and downloading the shit out of everything" does not mean "everyone." But it means that enough people are overusing "unlimited" data to bog it down, mostly with trivial, leisure type purposes on their smartphones. I think that is sad. If you do not, well, I think that, too, is sad. Additionally, appreciate that Sprint is fighting for its economic survival. If I ran the zoo, I would cut off "unlimited" data in a heartbeat. But then millions of oblivious, ignorant malcontents would churn to the anti competitive, anti Net neutrality duopoly. And Sprint would probably be done. So, what the hell do you want to happen? You want your cake and eat it, too? What if you cannot have that...? AJ
  7. He is brewing, not distilling. If the latter, we will definitely up ante on the ABV... AJ
  8. The "T" in T-Mobile should stand for "tarnished." The problem is that T-Mobile's down in the dumps years were before every rube, his dog, his cousin, and his cousin's dog needlessly got smartphones. Now, we have a shitload of simpletons streaming and downloading the shit out of everything. Frankly, it pisses me off. Maybe Sprint should fail and take "unlimited" data down with it. That might be the best wake up call for the ignorant masses at this point. AJ
  9. Make it at least 10% ABV. I could use a stiff brew about now... AJ
  10. Actually, the sign should read this: ”Leaving City Limits, Entering GSM or 'Emergency Calls Only' Zone." AJ
  11. Have you not been a Sprint sub very long? Prior to LTE, did you never receive an SMS while on a call? AJ
  12. You should tweet that at Legere. He asks, "Wait for it to get better?" Well, John, you and your lackeys have kept smaller markets, rural areas, and highways waiting for a good six years. What line of BS are you going to use to respond to that? AJ
  13. I am not a CEO, but I would never use "OMG" in even a tweet. Legere is a clown, just pandering to his audience. AJ
  14. Yes, rebuilding is best grounded in SCIENCE and ENGINEERING... AJ
  15. I went back and read the transcripts from last month, and I did not see that I specifically mentioned the -85 dBm readout bug. I think I intended to include it in a follow up post that never happened. AJ
  16. Tsk, tsk, tsk. You should have bought the Nexus 5 from Google Play. AJ
  17. I noticed the static -85 dBm RSSI GSM issue. It is because almost no 3GPP only handsets support SVLTE. They are almost all single radio path. I could have sworn that I mentioned it when I brought up my other GSM/W-CDMA focused suggestions. But I guess not. AJ
  18. Well, let us just stick a prepaid VZW LTE SIM in a Nexus 5 and find out... AJ
  19. Sensorly may not have databased Sprint's CDMA1X 800 SIDs. AJ
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